(no subject)

Jun 19, 2006 19:24

OKAY, sorry for not closing and getting a post up earlier this afternoon. I had a minor disagreement with the kitchen sink and it regurgitated all over the floor and I had to clean away the ROTTEN MOLDY TURKEY BROTH AND SEWAGE SMELL. My dogs - who are perfectly intelligent and didn't take the opportunity to roll around on the floor or anything - still need a bath. D:


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Character: Aburame Shino
Series: Naruto
(following the anime timeline, through the filler episodes)
Character Age: 12

Canon: (First, I would like to
apologize to Naruto manga fans, but I'm most familiar
about anime canon.)

Aburame Shino is considerably difficult to understand,
as he always seems to be in the wrong place at the
wrong time, limiting his time on-screen. There also
has not been a lot of background information on him.
Despite such impediment to his character, Shino is
portrayed as a very reserved boy with the ability to
control special 'Destruction Bugs,' given to him at
birth as part of his clan's tradition. In return for
using the bugs for a wide variety of techniques, he
allows them to inhabit his body and feed off his

Overall, Shino is a boy of few words. His habit of
always wearing sunglasses and a coat that frequently
covers half his face add to his mysterious demeanor.
The two people who understand him, at least to an
extent, would be his teammates Hyuuga Hinata and
Inuzuka Kiba. He is confident in his ability and
quick-witted when the time comes, thinking a couple
(or more) steps ahead of his enemy. Although many of
his skills haven't been presented, it is clear that he
is not someone to be taken lightly.

Sample Post:

Thus far, I have concluded that
this is either an extremely high-level illusion
technique or... reality. As I continue to gather
information from the insects in the immediate area
(and a reminder to myself to avoid the uncooperative
ones unless I have absolutely no choice), I am
beginning to hope this is merely an illusion. At
least I will be able to find a way to break it and
return to my mission, instead of wondering if such...
abnormalities will get any worse.


And it appears that they can.

Never challenge the power of 'worse.' That is the

My Destruction Bugs have yet to return with news
regarding Hinata and Kiba. Although their presence
would be greatly beneficial, I hope they avoided
getting pulled into this... place. If anyone has
information on my teammates (that is, if they are
here), please direct them to me, Aburame Shino. In
return, I will negotiate a suitable exchange.

Poll Vote!

Character: Kanda Yuu
Series: D.Gray-man
Character Age: 18

Canon: D.Gray Man is based on a world where an Evil Fat
Guy(tm) is trying to Destroy Humankind with his
minions. The obligatory group of heroes are the exorcists of the Dark
Religious Organization, special people who can use Innocence, a
strange substance from an ancient society. Foul mouthed and foul
tempered, Kanda Yuu is an exorcist. He's cold, proud and hates people
who he thinks is stupid or silly (which is most people)and is very
mission oriented. Kanda sees the world in a negative light, convinced
that sacrifices are necessary if someone or something is in the way of
his mission's completion. He has someone he needs to find and is
driven to stay alive until he finds that person. His Innocence takes
the form of a katana, by the name of Mugen, or Six Illusions

Sample Post:

. . .
This day can not get any worse.

Unbelievably, I'm not where my mission was supposed to be. I'm at a
swamp. In the middle of nowhere. Supervisor Komui actually had the
audacity to say he didn't know where I was before hanging up on
Naturally, my method of communication turns into a white,
silly-looking thing. That had better be why Komui's call was
disconnected, or I'm going to kill him when I get back. And of course,
said 'thing' wouldn't let me call anyone. How useless. And annoyingly
loud. They're all over the place here, and won't. shut. up. Especially
one that kept flying around my head.

I really didn't care what the hell it was, and just wanted it
to leave me alone; I didn't want to 'save', whatever that
meant. And if I gave it anything to keep, where would it hold it? Its
hands could barely touch each other! The creature called itself a
"Moogle." Hn. That sounded just as stupid as it looked. Why did I
respond to a something with a ball growing out of its head? Andasdkjh;
The stupid thing just dared to call me girl. I am very much
MALE. My hair and how long I keep it is my business, not theirs, and I
do NOT wear a skirt. It's a standard issue cloak, that is not
going to get any shorter to "show off my legs"! Hmph, how dare it even
suggest that! And there is no way I'm going to let something like
that, something that insults me, touch my hair, much less braid it
into a "pretty princess style" like it offered to. Che. My hair is off
limits to everyone and everything, including...'Moogles'.

The stupid thing's just as stubborn as some people I know. Thank god
it finally flew off. AUGH. It's just returned with a group of its
friends. Wonderful. Will it never leave me alone?
...If anyone can point me in the direction of where these
Moogle-things nest, I'd be extremely grateful. I hope you won't mind
if they were all killed, though if you did, it really makes no
difference to me. They took my sword. They stole Mugen!

Poll Vote!

