(no subject)

Jun 20, 2006 21:50

This is the final round!

We're combining this with an important mod announcement. MOD HAT ON, and I have my MOD BAT with me, and I am using it as my MOD AIDE.

Psychology tells us the following about the human: A: it wants to have sex with its mother, B: it probably has ADD, C: it is a herd animal. C is our concern. This voting round, there was a lot of OOC discussion in the IRC channel regarding applications "on the edge," "almost in," or otherwise "close but no cigar." In particular, applications from popular canons or characters that were "wanted" in-camp were the topic of discussion.

Basically, the chat was filled with repetitive whining, wailing, and upset, and promotion of said applications. This rarely happens, but when it does, it generates a situation that is unfair to voters, applicants, and the applicant involved - and it makes players uncomfortable. Which Is Bad. Being sad about an application is fine! Being repetitively sad, for a long time, with lots of people in the main chan. . . hem.

There's a LOT of enthusiasm and energy level is high, which is totally fine. New campers are AWESOME and everyone should be excited! But use your head, guys. You know who you are, and this is a warning. Lobbying for an application outside the actual application post is against the rules. The application deserves to stand on its own, just like voters deserve to vote for a character without pressure, deliberate or not, from other players.

Also - remember, guys. Each application going up for vote deserves to be treated impartially, whether they are applying from a brand-new canon or a popular one - both have their extreme difficulties.

ALSO also, this isn't saying super big essays on why you voted in and why you voted out aren't allowed. THEY DEFINITELY ARE. That's constructive! And I will be the first in line to write "KAKASHI ♥" in huge-ass font if we get one.

Just bear in mind that lobbying isn't fair and isn't cool. YOU ARE ALL INTELLIGENT PEOPLE. Use your heads.

Also don't do drugs.


- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.

Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Aoyagi Ritsuka
Series: Loveless
Character Age: 12

Canon: Ritsuka is a cute twelve year old emo catboy whose life is made of tragedy and brooding. He suffers from memory loss and a change of personality; his crazy mother thinks that he is fake and abuses him constantly; and his beloved brother, Seimei, is believed to have been murdered by an organisation known as Seven Moons. So, yes, he definitely has the right to be angsty and anti-social. However, thing changes when he transfers schools and meets Soubi who is Seimei's "friend" and Fighter. Anyway, Ritsuka's main goal is to find out the real reason behind his brother's death. He is also learning how to become a good seme Sacrifice, which is a person who orders the Fighter and takes the damage in a fight, for Soubi.

Ritsuka gradually opens up in the series. He is smart and can be snarky and sarcastic occasionally. Even though he's more mature than some of the adults in the series, he is just a child. Yes, he may read Nietzsche in his spare time, but he also plays video games and likes to win in a Rock Paper Scissors competition. One of his hobbies is to "make memories" by taking photos.

Sample Post:

Look, if this is all supposed to be some kind of joke, I'm not laughing!

I never want to go to an American summer camp even if mother said that the real Ritsuka would love it! So, it's not right to tell the tutu-wearing gorilla to burgle my room, knock me out with a sparkling ukulele, and send me to America in a container with a herd of emu! Besides, I don't think that the real Ritsuka would like this place. Who would like a camp with weird plants that touch you and computers that can't stop saying stupid things? There's nothing funny about a limerick involving "emo battery recharger" and "pedo attracter".

And, this place is stupid. I mean, the zombies can't even say a single word properly. I guess it's ok for "brains" to sound like "spring" if you repeat that word too many times with a decaying tongue. But it's just plain weird for it to sound like "ping". I mean, what? Are the zombies being pinged by gerbils?

Also, what's the point of having a zombie summer camp when the zombies aren't even scary? They're underpaid and have long working hours? Well, it's their own fault for letting the director use them like this. So, put more effort in scaring people and learn how to pronounce "brains" accurately! It's dumb to keep on saying that you want brains, anyway. People, even if they're from some kind of charity, aren't going to stand around to let some disgusting idiots chew on their head.

And, for the last time, stop touching me! Look, Soubi, if you're the person inside the gorilla costume, it is not funny! And what's kind of costume is that anyway? It's stupid. Everyone know that gorilla aren't purple and llama aren't--

Is that pink llama bungee jumping?

