(no subject)

Aug 24, 2008 07:37

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- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closeddd

Character: Hanazawa Rui
Series: Hana Yori Dango (JDrama)
Character Age: 19

Canon: In the prestigious and exclusive Eitoku Gakuen, the students don't just have to be concerned about making good marks and impressing their teachers. There's also the Flower 4, or F4, to worry about. F4 are the undisputed leaders of the school, four boys from some of Japan's most powerful families. Students who cross F4 are given the 'red notice', a sign hung in their locker that marks them as a pariah, to be tormented and mocked until withdrawing from Eitoku becomes the only solution. Hana Yori Dango is the story of Makino Tsukushi, a commoner who refuses to back down under the pressure of the red notice and instead declares war on F4. Her defiance shocks and intrigues the boys, who take an interest in Makino and eventually befriend her.

Hanazawa Rui is the quietest, most mysterious member of F4. Not terribly interested in the antics perpetuated by their leader, Domyoji Tsukasa, Rui prefers to spend most of his free time reading in quiet stairwells or abandoned classrooms. More an observer than an actor, Rui doesn't miss much, but he doesn't often share his observations with his friends. Though he appears distant and cold, Rui cares deeply about his friends and will go to great (some would even say extreme) lengths to do what he believes is good for them. Whether it's brooding quietly in the background, punching Domyoji in the face until he sees sense or stalking keeping an eye on Makino, Rui is always trying to make sure things work out for the best. As the arguably sanest member of F4, Domyoji's best friend and Makino's closest confidant, sometimes this can be quite a job.

Domyoji and Makino are mentioned with permission from the players.

Sample post:

Tsukasa, I'm surprised. Usually when you tell people to go to hell it doesn't work. If you wanted help coming up with some other way to impress Makino, you could have just asked. Kidnapping really wasn't necessary. Your bodyguards don't need to be so fashion forward. Isn't it a bit hot for purple fur? I would have come to help you without the escort. Or the change of clothes. "Rui, I've ordered your new resort apparel to be delivered with it's monogram, C.F.U.D. That stands for Domyoji Understands Foolish Commoners, since I know you couldn't figure it out on your own." Well, he's right about that. He should have called and let us know he was up to another crazy scheme to win Makino's heart.

This haunted camp isn't going to impress Makino. She may be a tough weed, but that doesn't mean she should be wallowing through the mud. Even commoners have a sense of smell. Are flying puppies even frightening to anyone besides Tsukasa? Those birds eyeing me are a bit odd, but they look like they ought to be on cereal boxes. And zombies asking for brains? How boring and typical. Their costumes are very realistic, though. The body parts strewn around must have been made from real meat to squish like that. But the soup is really over the top. Look at this ingredients list. Weiner-snatch-el, Get-a-Head stock, Carrot Top and lady fingers? What a terrible blend of flavors. I thought Tsukasa had better taste than this, at least in his mouth. The whole thing is giving me a headache.

Even a haunted swamp must have someplace quiet to sit. I suppose I should be grateful that some of the toucans are on key, but Pachabel's Canon in D? Should not involve any literal artillery. I just need somewhere quiet to sit down and figure out how to fix this mess. Maybe that glow over there is a proper building, where I could sit down and...no, it's a glowing lake. But at least it's quiet. Fixing Tsukasa's latest mistake is going to take all my best efforts. I'll need to call in a clean-up crew, some set designers, one of the family chefs...

Oh, geez. A giant squid? This is ridiculous. Combining high school girls and tentacles is frightening, but not in the good way. If he thinks he can indecently expose customers to this monstrosity--oh. Its name is Marcy? Don't cry. Who would have thought a monster would be so sensitive. Take my handkerchief and dry your eyes. Eye. Maybe a blanket would have been more effective.

...no, why don't you just keep it. Consider it a token of your affliction.

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Character: Graham Spector
Series: Baccano!
Character Age: ~20

Canon: Baccano! follows members of the underworld of 1930's America as they meet, bond, fight, love, kill, and die... or occasionally become immortal. Happiness abounds, but there are no happy endings, because nothing really ends: everyone's stories are interconnected. And everything is a story to Graham Spector-and if the story you give him isn't what he wants, he's perfectly happy to make his own.

