(no subject)

Jan 10, 2010 14:26

LAST BATCH, app dates will be announced in a few!

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me why I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!


Character: Belle
Series: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
Character Age: appears to be in her late teens
Canon: In a world where magic has been dormant or largely forgotten about for at least a thousand years, there are some people for whom parts of their bodies are crystallized; because of this they can wield powerful, if specialized, magical abilities. These 'crystal bearers' are reviled and feared more than monsters. Our Hero, Layle, is a crystal bearer who gets sucked into a plot for the future of the kingdom when a member of the supposedly extinct Yuke tribe materializes on the airship Alexis II, sending it on a crash course.
Also onboard the airship that day is Belle, a young woman with a camera and an eye for causing trouble. Having taken some exclusive and controversial pictures, she finds herself wanted by the law and on the run, using Layle whenever she can to stay one step ahead of her pursuers. Extremely self-confident and fiercly independent, Belle does not take crap from anybody, their political or magical powers be damned. She has a reputation to keep up, after all-Belle's always hunting down the scent of money, be it treasure, your wallet, or her specialty: blackmail. Her sense of self-preservation has a blind spot when it comes to messing with powerful people with dangerous secrets. So long as she thinks she has a leg to stand on, Belle will try to try to take anybody for all their worth, no matter who they are.

* The conceit of the application would imply a certain amount of info godmoding going on. Safely assume that nothing of actual consequence is being discussed here.

Sample Post:

Dear Elizabeth Sayre,

I knew when that moogle delivered that ridiculous flyer for "E. Sayre's Camp For Underpriveleged Dropouts" that it had to be skeevy! Nothing legit comes advertised with that many sparkles (and let's be honest: who cares that much for underpriveleged dropouts?). Sure, you have lots of monsters-really creepy and scary monsters-but a girl like me has seen a lot of creeps in her time, and for the most part they don't come with tentacles. They like, hide in the shadows and watch you change clothes. I'll take your hydra or whatever it is swimming in your lake over that any day. If you thought that would put me off from digging deeper, you were way wrong! First I found those "Caves of Despair." You should, like, consider renaming them, by the way. With a name like that, I thought there would be awesome treasure inside, but all I found was a bunch of crap! What's a girl supposed to do with plastic beads and rusty swords? More like "Caves of Disappointment." I admit that you had some pretty clever traps in there, but what's the point in collapsible floors with spikes beneath them if they're not even protecting something good? But you know if it was just monsters and caves with deathtraps, I wouldn't be writing you.

I found those underground labs. Oh I'm sure you know which ones I'm talking about. I mean, wow. If I were you, I'd hide that stuff, too. Unfortunately for you, I came prepared and snapped some real juicy shots with my camera. Trust me, I know that a woman needs to maintain her reputation. If you don't want your secrets getting out, you're going to have to do business with me. You are a business woman, aren't you? Think of this as a simple business transaction and it will all be painless. I want ten million gil, up front and in cash. I'll be sending you another letter with the time and the place to meet. Oh, and come solo, would you? If I see any of your grody goons skulking around, I'm splitsville and so is your opportunity to make this all go away. So sorry I didn't really like your "Camp" but I at least got my money shot! That's all anybody really cares about, right?


The Chick In Your Labs, Stealing Your Secrets

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Character: Kageyama Shun (Kamen Rider PunchHopper)
Series: Kamen Rider Kabuto
Character Age: 20
Canon: Seven years after a meteorite destroyed Shibuya, alien lifeforms known as "Worms" have attacked the people of Tokyo, Japan. The organization ZECT, having created a Rider system, began to fight against these creatures with the hope to save the world. Included in their arsenal was the system Kamen Rider TheBee, a particularly tricky system that valued a user's faith and loyalty above all else. The latest user for the TheBee system was ZECT agent Kageyama Shun, a bright and forthcoming hero-in-the-works. However, after a series of failures stretched out during the first half of the series, the organization and the TheBee zecter system abandon Kageyama and the poor guy is left to his own devices. He "fell to hell" like the first user of TheBee, his former mentor. This other user, now his "Aniki," shows him what life really means: That they suck, they should forget about society's happy norms, and that they should embrace the darkness. It is then that his recently proclaimed brother gives him the Kamen Rider PunchHopper zecter.