...I think that the existence of this camp proves that Nietzsche is right and God really is dead.

Poll Vote!

Character Name: Huey Freeman
Series: The Boondocks
Character Age: 10

Canon: Huey Freeman is, in short, an angry ten year old black child. His grandfather moved him, along with his gangsta-wannabe brother Riley, from the urban ghetto and settled down for life in the suburbs, aka the boondocks. He and his brother get into daily antics involving the FBI, gangster rappers, and generally trying to cope with living in a neighborhood that isn't used to having such urban children around. He sees himself as a revolutionary with strong beliefs, constantly questions the motives behind politics, and can and will theorize about anything and anyone that he suspects in the least. Huey is a fan of Star Wars, the Lord of the Ring Trilogies, Kung-fu movies, and is skilled in martial arts.

Sample Post:

Now I know Granddad's always doubted my theories. Everyone has. The government isn't plotting to keep the black man down, Huey. The War on Terrorism isn't an elabarate ploy to cover for Bush's alleged spendings on Sony's Playstation 3, Huey. Snapple doesn't contain mind controlling agents along with copious amounts food coloring, Huey. Shows what the ignorant masses know. Sending me here has just strengthened my suspicions.

I have to admit though, you'd think this place came straight out of a George Lucas film. That is, you know. If it actually had good special effects. I had assumed there were other rebels of the cause contained here, but the first to approach me was a bandana weilding 'zombie' that attempted the lay the dozens on me with this line: "Yo' mama so braaaaainssss she eats braaaiins for braaains-fast. OH SNAP SON." Normally I'd simply ignore and walk away from such a lame display of trash talk, but it was then a gang of squirrels whizzed by in what seemed to be a pink Barbie Sportsmobile and proclaimed their side of the underwear bush had no room for chipmunks. I believe that was the first time I'd ever seen a drive-by choreographed by rodents. But I knew right then and there that this place was nothing more than a festering hole for nonsense and mayhem meant to numb my mind little by little, day by day. The government was trying to silence me for good, and the facilitator, this Director, seemed more than happy to comply.

Well, their little plan isn't going to go as they hoped. I will NOT be silenced by this. I will stand proudly on my soapbox outside this, what is this, a sentient hospital? In any case, I will stand firmly out here until the masses learn the TRUTH. Director? You've just met your match in Huey Freeman.

Poll Vote!

Name: Matt
Series: Death Note
Age: 16-19

Canon: Matt’s role in the manga is a varied one; smoking, doing surveillance work, playing video games… a true renaissance man if there ever was one. With little screen-time and even less back-story, all that’s really known about Matt is that he likes Japanese women, and has good working knowledge of technology. As far as his personality goes the boy appears to be loyal to his fellow orphan-house member Mello. He also has a tendency to speak informally and to not sweat the small (or large) stuff. All in all the boy would make a decent detective… if only he could keep on task during a stakeout.

Sample Post:

Hey M; not sure if you can hear this message, I’ve been getting fuzz ever since I arrived here and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better so I’m just going to hope this makes it through. First of all I’m either lost or the group I’m tailing had bad directions as I’m in the middle of someplace where the flora and fauna talk with a southern accent. Secondly just for your information there’s a wandering horde of the undead shambling about in a disorganized pattern, so it might be a little while before I get a hold of the targets.

On a third note; remember what I just said about the zombies? Yeah they kinda tore apart all the surveillance gear and equipment I had in the car so if you get here you might want to bring some more food… and bullets. Wait hold on- OH FUC-

Actually if you can just bring more weapons that’d be great.

So because your phone’s probably going to disconnect soon here’s the gist; in the middle of a place right out of a horror game, please send provisions and a swat team, and also I’m pretty sure this wasn’t in your plans; unless your big idea involved shooting kira through the eyes… if that’s the case then I’m golden.

Poll Vote!

Character: Sumeragi Subaru
Series: Tokyo Babylon
Character Age: 16.