By appearances, Graham is a mechanic: he wears coveralls and carries a 3-foot crescent wrench. However, he only ever seems to take things apart, not fix them. His wrench also serves as his weapon, and he will quite happily hit people with it- including members of his own gang of deliquents-with little provocation. He'll easily form plans or start fights, and just as easily switch gears to abandon them entirely. At all times, when he's not yelling incoherently, hitting things with his head or his wrench (or his head with his wrench), he gives meandering, repetitive monologues, often making a bizarre leap of logic or an assertion about the nature of the world only to contradict or demean himself a few sentences later. His decisions, such as they are, are made based on what seems most fun at the time, and particularly on whether or not he'll get to break things.

Sample Post:

Ah, what kind of terribly, terribly sad story is this? The people who run this camp managed to catch me, Graham Spector, off guard, and so I decided nothing in this place would surprise me. That should make this fun, right? But instead it's tragic! There's just trees and plants here! There's nothing fun to destroy here at all. What is this world trying to do to me, putting me in a place like this? Is it trying to teach me to grow? To commune with nature? I don't want to grow; it's part of human life to be impatient, to exploit the world and enjoy everything. And the nature here seems to be growing more than enough for anyone, growing lots of... things, and a lot of them look confrontational, rather than communicative. That could make an interesting story in itself, but unfortunately I have no interest in taking apart plants. Or the other way around. Howev--

Oh, now that's surprising. I thought there was no one here, but it looks like I was wrong. But, oh? What's this? I don't really understand, but you don't look like normal people to me. Normal people can be boring too, but at least it's natural for people to say something interesting in a situation like this. Especially when they start getting that close, they'll start talking threats or love or something fun like that, not just groaning or moaning. Clearly you just can't feel the love. So! I'll just have to show you! Haa!

...Ah? But you were falling apart already. That's so sad! The first things worth breaking since I got here show up, and they're already broken in an ugly way. Ah, what should I do? It's like opening a box with a present you're excited about, only to discover that it's shattered in pieces. So incredibly sad!

Aha, but there are buildings over there! Okay okay! Let's switch from this sad story to an adventurous one. Those buildings have got to have something important in them, some safe or file cabinet or radio or truck. So all I have to do is get to that, and remove it, destroy it, dismantle it until every one of the pieces are separate. And then I'll have information, and I'm sure there are people there who want that, so then I'll have a bargaining chip. And if there are people there who don't want me to do that, I'll just smash them! And it'll make a much happier story for me!

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Character: Bianchi aka Poison Scorpion Bianchi
Series: Reborn
Character age: 18

Canon: Poison Scorpion Bianchi is a freelance hitman whose weapon of choice is her Poison Cooking (she's incapable of cooking anything that isn't toxic). She's also a psychotic ex-girlfriend who thinks that Tsuna, Katekyo Hitman Reborn's main character, is the one thing keeping her and her one true love apart. Love is her religion, and the infant hitman Reborn is the center of her universe and her destined soulmate.

Bianchi's idea of a good time is having a women's night out at a ramen stall to chat about her love life, cooking up a new recipe to try out on her family or friends, or sunbathing on Tsuna's front lawn (complete with tropical beverages and a plastic chaise lounge). All it takes her is one touch to turn normal food into poison cooking, and she's forever coming up with new recipes. Though it doesn't usually show, she was raised in Italy as a lady, and she comes off as nonchalant until you realize she's saying something outrageous and ridiculous.

Deep down inside… Bianchi is still a bitch. But she does go out of her way occasionally to show that she cares. She balances her personality between living solely for Love and killing people for her own personal gain. Bianchi gets her thrills by kicking and laughing at you when you're down, and if she doesn't care about you she'll have no problems killing you. She truly loves and cherishes few things, and even those aren't protected from her poisonous skills. As a young girl she used her brother, Gokudera Hayato, to test out and improve her recipes. Although Bianchi seems ignorant as to why, Hayato can't look at her face without getting violently ill, a leftover involuntary reaction from when she used to cook for him. She makes it worse by caring for him when he 'falls ill'.

