<@Hare> I really could do with a Helm of Confusion right now... heh man heheh * Catboi rolls on the floor laughing omghax ... Don't make me angry, or you shall feel the wrath of my icy organic breezeblock!! pwned! whoah ... You may only know me as Cammy - but on Tuesdays I am a really camp TV presenter! Pardon me! Fancy a nice steaming flask of rum with your Russian female body-builders? >.> * penfy disappears
I'm not touching Russian female body-builder steroids any more. Last time I drank that, I hopped around the room shouting 'In the name of Sephiroth (he's mine!!!!), I must challenge thee to a contest of stealth ... BAMF!' and whapped Cammy with a bucketcat. I quote: 0wnz3d * Shinji turns into a pen that once belonged to George Bush, Sr dude, sick. * sixteen-bit disappears ^_^ omghax ... Screw you, Shinji! In the groin! With an ornate lampshade!
Comments 5
man heheh
* Catboi rolls on the floor laughing
omghax ... Don't make me angry, or you shall feel the wrath of my icy organic breezeblock!!
whoah ... You may only know me as Cammy - but on Tuesdays I am a really camp TV presenter!
Pardon me! Fancy a nice steaming flask of rum with your Russian female body-builders?
* penfy disappears
as to birds: More likely sparrows, since starlings are a sortof sheeny green/brown.
I quote: 0wnz3d
* Shinji turns into a pen that once belonged to George Bush, Sr
dude, sick.
* sixteen-bit disappears
omghax ... Screw you, Shinji! In the groin! With an ornate lampshade!
For v0.5 y'should add some random chatter to pad things out a bit ;)
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