(no subject)

Jan 09, 2010 23:50

One more batch after this, so keep on votin'! (AND PRETEND YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT FAIL)

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!
Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Kamui
Character Age: appears to be about 16 or 17 maybe
Canon: Princess Sakura's memory manifests as a pair of beautiful wings. When her memories are scattered across dimensions in the form of feathers, she and her childhood friend embark on an epic journey to retrieve them. Together with a grumpy ninja and a mage who won't use magic, the party of four travel across worlds. Each world (or "country") is unique. Some are very similar to the modern world, some are similar our world's historical time periods, and some are vastly different with soul animals or inhabitants who are giant talking rabbits. As they search for these feathers, they encounter a vast variety of characters from CLAMP's previous works. Everyone has a soul, and every variation of a person in alternate realities shares this same soul.

Kamui is the "soul twin" of Shirou Kamui (from X), but instead of being an emo human failing at saving the world, Kamui is a grumpy vampire with the ability to world-hop. Despite appearing to be cold and stoic, Kamui's actually rather hot-headed when provoked. Protective of those he's taken under his care, he's a respected leader and a powerful fighter, incredibly strong and fast, though his emotions can get the better of him. When in larger crowds, he's generally quiet and prone to few words, but when he's alone or with only a few others, Kamui has his occasional moments of monologue and exposition. Not exactly socialable, Kamui is the type that would leave abruptly and without warning when he gets bored.

Sample Post:

You seem confused. Can you even hear me without ears? . . . Ah. Detachable body parts are common in this country, I see. I don't know what you meant by "it's not our time of month," but time works differently between dimensions. I came from another world and we can't just plan when we arrive in a new place for your convenience. . . . Most are generally more surprised to hear that, unless their world is accustomed to travelers. I suppose, though, it's harder to tell surprise on a head missing a face.

-Though it seems a lack of features doesn't affect your ability to speak. How loud. Whether or not my speed is impossibly fast shouldn't matter to those who can't even keep their feet attached to their legs. Besides, why would you care if I'm "pale white and ice cold" or not? Your country is overcast and snowing, do you really expect anyone to be anything but pale and cold? . . . And I don't plan on letting you close enough to find out about the latter. You stink of the dead, of dead blood. I won't sully myself with that.

It seems you know what I am. I could rip your heart out and not think twice about it. Are you frightened of me now? . . . Bravery and stupidity really do go hand in hand. People like you, reckless and insolent . . . Your type annoys me the most. Fine. I'll answer one of your questions if you'll leave me alone. And ask your friends to be quiet. Since you know that I'm not human, you should also know I can hear them whispering. I have no intention of sparkling or being dazzling.

So you want me to tell you the story of my life? I hope you enjoy disappointment-I don't do interviews. I have no interest in explaining myself. I won't sign anything for you either, nor will I wear the pin your friends keep pushing on me. "Team Edward"? If I were to declare loyalty to anyone, I would need to know who he was first. And I'm not interested in whoever this Jacob is either.

Poll Vote!

Character: Necoco
Series: Love Neko
Character Age: Only a few months old, tops, but acts like an 18-year-old
Canon: Feeling lonely? Wistful? Horny? Then the 3D High-Tech Moe-Girl “Necoco” might just be for you! Yabuki Eiji, a desperate high school teacher, was completely sold on the catgirl product the instant he saw the picture of her sweet, longing face on the website-however, the real thing totally differed from his expectations. Necoco is stubborn, bratty, forceful, a borderline rapist-and, most importantly to Eiji, male. The yandere catboy insisted that he was good enough for Eiji, though, and tries his best to fulfill his role as the ultimate love machine... even when Eiji demands that Necoco put his pants back on.