Sample Post:

Well… I don't know where I am, but I think I'm having one of the best mornings of my life. If only my true love were here, the experience would be complete! I'm standing in a murky wood and cavemen-like primates keep jumping out at me every few minutes, like a lethal amusement park. It's a clever idea.

I was rudely awakened this morning to moans and getting drooled on by what I was assuming were horny boys dressed for summer camp. Luckily, I always have some extra food on-hand for emergencies, hee… Hitting the shoulder joints was inspired, even though it sent limbs flying everywhere. I've had some more visitors since the first few, and this little clearing is starting to get cluttered between all the stray arms and legs crawling away and flopping around. It's still thrilling, even though I've completely ruined this shirt.

They're definitely not human… maybe a new kind of monkey? I kept one creature around after the last two jumped me. I've heard pets make good company, and who knows how long it'll take to get back to the right continent. It's already been at least a half an hour and I've been having so much fun I haven't even moved. I am slightly annoyed, because the flora around here don't look like any of the poisonous plants I was scavenging for yesterday in Japan.

My new petthing reminds me of baby Hayato, same color hair and chubby cheeks! Being honest, the color from her hair could only be a product of the ginger powder smoke bomb I set off earlier combined with mud and... something that smells like frog spleen.

Aw, she keeps trying to gnaw on my hair. I should punish her for breathing in my face when she stinks like carcass and old blood, but I'm too generous… I'll give in and throw some cookies into her mouth. The poor thing must be starving.

Oh! Ooh... ah, she just collapsed twitching. An allergic reaction? Looks like the convulsions are settling into slow shuddering, which is a good sign, I'm pretty sure. Oh, she's so brave, look at her go, the little fighter! She just crawled three feet away, through excruciating cramps and pain just to avoid throwing up a few ears and fingers in front of me! She's a very polite pet. I definitely made a good choice when I chose her. Maybe she'll be smart and I can teach her commands, like Fetch or Attack.

If I capture another, I can take a set home and breed for more, hehehe. I think I'll go find her a soul mate, once I've cooked up some more supplies. Until I find my way back to my lover, I will have to settle for finding my new companion her own true love.

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Character: Tokitoh Minoru
Series: Wild Adapter
Character Age: Unknown, appears around 20

Canon: You wouldn't really expect a manga published in a bi-monthly yaoi magazine to be full of blood, gore, yakuza, and drugs, but that's exactly what Wild Adapter is. Initially following the adventures of one Kubota Makoto, the upstart leader of the Izumo Yakuza youth group, everything starts to change when he stumbles upon a mysterious drug-known only as WA-that turns addicts into animals before exploding their organs. This is also shortly before the day that Kubota picks up a stray cat with a strange, animal hand, eerily reminiscent of the bodies of WA victims.

The "stray cat" in question is Tokitoh Minoru. Without any memories of anything before he met Kubota, Tokitoh is every bit a curious stray kitten. He's quick to hiss and lash out if you rub him the wrong way, cocky and confident when he's in his element, cheerfully curious against what some might call better judgment, and more than a little rough and vulgar around the edges. Yet throughout it all, Tokitoh remains grateful to Kubota for taking him in, but at times still struggles with trying to learn more about the world around him.

Sample Post:

Geeze! Talk about a hassle This's the last time I do anything for that stupid unlicensed doctor freak or Kubo-chan. Those morons, sayin' this would expand my horizons and all. Once I get outta this mess I'm gonna kick his ass to the horizon. This Tokitoh-sama is above stupid delivery jobs! If no one shows up I'm gonna just drop this dumb package right into the lake. Delivery complete or not, that'll teach the dumb quack to turn me into his errand boy. Now just where was that lake again . . . ?

Aww fuck, this sucks! I can't ditch on the stupid job if I can't find my way out! I guess since I've already got lost so much here, I might's well get the dumb thing done. I guess it's not really that surprising that they've got an Americatown in Yokohama, there's the Chinatown after all. But the directions were still kinda strange. I didn't know Americans were all that secretive, hidin' themselves way off in the back of the closet.

