Tinkered with the sentence generator a bit. It's now an
IRC excerpt generator, complete with random "OMGHAX"... (the
original version is still there, too)
Didn't really get much done in the way of studying today. Too busy playing around with the generator ^^;
I did, however, stand in St. Enoch Square and watch some birds - either starlings or sparrows, I can't tell the difference: little brown things. Quite cute, especially a) the utter tameness when confronted with spilt crumbs and people walking about, and b) the way they dash about on foot at high speed. Pretty fast for such small birds.
I also decided to finally go to the barber's and get my hair cut. I'd have enough to gather into a very, very small ponytail if I hadn't asked Nate to hack it off a few days ago because it was annoying me. I still have far too much hair, however. Unfortunately, this being Tuesday and thus half-day, the barbers' had closed by the time I got there.
So I went to the library instead and read a bit of a rather interesting book:
Indra Sinha - The Cybergypsies. It's apparently a true account, written in 1999, and set in and around a mesh of BBSes, MUDs and other communities existing both online and via old-school dial-up. I think I'll try and get a hold of it - it's somewhat dated, but romantic in a sort of retro, underground way.