Still, if one bothers to get past his bipolar tendencies and shit-eating grin, Necoco is a pretty decent guy, who makes a mean bento lunchbox and can take a punch like a pro. Even though he's a robot, he is capable of completely human emotions, to such a degree that he has emotional disorders. He's obsessive, socially inept, and totally earnest in his love for Eiji, even if all he knows about relationships comes from the three virginal anime nerds who programmed him. Eiji is all he really thinks about, and that comes across in how he acts and reacts to everything he encounters. His greatest fear is being returned as defective merchandise, since that would mean he'd either be assigned to someone else or disassembled completely. Still, to Necoco, the only way Eiji can truly accept him is to accept his dick in Eiji's ass-yes, the catboy tops-and is not above the use of crocodile tears, blackmail, pleading, or other unfair tactics to get his way.

Sample Post:

Eiji... do you hate me...?

When you bought me, I'd never felt that happy before... the moment I saw you, I was instantly in love with you! Your smile, your eyes, your warmth-you're exactly my type, and I know you must feel the same way. But now I'm l-lost in this b-big scary forest, and I d-don't know anyone, and I'm so scared! Eiji, come save me! I'm waiting here for you~!


...YOU ASSHOLE! Stranding me in the middle of the forest with a bunch of-whatever the hell these are! What's your problem?! If this is about me sucking you off under your desk that one time, I swear I didn't know there were students in the classroom. I mean, how was I supposed to know? They were so damn quiet, and you were making such cute noises, and! And I'm only human, okay? Or, well, not exactly, but-whatever! Get ready to bend over, because the second I find you again it's Doublestuff time, tail and all. Come and save me-no, not you, you weird toucan thing. What are you even trying to do? Just because I look like a cat doesn't mean that I'm going to eat you that way, pervert. The only cream I'm interested in getting, you don't offer, got it?

--Nyaaa, what-hey! Don't touch me there, you gorilla freak! I'm private property! So what if there are twelve of you, do I look like I care? Just 'cuz a guy's got cat ears and a tail doesn't make him easy, got it? I'm a one-man love machine. Don't expect me to go “iyan~” or any of that, okay? Because if you put your purple mitts on me again, you damn dirty ape, I swear that when you pull it back it'll be a bloody stump. Like hell I'm giving it up to you when I haven't even pounded Eiji yet!

...Heh. So that's how it is, is it? You're not gonna go down without a fight? Well, pucker up, ugly, so you can meet the curb with some cushion. I wanna give you what you want, and you clearly want your ass handed to you, so...

Leave it to me from now on! ♥

Poll Vote!

Name: Momotaros
Series: Kamen Rider Den-O
Age: Unknown
Canon: Monstrous Imagin are coming and the only thing between us and total time destruction is Ryoutarou, a kid with the world’s worst luck. Thankfully for us (and time) he has the help of a girl packing a secret as big as her powerful right hook, a time-traveling passenger train and some Imagin who aren't as interested in destroying the flow of time. When these Imagin climax inside our hero he gains their powers; including the ability to flirt successfully, dance and fight like a pro.

When it comes to a fighting, Momotaros is always the first one to think of... but not because he wants to be a hero. He could care less about saving the world or doing his job as an Imagin; he just wants to beat people up. Momotaros is brash, loud and not the sharpest crayon in the box. Deep down he does care about his friends, but his pride rarely allows him to show it. Mostly Momotaros is focused on proving he's the strongest, even when he can't keep track of the number of final attacks he's created. Not that he's bothered by details like that, after all he's so strong he's "always at a climax"!

Sample Entry:

I’m here! Prepare to be beaten you puny, undead--

Oi, where do you think you’re going? Hobble back over here right now. You should listen to someone when they’re making their introduction, it’s important! How else will you know who is beating you and why? This was going to be the kind of fight that you would want to be proud to live through… if I choose to let you live. Ahh! Guys who can’t pay attention really piss me off.

Listen up! I came all this way to beat you, and I will, but right now you’re too pathetic to even look at. You need to make yourselves more of a challenge before we fight; so just this once I will give you some advice. There are five basic things you have to remember, so put your ears back on and listen.