Character: Panthera
Series: Chronicles of Wraeththu (specifically,
the third book, The Fulfilments of Fate and
Desire) (Wikipedia,
Constantine's Official Site
Character Age: 10-13 in Wraeththu years, 17-20
or so in human years

Canon: The first glimpse of Panthera in the Chronicles of
Wraeththu is when Cal, reduced by his own
stubbornness a variety of factors to prostitution,
hears an agonized scream in the darkness. He soon
learns Panthera, a seductive and deadly beauty who was
sold into slavery at his coming of age, was the source
of the "single, desperate wail." Cal helps Panthera
escape the whorehouse, and they travel together until
Cal's Destiny (yes, with a capital D) tears them
apart. The proud and angry son of a noble family,
Panthera is an artist, a wit, and capable of kicking a
good-sized Wraeththu's neck in without much visible
effort. Three years of rape have made Panthera
cynical, bitter, and uneasy about sexual contact, but
as he travels with (and falls for) Cal, his softer
side begins to emerge. Which, is, okay, still not so
soft. But his paintings are really quite lovely?

(Please note that the Wraeththu call themselves "Har."
And yes, in canon, Panthera really does tell a story
to get through one tribe's land.)

Sample Post:

I am not familiar with the customs of this place, but
perhaps a well-told tale will grant me passage through
this 'barrier'? I have many, but given your
rather...unusual choice in decor, I think one of the
older tales will do, something with blood and revenge.
Sadly, I know none with the walking

Once there was a young and beautiful Har who was
kidnapped by evil traders and sold into slavery.
Slavery was the misery you might expect, and we will
speak no more of it.

One day the young and beautiful Har, who had almost
forgotten he was Har, much less a noble, met a
drunken, half-mad prostitute. Against all odds and
logic they escaped, killing the hideous beast who had
first imprisoned the Har and auctioned his virginity
for a price. It was a beautiful series of
gunshots. His head made a marvelous crimson
explosion...but I digress.

As they ran to escape their pursuers, a glorious
transformation occurred; the Har, who did not think he
would ever smile again, learnt again the pleasures of
warm sun, cool rain, and good companionship, and the
prostitute remembered more of who he had been and who
he should become (though he still drank far too much
and spent far too much time moping).

But alas, the prostitute had a lost love, a strange,
powerful lord who exerted a tremendous pressure on his
heart and dubious sanity. They traveled to the west to
find the answers they so desperately sought, learning
much and falling deeply in love. In fact, the
prostitute-- I should say former prostitute-- smiled
at the Har one day and said, "I will search no more
for my lord, for the one I love most is standing in
front of me. And really, my lord was quite boring
anyway. And not half as pretty as you are."

And the Har and his rescuer rode back to the Har's
kingdom, where they had many sons and lived in peace
and happiness for the rest of their days.


...that did not come out exactly as I had intended.

But, at any rate, it should be more than enough of a
tale to grant me passage, yes?


...and...wait, sex and alcohol are banned here?

....I suppose I can stay here for a while, then.

...it's actually not so bad, is it? Rather...rustic.
There's a certain charm....

Poll Vote!

Character: Watanuki Kimihiro
Series: XXXHolic
Age: around 17

Canon: The main character, Watanuki Kimihiro, is a high school student who has the ability to see what other people can’t see. He has been suffering from it. One day, he happens to enter a shop. The owner, Yuko, can grant anything one wishes for if he/she can pay enough for it. Thus, Kihimiro began to work as a part-timer in consideration for being granted his wish.

He's the link between the normal world and the mystical world inside the shop: a human teenager cursed by the sight of weird spirits. Kimihiro has an explosive temper. His parents died on an accident in order to save him, so he must live all alone.

Sample Post:

…..Why me? Why does this stuff ALWAYS have to happen to ME?? What could I have POSSIBLY done in a past life to deserve THIS?? My guess is that I was some sort of BABY-RAPING PUPPY-KILLER!!!!!! That is the ONLY explanation for this….this…HELLHOLE I have found myself thrust into!

There I was minding my own business and simply doing what that crazy witch Yuuko told me to do when all of a sudden, WHAM! A simple spring cleaning spree turns into a involuntary vacation to crazy camp! WELCOME ABOARD SONNY! I knew, I just KNEW, something was up when she told me to make sure to clean that freaky ass mirror stashed in the corner! She’s ALWAYS doing this kind of crap to me!!

So me, being the gullible fool I am, think nothing of her request and CLEAN THE MIRROR. Of course little do I know it’s a portal into a Friday the 13th movie!

Nooooooo, it wasn’t bad enough that I see ghosts on a daily basis and am stalked by the monsters hiding under the bed, but now I am going to be spending a indeterminate amount of time getting to become best buddies with zombies and rape-happy gorillas!

I mean, sure, now I don't have to cook meals for anyone or be forced into ‘quality time’ with that oaf Doumeki, but it also means NO BELOVED HIMAWARI CHAN TO HELP ME THROUGH MY DAY!! It is truly a fate worse than death not to be able to see her gently smiling face and have her sunny smile warm my heart! Ooh Himawari-chan WHATEVER AM I TO DO WITHOUT YOUR HEALING SOUL?? Gyaah!

