Title: Vala's Handcuff Panties Pairing: Daniel/Vala Rating: R/Mature Warnings: backside nudity Inspired by my Google search for the novelty underwear mentioned in the Daniel/Vala story Mardi Gras Mambo by spacegypsy1.
OMG! A wonderful manip *and* tutorial to go with it! This is fantastic! I love the work you've put in here and how you brought together all the elements of this image, I just want to continue staring! :D
I didn't go into detail about *ahem* enhancing the bulge in Daniel's underpants. There was "shrinkage" in the source pic due to the model being in cold water, so there was a lot of Smudge tool and Paintbrush action involved in higher-than-room-temp Daniel's reaction to Vala's exhibitionism. I also smudged down the abdominal muscles, because he's an archaeologist, not a weight training addict.
I get in two moods while manipping: obsessing over forcing everything to match my "vision", and resignation that lets me shrug & say "aw fuggit" when it doesn't, which can lead to happy accidents. This manip makes me laugh instad of cringe.
Fascinating explanation of the work involved in pulling this together. From the original story I was imagining a a g-string that fastened at each hip with the hand-cuffs but I suppose that in reality it would probably be more comfortable to actually wear with just one fastening point at the back.
Right?! I totally imagined the same underwear as you, and was frustrated when I couldn't find it online. I saw one panty that had true-size handcuffs looped on as decoration in the front, but didn't serve as a closures.
I suspect that Daniel didn't bother unclasping the tiny things anyway and just peeled off the entire panty to get to the goods. ;D
From the search I did for the panties with the side fasteners (found the original picture you used too)I suspect Daniel wouldn't have to be bothered removing anything...most of the g-strings I came across were crotchless anyway
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I didn't go into detail about *ahem* enhancing the bulge in Daniel's underpants. There was "shrinkage" in the source pic due to the model being in cold water, so there was a lot of Smudge tool and Paintbrush action involved in higher-than-room-temp Daniel's reaction to Vala's exhibitionism. I also smudged down the abdominal muscles, because he's an archaeologist, not a weight training addict.
I get in two moods while manipping: obsessing over forcing everything to match my "vision", and resignation that lets me shrug & say "aw fuggit" when it doesn't, which can lead to happy accidents. This manip makes me laugh instad of cringe.
I suspect that Daniel didn't bother unclasping the tiny things anyway and just peeled off the entire panty to get to the goods. ;D
The appropriateness of crotchless handcuff panties amuses me more than it should.
I've actually tried sexytimes while wearing crotchless panties, and found out why I rarely see them used in porn films: they still get in the way!
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