Plus you call this Americatown? It's just a giant swamp! Where's the cowboys? Screw cowboys, where's the anyone?! I've got a delivery to make, yanno! Geeze! It's bad enough I got sent off on some wild goose chase to some freaky Americatown with stinky swamp water-now there's no one here to pick it up except for the creepy zombie people an-ah! Hey, wait! C'mon, I didn't mean you looked like a zombie, you just look like you're kinda dead on your feet an-hey, get back here!

Shit, it's been hard enough to find anyone living here, I'm willing to settle for half-living or whatever the hell you are. Look, I'm just here to give some Marcy girl this package so just help me out and I'll pay you back, I swear. I'll do anything you want just-h-hey hold on a second! I said I'd do anything but I'm not gonna play dress up just for information, you stupid pervert! Screw your help! I don't care if you know where I've gotta go, I'm not crossdressing just for some stupid job and-hey fuck you! Cat ears ain't fine either!

All right just forget this shit! I'm not about to join your stupid kitty cat club or lollipop guild or whatever! I'll just haveta find someone else to tell me where this dumb Marcy chick is so I can deliver the-wh-what the fuck?! What the hell do you mean she's in the lake?! What kind of chick lives in a lake and orders birth control from some unlicensed Chinatown quack? You know what, scratch that. This delivery's over. I don't even want to know.

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Character: Himemiya Anthy
Series: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Character Age: Passes as a classmate of a fifteen year old, even if she is probably immortal and really really old.

Canon: In a world of spinning roses, random shadow plays, and cars going 100 mph without a driver and no one dying (unless you count the little death or overuse of coffin symbolism), Himemiya Anthy is the enigmatically smiling witch at its very center. As the Rose Bride, she goes to whoever is currently winning the duels, passively accepting her fate with a calm smile, whether they’re completely bugnuts and abusive, a handsome, charming prince who also happens to be a manipulative asshole, or a girl who wants to become a prince. Except if they’re abusive or otherwise make themselves thoroughly dislikeable, they may find Anthy slyly crushing their emotions at any opportunity in a way they can’t object to, or even trace back to her. Sometimes passive includes a lot of passive aggression.

For the most part, though, Anthy’s primary trait is to appear as whatever you want her to be. If you see her as an shy innocent schoolgirl, as Utena does, Anthy’s that. If you see her as a aloof, untouchable, voluptuous goddess, as her brother does [whenever they have sex] , she can be that too. If you want another child, she can be that too. If your tastes lean towards enigmatic schoolboys, Anthy can be that too! I presume it’s an illusion and she didn’t actually change sex, or that it wasn’t just a symbolic implication, but with considering there’s a canon body-switching curry, who knows?

Basically Anthy is the Stepford wife from hell. Before Utena, her only friend was the series mascot, a tiny, unfailingly hungry, purple monkey named ChuChu. Who wears a tie

Sample Post:

Is this the place you were born, ChuChu? After Utena-sama kindly granted me permission to take you here when you went into heat, I don’t want to end up in the wrong place. Although after that unfortunate incident you had with her bedspread she was very insistent on ou coming here to get yourself taken care of. But this place is very alive, far more so than Ohtori. I’ve never seen trees so enthusiastically reaching for the sun as they do here. And the wildlife here is astounding. I’ve never seen a toucan dance performed like that before, with the suits and and the gunshots and the moles coming in halfway through. The acting was very nice.

Now, ChuChu, stop that! I know these roses are very edible looking, but those thorns are just too sharp for you to handle. And they just ate the moles that followed us from the toucan dance. But don’t worry ChuChu, I’m sure the roses will be able to digest them. Roses may look fragile, but they’re able to digest almost anything. Besides, blood makes an excellent fertilizer. Now, let’s see. This seems like a very good area for monkeys, so perhaps over here?

Ah, there they are! You go have fun with your - oh. He’s gone.