Post-ZECT Kageyama is not a happy kid. He puts himself down at every turn and possible moment because his heart is truly darkened by its own existence. Unlike his brother KickHopper, Kageyama seems unable to help himself trying to seek the light even though he knows it is not meant for him. He still has some hope of one day finding his own purpose, but it's a hope that is crushed under foot nearly every waking moment by the constant reminders around him. If someone laughs, they are surely laughing at him. He'd deserve it, too. Because he really is that pathetic.

Sample Post:

Aniki was right when he said this was a good place for us to go. Tokyo is too bright, and we keep getting distracted by people who can still reach the light. Here, there are no Worms, so there is no need for justice. The likes of us aren't privileged to stray from that path of darkness like others do to play hero. It looks like Camp Fuck My Life really will be our last resting place on our journey to Hell. Others are saying that Hell is already here... When he mentioned that he had seen it before, was he talking about this camp? Having been away for so long, it's not unlikely he went to America. Perhaps that is what inspired our new style, too. I've heard about this 'Hot Topic' before. Maybe, being such a dark, despised vacation spot, this place will have one as well. Even if that means I would be lucky for once...

... It might not be so likely, after all.

It looks like even now, temptation is out to get me in the form of this glowing lake; it's hard to look away even from my spot in the shadows of these trees. I've heard there lives a person here, just as lonely, entrapped within her cold fate, like a potential sister of ours, but now I see that she has a real home - so green it makes me feel warm, as if I'm drawn towards it like a fly to the light. But even flies have a good life as long as it lasts, they simply follow their desires no matter the outcome. I can't do that anymore. Does that mean I wouldn't even make a worthy insect that can fly? Mm, of course it does. I was never able to maintain TheBee properly for that simple reason: I suck. But I accept this now, and that is why I am here.

I'm sure it must be nice, though, to have a place to call 'Home'... - but it's a feeling I can't have because it is bound to leave me behind, like everything else in my life has. What are you giving me that look for? Of course I've gone through a lot of things in my life. A total failure comes a long way until they finally accept that they were never meant to be successful. I've tried so hard, many times, but in the end, that doesn't even matter. So maybe this Marcy has been suffering, and is shackled by loneliness. She still has a place she belongs which is constantly shining for her. It's so bright... I wish I had a place like that, for myself and for Aniki.

You're mocking me, aren't you? Even if it's a bit hard to tell when half of your mouth is missing, that sounded like a laugh just now. I envy that... Being able to make fun of others. I would, but in the end there is nobody as badly off as the likes of us. What would I try to make fun of? Your lack of eyes, and how you keep stumbling because you can't see? Like I wouldn't be able to tell that it's only to shun a pitiful sight like myself. There's only one person who would ever look at me, anyway. There's no need for you to remind me. For now, I will continue to wander aimlessly until the abyss claims me as its own.

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Character: Glenda
Series: Petite Princess Yucie
Character Age: 17, but physically 10
Canon: If you didn't age a day since you turned 10, what would you do? Yucie and four other girls from different realms have struggled with this same problem for seven years now. But there is hope! The Eternal Tiara is the most powerful magical artifact, said to be able to grant any wish. Once every thousand years, a select few are able to try and win the title of Platinum Princess and receive the Tiara as their reward, and these five have been chosen. Together they study to be strong, intelligent, graceful, kind, and overall well-rounded princesses on their quest to learn the meaning of teamwork and friendship, save the world(s) and maybe make it past puberty!

Glenda is one of the candidates and a princess by birth, but that doesn't put her any closer to the ladylike stereotype... maybe because she's a demon princess. And with her Satanic father actually being a loving doof who tries to redecorate hell with kittens and candy and sunshine, she needs to be at her antagonistic best to preserve the reputation of demonkind. She claims she's going to use the Tiara to take over the world, and she hardly has a kind word or patience for anybody else. Still, she's more of an entitled brat than an evil genius, and underneath her abrasive exterior she cares deeply for her friends and her people. She's not all talk, either: for as often as she talks about her "fantastic magical powers," she will set you on fire with a snap of her fingers.

Sample Post: Listen up, peons! Do you know who I am? My name is Glenda, Princess of the Demon World, with elegant beauty and fantastic magical powers! And you guys are nothing but cheap knockoffs!