First! You have to give everything in a fight. I won’t accept a bunch of cowards who aren’t willing to risk their few remaining limbs to win. So stand up and show what you're made of... eww! Is that what all you guys look like inside? Never mind that! Let's go on to my second piece of advice: You have to have a strong battle cry. You didn't get to hear mine, but I'm at a climax from beginning to end! Great, isn't it? It instills fear in my enemies because it's absolutely true. Hey- Don't just steal mine! You have to come up with something different, something that fits you. There is no way you're climaxing right now! Ah, worry about coming up with something good after I beat you.

Third-- no, not brains. Don't be fooled by people who say you have to be smart to fight. You can't think too much, it will only slow you down. Now stop interrupting! Third! You can never back down or run away! I saw all of you trying to run from me earlier, if you can call that running. As soon as you run your enemy is just going to hit you in the back. Last! Don't let yourself be distracted. I don't care what is happening around you, fighting is the most important thing! Even if the building they built all the way over the glowing lake were to explode right now, you should be focused on your enemy. Which is me! There, that's all the help you get from me, now remember what I told you and prepare to taste my climax!

Gah, stupid zombies! I said it was five things, and I gave you five! One, two, three, five! Can’t you count?

Poll Vote!

Character: Gray Fullbuster
Series: Fairy Tail
Character Age: 18

Canon: Gray is a member of Fairy Tail, a guild for mages. He is an ice mage and uses alchemy to be able to create a variety of weapons made of ice. His parents were killed when he was still a child, and was found by a woman named Ur in a destroyed village. He was taken in by Ur, and she trained him to become an ice mage. He was trained in a very cold place when he was younger, and trained with another student of Ur's. During this training, they only wore their underwear, which reflects why he is always in his underwear (or wearing nothing at all) even up to the present.

Despite ice being cool, the mage who uses this particular element is... not. He acts like a tough guy all the time and has quite a short temper. He's proud of himself and in his abilities, and will make sure that he accomplishes what it is he needs to accomplish, otherwise he'd rather die. He thinks he's really cool, but what he is is that he is a big ball of awkward. He forgets to wear clothes all the time, or sometimes he just strips in public unknowingly (then he steals people's underwear). He makes the worst jokes ever and he has puns which make you want to punch him, that kind of stuff. Gray is definitely a winner among the many winners of Fairy Tail.

Sample Post:

All right! This request is going to be easy. Solve the murder at Camp Fuck You Die for 290,000 Jewel. I can't believe Lucy and Natsu wanted to come along with me. Who do they think I am, Happy?! I could finish this request in a minute with my eyes closed. I'm surprised no one wanted to take on this request though, they're probably all just scared. Just because this place is called Camp Fuck You Die doesn't mean we're gonna get fucked, or we're gonna die, or both, or anything. That's just insane. Wherever they heard it from, it's probably just an urban legend. Whoever heard of people who go to camps and never come back? Whatever! I'm going to finish this request and head back to the bar with 290,000 Jewel and I'm not sharing with anyone. Unless Erza wants part of it. Oh god, I don't want her to threaten me again.

Oh-- hey, you! I'm from Fairy Tail and I came here by request. I don't know who sent it since the sender's anonymous, but everyone in this place should know about the murder, right? Why hasn't anyone solved the mystery yet? I mean, there's a bunch of people here and I'm sure some of them or probably a lot of them are mages so they could just solve the whole thing easily-- wait. They probably can't, huh? Ha! This is just great, I'll be able to show a whole lot of mages what I, the great Gray Fullbuster can do! Pretty cool, right? Great Gray, I thought of it myself-- don't look at me like that!

What were you people doing that someone got killed, anyway? I hope the guys back at the bar weren't serious about people getting fucked and then killed. Oh, of course you wouldn't know about it. Then again, just moaning at me isn't an exact answer, but I'll take it as an "I don't know". That's probably why a request was sent to Fairy Tail, and that's what I should be solving instead of letting people solve 'em for me.

Anyway, where can I stay here? I don't want to sleep in the wild or anything, even though this place is called a "camp". I'll probably need a tour too, but maybe I should speak to the Director first. Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time you groaned. You need to learn how to chill a little, probably why your skin's kinda green instead of... all right, I've got nothing. Thanks for, uh, answering my questions. I'll see you around-- where the hell are you pointing?!

