Title: Vala's Handcuff Panties Pairing: Daniel/Vala Rating: R/Mature Warnings: backside nudity Inspired by my Google search for the novelty underwear mentioned in the Daniel/Vala story Mardi Gras Mambo by spacegypsy1.
Fascinating explanation of the work involved in pulling this together. From the original story I was imagining a a g-string that fastened at each hip with the hand-cuffs but I suppose that in reality it would probably be more comfortable to actually wear with just one fastening point at the back.
Right?! I totally imagined the same underwear as you, and was frustrated when I couldn't find it online. I saw one panty that had true-size handcuffs looped on as decoration in the front, but didn't serve as a closures.
I suspect that Daniel didn't bother unclasping the tiny things anyway and just peeled off the entire panty to get to the goods. ;D
From the search I did for the panties with the side fasteners (found the original picture you used too)I suspect Daniel wouldn't have to be bothered removing anything...most of the g-strings I came across were crotchless anyway
I suspect that Daniel didn't bother unclasping the tiny things anyway and just peeled off the entire panty to get to the goods. ;D
The appropriateness of crotchless handcuff panties amuses me more than it should.
I've actually tried sexytimes while wearing crotchless panties, and found out why I rarely see them used in porn films: they still get in the way!
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