You think Hell itself is down and out just because my good-for-nothing father is in charge? You think "hey, I can make my own realm of terror! And I can decorate it however I want, and it can't be worse than that sissy Demon World, so let's just make trees out of underwear or whatever!" Is that it?! You're pathetic! Maybe you're right about hell being in the wrong hands, but it wasn't my idea to put all that stupid cute stuff in there! I'm the true representative of the demon race, the one who shall rule you all with an iron fist one day, and as soon as I've turned my Dad into ashes, I'll come here and turn you all into my slaves! Or maybe I should get a head-start... It's annoying just knowing you people are sitting here trying to sneak in on our territory, and just looking at this place makes me too angry to leave it alone...!

All right, then! I'm storming the camp in the name of the Demon World! Zombies? As far as monsters go, you ugly brainless idiots are the lowest of the low. I don't even have to work to make you losers fall apart! And amateurs like you aren't anywhere near fast enough to catch up to my fantastic broom-flying technique. Seeya, suckers! I'm off to find the leader of this outfit, and teach them a lesson they're never going to forget! Hmhmhm, with how pathetic-looking this place has been so far, it'll be a piece of cake to take it over. I'll beat the boss down into the ground so they never come back up, even if it's a big stupid griffin, or a dragon, or a giant kraken--

--It's a giant kraken! No way! Even for a kraken that's too huge! They never get that big at home. Unless... well, the only time I ever heard about a kraken that big and powerful was in legends, but even if that was the case, the great mage Sayre was supposed to have sealed it away with a magical barrier that's almost impossible to escape fro...


Okay, fools! Princess Glenda has decided to take mercy on you! It's not like I care about your stupid world, so you can do whatever you want with it as long as you don't come bother me. So anyway, my portal back to the Demon World isn't really working for some reason, so maybe you could--hey! Hey, you stupid zombies, come back here! Let me out of this plaaaaace!

Poll Vote!

Character: Saber
Series: Fate/stay night
Character Age: Appears 16-17

Canon: It's a centuries-old ritual: every few decades, seven magic-users called Magi gather in the otherwise ordinary Japanese city of Fuyuki and summon heroes of the past to aid them in a battle to the death. The prize is the Holy Grail, a magical artifact said to grant its holder their heart's desire. Many families of Magi desire the Grail, and have been preparing their heirs from an early age to someday participate in the war... and then there's ordinary high school student/idiot protagonist Emiya Shirou, who stumbles into the War without the slightest clue about what's going on. As he struggles to survive, he also manages to acquire a harem, have romantic comedy antics, and cook a lot of lovingly-described meals.

The hero he summons is Saber - at least, that's what she's calling herself these days. A knight and the ruler of an embattled kingdom, Saber is serious, distant, and reserved, tending to keep her emotions in check out of a belief that this is necessary for her to better focus on her goals. These goals, more or less without exception, involve her kingdom. She thinks little of her own needs - though she can be so stubborn about doing selfless things that aren't really for the best that it's almost selfish. She is chivalrous, having a strong sense of duty and honor, and is a formidable fighter. Saber's not all dignified, though - she has a soft spot for stuffed lion toys and is seriously scary if you get in between her and her food.

Also, she's apparently got a dragon in her soul. Sort of. Just... don't ask.

Sample Post:

Excuse me, I'm in need of some assistance. You see, I... found myself in the woods some distance from here, just now, and I am afraid I am completely unfamiliar with this area and can find no indication of where I am. Well, perhaps that isn't completely true; I did see a sign when I arrived proclaiming the name of this place to be, er, "Camp Fuck You I'm A Dragon", but surely that cannot be accurate.

Thus I decided to continue in the hopes of reaching some form of civilization. Along the way I encountered a reanimated corpse clad in black armor; it challenged me to a duel before it would allow me to pass. It seemed in no state to enter into combat, but it was... quite persistent. Besides that, it would be unbecoming of a knight to run from a challenge. I do believe in showing compassion for those weaker than oneself, but when one is attacked, the time for such things is over. Perhaps it is better to give them the dignity of a fair fight-

Ah, the outcome of the match? It did not last long; after a few minutes every single one of my opponent's limbs had fallen off. To continue to fight an enemy thus incapacitated would only be cruel humiliation, so I considered the battle won and continued past it. Curiously, despite its dismemberment it still seemed to want to fight - I believe it was trying to bleed on me.