Oh well. Have fun, ChuChu~

While he’s entertaining himself, I should do something as well. Mr Shambling Man, would you like some ice for dinner? You’d prefer brains? Here allow me.

Oh. It looks like my ice wasn’t good enough. I’m sorry Mr. Shambling Man. I did my best to carve the ice into brains, but you just seem to have injured your teeth on them. I understand that there are excellent dentures nowadays, if you can’t fish them out. And I’m sure the calcium in teeth is very good for you. Much better than my brains, really. So please don’t-

Oh. I suppose it is rather difficult to gum your way through into someone’s skull. Please let go of me, you aren’t accomplishing anything. Unless you have a sword? But that wouldn’t really make any difference I’m afraid. No difference at all.

…A drill? That’s certainly new. Please excuse me, I think I hear my brother calling me.

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Character: Blair
Series: Soul Eater
Character Age: Appears teenaged

Canon: Shibusen is anything but a normal school. Founded by Shinigami-sama (Death), the school's purpose is to prevent the birth of Kishin, gods of mayhem. So in true shounen fashion, Soul Eater revolves around kids kicking loads of demon butt. As students of Shibusen, each student is either a Meister or a Weapon (Shape shifting human), with the same goal: to collect 99 evil souls and one soul of a witch. By doing so, Meister can turn their Weapons into higher forms called 'Death Scythes' to better fight the forces of evil!1!

Having collected 99 souls in the beginning of the series, Meister Maka thought she was going to achieve her dream of turning her weapon Soul Eater into a 'death scythe' by collecting their final soul; the soul of a certain 'witch' named Blair. Well, it's too bad because Maka got punk'd.

Blair, despite what her name would lead you to think, is not a witch, but she happily played along with them. She is actually a shape shifting cat with magical powers, and cats always like to do what they want, after all. Blair is a cheerful, happy-go-lucky cat, who is confident in her own magic and, as a human, of her ~sex appeal~. She is completely willing to GET NAKED, boobsquish, tease and act cute to get what she wants. In the rare times things don't go her way, she can be surly but will quickly change her mood when something new catches her attention. Blair may seem pretty selfish, and this is true. She is a cat after all, but if you think that Blair won't stand up for her friends, you might end up with a formidable opponent who is more than a little 'catty'.

Sample Post:

You know, I didn't like getting dropped out of the ceiling like that. It's lucky for you that I always land on my feet otherwise I would be much more upset.

Anyway, I came all the way here for the grand opening of a new lingerie store, Tits or GTFO, but I don't even see a store. Only a tree that grows underwear on it. The underwear wasn't even cute. Oh, I sees how it is now. I knew it had it to be a trick. Free cake and biscuits for the grand opening sounded too good to be true. I really wanted to eat cake, but it was a lie! Everyone's so stingy. Humph, I'm a little annoyed right now, but there's no choice since I came here already. I might as well do my cute act and see if I get any anything out of it.

Hey, hey, Mr. Underwear Tree. Do you think you could grow some other kinds? Like maybe something more lacy and cute. And tiny. I don't want that big. I'm not a grandma, you know! Hmmmm, I didn't bring any magazines to show you but... oh! I know. I could just to show you my underwear. That way Mr. Underwear Tree, you can get a clear idea of what I want, and it might give you some extra incentive to work harder. But Mr. Underwear Tree, since I'm helping so much, you'll forget the tiny dumb thing like my bill, right? Thank you~

Hey, not so fast, Zombies! I don't need any help taking off her? clothes. I can do that all by herself?. Hmmmmm, but if you want to be helpful, I'm really hungry, you know. And I don't think I would want to take my clothes off while I'm still hungry. It'll be too cold! But it doesn't seem like they have what I want to eat. I don't want to eat any cheese burgers. I want a tuna sandwich. Could you make me one, Zombie-kun? I'll give you a reward if you do. What's the reward? Hmmmmmm, Let's wait until Zombie-kun is finished and then I'll tell you. Okay, hurry up, Zombie-kun. Get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich~.

While you do that, I'm going to take a cat nap. ♥

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