Canon: While his X counterpart is angsty, broody, obsessed and depressed and too old to be a camper, Subaru in Tokyo Babylon is not only nine years younger but also happier, spazzier, and generally more flail-ish. He has a twin sister named Hokuto that he's very fond of, and an older friend, Seishirou, that's very fond of him. (Subaru's only crushing a little. As little as a sixteen-year-old gay boy can crush on a hot twenty-five-year-old man who wears suits and is incredibly hot.) Subaru is a spiritualist/onmyouji, and as such, works a lot with the spirits of the dead, doing a lot of exorcisms, mostly. No seriously, like every job he does is one. Tokyo Babylon is basically a chronicle of his various jobs. Exorcisms. Yeah, those.

Subaru is basically as cute as they come: he overworks himself, apologizes too much, and tends to blame himself for everything. He has very low self-esteem, which is really what Hokuto's been there for his whole life -- to balance that out. He's also very nervous and tends to spazz out over pretty small things, including (but not limited to!) offending other people, Seishirou molesting him, and Hokuto's teasing. He's also very, very, very formal.

Sample Post:

Ah -- has anyone seen Director-san? I was having a look around this camp, and it's a very nice camp and I think I will like it here very much. And I really appreciate bringing me here! I've never been to summer camp, much less America! And Louisiana seems like a very..... er.... exotic place!

But, um.... it seems like there's a... a very small problem.Er. Yes. There seems to be an infestation here of dead spirits that can't rest yet, and I thought I would go to the liberty of performing an exorcism for Director-san, but um, well...

It's a very long story, and I know it sounds stupid now, but I'm very very very sorry please don't be angry at me I'm sorry. But ah... in the middle of working, this... fell off one of the ...spirits? I'm really not sure what to call them, but I don't want to be rude... that I was attending to.

It's... well, er... yes. It's a head. I thought that Director-san might. Um. Want it back.

I'm very very sorry.

I mean... I'm sure that she probably had the problem under control, so I'm very sorry for interfering. I just thought maybe she might like the help, and um... the head's still groaning and making noises, so maybe she can reattach it? I'm sorry for being such a bother!

I was also hoping that maybe Hokuto-chan or Seishirou-san might be able to help, but it looks like they're not here... so um, maybe one of you could help me find Director-san? If not, maybe... um... you could help me figure out what to do with this thing? I still feel very bad for the person who lost it...

...er. The head's... um... mutating. And it's getting... er... goop... all over my hands. Hokuto-chan would be very upset with me if I ruined my clothes. Maybe we should reattach it before it melts or something?

Poll Vote!

Character: Kairi
Series: Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II
Character Age: 15
Canon and application are spoiler-free.

Canon: Kairi's story begins one day when she wakes up on Destiny Islands. (There's more to it than that, of course, a once-upon-a-time; but Kairi doesn't really remember much of it, and as far as she's concerned, Destiny Islands is the important part.) When it all goes to hell there, things look bad for Kairi, and she loses her heart -- literally -- but luckily, while being best friends with a hero like Sora tends to make you a flashing neon target for kidnappings, it also means you're going to get rescued in the end. Kairi has spent the last year waiting for her friends to come home.

In spite of everything that she's been through, Kairi is kind, cheerful, and extremely optimistic. She knows that bad things happen, but she has faith in her friends. (This faith sometimes causes her to do things that may not seem all that bright, such as trying to send a letter to someone on a different world by setting it adrift in the ocean, but, hey, even that worked out in the end.)

The moral of the story? Don't follow stray dogs into darkness, no matter how badly you want to see your boyfriend(s) friends again.

Sample Post:

Dear Mom,

Well, I don't know how long it'll take you to get this, but you'll be glad to know I'm okay! I know vanishing into thin air is a little bit worrisome, but I didn't have much choice -- one of those creepy guys tried to talk to me, you know, the kind you warned me about? He was trying to get me to follow him to his car or something, and I know I should've just kicked him in the shins and ran, but Mom, he said he knew where Sora was, and...

No, never mind. The important thing is that I didn't go with him. You see, there was this dog who showed up, with, um, this...portal of darkness, and...well, he seemed more trustworthy than that other guy. You know, like Lassie? ...Maybe I should talk about something else.