The gorillas and crocodiles that swarmed me afterwards proved much hardier - one might say they were on a completely different level than my previous opponent. They fought surprisingly honorably, despite their bestial nature. I would not have expected animals to follow any rules of engagement, though I will confess that I found their constant shouting of "have at thee, then!" rather unnecessary.

Still, I managed to dispatch them without too much trouble. That is, I had gained the upper hand, and then a... certain item which was not by any means a cute lion toy! fell from my bag, and rather than laughing - not that they would have any reason to do so, of course - they immediately gave up their struggles and fled. I can't say I understand why, but I decided there was no need to pursue an enemy that had surrendered.

I do wonder, though, why they were yelling something about "getting in the car."

Poll Vote!

Character: Remilia Scarlet
Series: Touhou Project
Character Age: Around 500 years old; looks ten.
Canon: So you've found yourself in Gensokyo, a mystical place somewhere in the East sealed off from the rest of the world. In it, myth and magic outnumber any human by far, encompassing the likes of youkai, fairies, gods, and just about any kind of creature you could think of. You'd kind of expect such a place to be dangerous, right? But not quite-- it's actually fairly peaceful for the most part, save for the occasional incident that occurs. The Spellcard System that was introduced even gives everyone a nonlethal way to battle one another, which is essentially a bunch of shiny lasers and bullets being fired at one another in intricate and pretty patterns.

Remilia is, of course, an inhabitant of Gensokyo-- more notably, a vampire. Called the "Scarlet Devil" because of her tendency to spill blood while drinking, her immense power makes her widely feared. She tries to put up an image of being charming and elegant with refined tastes, but a lot of the time she's really just egotistical, selfish, and occasionally childish with a dash of boredom (which, at times, could and does lead to a bit of trouble). Even with all that considered, it's not entirely impossible to befriend her-- Remilia just isn't the kind of friend you'd want to have. She is the head mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion with many, many servants on hand, and tends to be very demanding with them, especially with her personal servant Sakuya.

Sample Post:

Alright, listen up! I didn't gather the lot of you for just my amusement-- I would have preferred my proper servants, but unfortunately, you were the closest things there were to willing candidates. A shame, it is, since most should be dying for this rare opportunity! Heh, though, I suppose the dying bit has been dealt with already. Well, here you are, and be glad you have any use at all. I have a lot lined up, so be prepared to do some work, and since we're starting from scratch here don't think for a second there's room to slack off.

Now, to begin with, staying outside in this mushy swamp simply won't do. You two, right there-- find me a suitable residence. And don't point out some miserable pile of wood, I expect the best provided around here. Give me something good, give me elegance, give me... Aah? What's this? Lost your foot, did you? Don't give me that pathetic look, can't you reattach that thing? I mentioned there was a lot of work ahead, so I can't be losing who I found like this. So get that back on and hop to your job! I expect you to follow through with your task and not keep me waiting very long.

... Hmph, and they're managing to do precisely that. I suppose if it lands me something nice, than it will be worth it. In the meantime, shall I break the rest of you in? After all, you'll have to be doing this for a while, so it's best that you're all accustomed to your new lifestyles, pronto. Mistakes are unacceptable! Over there, you! Let's put you to the test. My parasol, please. I can't stay in this dreadful sun for too long, you see, so I require an adequate amount of shade while I have to remain outdoors. But I don't suspect we'll have to wait for very long; wouldn't you say I picked out some good servants? Hardly like fairies at all, however... No matter! Meanwhile, now that you have the parasol, hold it up right there. Ahh, that's much better! You know what else this needs? Get me some tea, any of you, and prepare it in the blend I like best. Don't mess it up!

Oh! So, you're finally back. It took you long enough! A little more haste could have been used, but you did it and that's all that matters. Show me, show me, what did you find? ... This? All that time, and this is the best that could be found? When I said I wanted elegance, a cabin isn't what I had in mind! The size is far too small, how am I even supposed to fit anything in there?! Not to mention, the exterior is horrible! Nobody bothered to paint it-- you dare to think that I would ever wish to live in this pile of junk?

Hmph! At least somebody here can do something properly. Let me figure out what to do here, now leave and at least let me have my tea in peace. ... What is this? I wanted type B, not O!

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