*sob* I just know Yuuko did this on purpose! It’s obvious that another one of her “clients” asked her a favor, and by her I mean ME. Luckily, the moment I got here I was smart enough to set up a surveillance sight (NOT a hiding place, Watanuki does NOT hide!) to watch everyone from. I've only ventured out so far to gather anything that could prove useful in helping me survive (so far I've collected a thing of tic-tacs and some rope).

I've noticed other “campers” around the area and can only pray that they retain some semblance of sanity……..otherwise…….well, I don't really want to think of the otherwise…..
Luckily it seems as though the Zombies really aren't so much EVIL as they are BRAIN-EATING….I mean…..there’s none of that evil black smoke surrounding them and one of them even offered me a bag to breathe into, which was appreciated………until I actually LOOKED in the bag………*faints*……………………………..........

Poll Vote!

Character: Soma Cruz
Series: Castlevania
Character Age: 19

Canon: (Contains spoilers) Once there was a exchange student named Soma Cruz living and
going to school in Japan in the year 2035. One day while going to a shrine to
watch a solor eclipse with his friend Mina, the two suddenly found themselves
in a castle, which was apparently located inside the eclipse. Soon after arriving,
the two were attacked by monsters, but were able to fend them off with help
from a man named AlucardGenya Arikado and Soma's newly discovered
power to absorb monster souls and use their powers. Because of this, Arikado
said Soma must go to the master's chambers if he and Mina wanted to leave. So,
not having much choice in the matter, Soma set off into the castle, battling
monsters, gaining new abilites, and meeting several...interesting characters.
However, upon reaching his goal, Soma learns that he's the reincarnation of the
Dark Lord Dracula and that it's his destiny to continue Dracula's war against
humanity. Not being all that thrilled with genocide as a hobby, Soma lets
Arikado point him toward a way to avoid his desity and live happily ever after.
Well, for a year anyway, unitl a crazy cultist named Celia Fortner tries to
kill Soma and replace him with someone more open to taking up where Dracula left
off. I'd go into more detail, but this is long enough as it is. Suffice to say
Soma manages to avoid death and worse and finally get that happy ending.

Personality: For the most part, Soma is a normal teenager. He's more of
the serious type, though not without a sense of humor. He's also very practical
and determined to avoid his "destiny" at all costs. Some people may find him
hard to approach, though Soma seems to make friends easily enough, and seems
rather attached to those friends he does have, especially his childhood friend/love
interest Mina Hakuba.

Sample Post:

It's funny. After all that's happened to me in the last year or so,
I thought it would be nice to come home and spend some time at a summer camp.
You know, do something normal for a change. Instead, I find my self once again
somewhere that's crawling with the undead and other assorted monsters.

Though I suppose it could be worse. I mean, they're only zombies. They go
down quickly and easily and it's not like I don't have dozens of ways to take
care of them. And it's not like I'll have to fight Death again.

Still, it's probably better to be prepared, which means I should look around
for any food, potions, rusty food tins, and weapons (besides this shotgun) that
might be useful. Having a map of the area would be good, though directions on
how to get out of here would be even better.

After all, now that I know what this place is like, I'm not going to be
staying any longer than I have to.

Poll Vote!

Character: Kazuki Makabe
Series: Soukyuu no Fafner
Age: 14

Canon: Soukyuu no Fafner stars children in giant robots fighting to save their hometown, which is under threat from sparkly golden aliens. WILL THEY SUCCEED? Well, duh. The children, of course, were raised not knowing anything about freaky aliens or Japan's nonexistence for the sake of making good memories and having mad peace skillz, yo.

Kazuki Makabe is a pilot. He's also a 14-year-old boy and releases tension through fights and arguments. Still, he's kind and considerate, occasionally awkward, and thinks he's not as nice as everyone thinks he is in his heart of hearts. He also partially blinded his best friend by accident when they were young. He couldn't speak to his friend, Soushi Minashiro, for a few years afterwards because he was absolutely positive Soushi hated him for running away from the scene.

In short, Kazuki, like the island he lives on, has skillz, but he doesn't entirely believe in his own worth. He believes in his skill; just not himself.

Sample Post:

I was doing work. I had some people building houses with me. It's always nice to work with other people. Ours was a silent camaraderie; one of them would need a wrench, I'd give them a wrench, and I'd get a toothy smile and a grunted "thank you." It felt good to be here, living in the moment as we were.

It is nice to be alone sometimes, too. Through the trees, I could see the warm glow of firelight. I could hear chanting, too. It sounded like a celebration. Something like that, anyway. I walked towards it. I could see a large bonfire in the center and naked gray bodies gnawing on slimy gray food. They were dancing and chanting. I could make out the chant, now.

"What do we want? Braaaaaaains! When do we want them? NOW!"

Every repetition was followed by a long, drawn-out burp. I felt sick. I had stumbled upon a group of cannibals, and I recognized some of them, too. Horrified, I walked up to one of those I knew as coworkers. I asked him why. How can people eat each other so easily? How could he...

I was asking him, before he bit my arm. The reality of being a non-cannibal among a group of cannibals hit me suddenly. What else is there to do besides run? I... can't give people back their brains.

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