-- AAAAH! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT MY CLOTHES AGAIN! Why didn't you tell me before anything else, you punk?! Give me your underwear! I don't care now if they smell, I'll just freeze it once I wear it!

Poll Vote!

Character: Shima Ilyathan
Series: The Dragonlord series
Character age: 20ish
Canon: The general consensus is that dragons are badass. Who wouldn’t want to know a dragon? In fact, who wouldn’t want to be a dragon? Well, the Dragonlord series deals with just that. For the price of a Marking (which can be anything from a birthmark to dwarfism) the titular Dragonlords become weredragons and gain the ability to turn into fire-breathing dragons at will, along with other small magics such as mindspeech (telepathy). Because Dragonlords are so long lived the surrounding kingdoms turn to them as arbitrators of justice and they are respected to the point where their orders are almost always obeyed. All in all, it's a very nice life, but they’re all born human and suddenly turning into a dragon one day can be quite the shock, as young Shima Ilyathan discovered.

The youngest of the Dragonlords, Shima discovered what he was while trying to aid the Dragonlords in saving the mythical phoenix. Humble and easygoing, he didn’t let the change go to his head and remains sweet-natured and caring for others, but he is as capable as anyone of getting annoyed or angry. Shima is practical and capable of dogged persistence, making the best of every situation, and very loyal. While sometimes quiet he is fond of bantering with his friends, including horses-one of the things he loves-and is unafraid of expressing his opinions when he feels they are needed.

Note: Shima's Marking is that he's red-green colorblind and he finds it embarrassing. Also, candlemarks are a unit of time like hours.

Sample app:

Oh, wretched! I’ll be all over mud even to the crown of my head soon. I’m a man of the desert; I’m not made for this. This mire isn’t fit for man or horse, my friend, but through it we must go. Come, up that bank. It looks dry over there. Or... at least it looks less likely to sink us up to our chests again and the wet is no good for your saddle. Up! Oh, don’t look at me like that, you wretch. I didn’t get us into this, and besides, even an unhelpful guide is better than none in a land as unnatural as this. You can’t want to stay here in the mud. Up!

But speaking of guides... Oh bird-whose-name-I-do-not-know, you could give more helpful warnings than that. Beware the warm spots, indeed! Finding out one patch of water is warmer than the others when I step into it doesn’t give me or my horse time enough to avoid sinking in the muck. And this Artax you speak of is as much of a mystery to me as you are so tell me his significance or stop chanting his name in such mournful tones, I ask of you.

The laughter in your mindvoice betrays you, oh bird. It has become clear to me that this is all a grand joke for you and I'm losing faith that you could guide me any better than I could guide myself. The beloved lady of the lake is but beyond this small stretch of swamp, you said. I dutifully followed your directions, dodging the unnatural creatures and even the plants that tried to capture me along the way, but I seem to be more lost now than when I started. To make things worse my waterskin was torn open by those vines and I haven't had a drink in candlemarks. Water everywhere and not a drop to drink; I'd find the irony funny if it were anyone else.

So tell me this, oh bird. The evidence of your dishonesty is stacked high against you. Why should I believe that going through those cloth-garbed trees over there will take me out of the swamp? I can see their limbs moving from here-you’ve underestimated my vision- and I’ve no desire to get my behind smacked or worse like that purple creature just did. I’ve a mind to make my own way; the path is much clearer over here. There’s even a sign over in those bushes.

“Camp Fuck You Die” it says, and it’s pointing to the fore, not the left. Aha, so it was a trick-wait, something else is written below. "Challengers must defeat the guardian at a test of skills in order to pass through." The guardian would be that purple creature pacing back and forth? Well, it is certainly worth the effort but you will need to tell me the test, oh bird, as it seems he isn't capable of any sort of speech. What must I do? ...Why, that sounds like a child's game. Advancing when the lantern of the proper color is aloft and holding still for the other is simple enough! Which color may I advance on?

Stop your mocking; of course I've never played red-light, green-light before-oh. Oh, spirits. May the gods call disaster down on you and your tribe; it's not funny!

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