Um. You're probably wondering where I am, right? Okay. Well, I guess it's a summer camp of sorts. They have cabins, and a lake, and a forest -- it's kind of pretty, honestly! And the, well, the trees are...they're really...interesting! Yes. Interesting is a great word for it! Like, there's one tree...what's something harmless...there's one tree that grows umbrellas! Parasols and paper ones and all sorts of things! I know, it sounds kind of hard to believe, but...Wonderland was worse, from what I understand. You remember Wonderland, right, Mom? ...oh, that's right. You made me talk to the school counselor.

The good news is, I haven't seen any Heartless here so far! But...maybe even they figure it's a place they'd rather not be involved with. I mean, the name alone is kind of intimidating -- Camp F... ....CFUD. It stands for...Camp Fun Useful Daffodils. And, um, some of the camp counselors are supposed to be really nice! They look after us, you know? Protect us from dangerous things, like the food the wildlife the lake everything else?

...I'm sorry I won't be home for a while, Mom. But I've got to find my friends. It's my turn to do that, you see. And they're here, I'm sure of it -- Sora and Riku. I'm going to ask around for them as soon as I finish writing this, all right? I can't imagine they'll be hard to find, though -- Riku might keep to himself, but, well, trouble sticks to Sora like peanut butter sticks to carpet. (I'm sure he's still really, really sorry about that, by the way.) And wherever Sora is, I know Riku won't be far behind. At least, he'd better not be, because Sora promised he would bring Riku back, and if he's broken that promise, well...I'll make him sorry!

After I hug him until he can't breathe anymore, I mean.

So, try not to worry too much! I won't let anything here eat me!


Poll Vote!

Character: Marluxia
Character Series: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Character Age: less than nine years old 20?

Canon: Number XI of Organization XIII, Marluxia
managed to overcome discrimination over his flamboyant
fabulousness his low number by virtue of being both ambitious and
clever. He was appointed master of Castle Oblivion by the
Organization's Superior, given the memory witch to look after, and
allowed to 'test the strength' of the keyblade hero Sora.

But Marluxia was more ambitious than the Superior realized. He wanted
to overthrow the Organization because-- hmm-- well-- because the
almighty Nomura said so. He used Namine's power to manipulate Sora's
memory and was very nearly successful in turning him into a weapon to
be used against the Organization at Marluxia's whim... but he
underestimated the power of the heart, yadda yadda, and also trusted
the wrong backstabbing fiery deathpuppy, and in the end was killed by

In order to gain that much authority in the Organization, Marluxia had
to be charming and mild-mannered, cunning and opportunistic -- and he
managed to do all of that while finding as many chances as possible to
pose, sparkle, and be very pretty. In the manga he is virtually always
surrounded by a waterfall of dramatic shoujo rosepetals. His element
is "flower" and he sees nothing wrong with that.

(Larxene and Larxene's panties used with mun-permission~)

Sample Post:

Today has been a terrible day.

For one thing, the debacle at Castle Oblivion. Betrayed by someone to
whom I extended my most profound trust. My brilliant rebellion foiled,
all ambition laid low before some child playing knight in shining
armor. Also, was murdered. I don't even want to think about the sum of
all that has gone wrong today. If I do, I shall give myself an ulcer,
and I have long been of the belief that ulcers ultimately lead to poor

To further ruin my day, it appears now that I regained consciousness
once more with my thong riding far too high and in the
less-than-tender embrace of the native flora of this area. I feel like
such a bastard! Of course I got to my feet immediately and
apologized as much as I could, but I don't know if the poor shrubbery
will ever recover from the trauma. I didn't quite recognize the
species, oddly enough, but my coat now smells vaguely of liquor. I
wonder what those berries were made of?

At any rate, I have no idea where I am. I've never been to this place
before, nor do I recognize any landmarks. It is not in the vicinity of
Castle Oblivion, and it's clearly not Never Was. There's too much --
how to put it -- sunshine. Birdsong. Clear lack of misery and despair.
It's the kind of place that just makes a man want to hang gauzy
curtains from the bay windows.

Would any of you present mind informing me whether or not this is the
afterlife? I didn't think Nobodies qualified, and in any case, there
seems to be a distinct lack of fire and brimstone. I shall chalk it up
to another thing the poets got wrong... along with the importance of
hearts and the perfection of the female sex. Really,
would it kill Larxene to wear something a little more

...I'll come back and apologize to that bush again after I investigate
this strange new location a little more.

Poll Vote!
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