Drabbles for Luka

Oct 26, 2010 20:36

Title: Changes & Farewell
Character(s): Ryan, Lester, brief mentions of others
Warnings: Non-Denial friendly character death! (Oops. *g*)
Rating: G - PG
Author's Notes: Written for Luka for her prompts 'Changes' and 'Farewell'. (Why use only one when you can use two? :D) The second was actually written first.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never mine, no profit.
Summary: Two drabbles.


When Lester left his wife, he was sure his life couldn't change any more drastically. He was suddenly second fiddle, only in his childrens' lives on (some, rare) weekends and (parts of) holidays. Then he got saddled with the incident (and accompanying civilians, damn them) that young Ms Brown was dealing with. Calling in the Special Forces wasn't new, but he'd never met this captain before. He was - almost surprisingly - competent, efficient, and very good at giving concise reports. And when he caught Lester staring, he winked at him. Lester knew then that even more changes were coming.


If James had known that morning that he would never see Ryan again, he... well, he's not sure what he would have done. He doesn't know if he'd have said 'farewell', or if he'd have tried to pretend it wasn't going to happen. Maybe he would have tried to change things. From the way Cutter and Temple talk, though, it wouldn't have worked (or maybe it would have worked too well). But all of this, all these thoughts spinning dizzily through his head, don't mean a thing. Because Cutter just came back through the anomaly, and Tom Ryan is dead.

fic:short, gift!fic

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