Jan 01, 2011 12:53

[on this cold January day, a number of campers and counselors may find a mysterious letter laying somewhere - their bed in their cabin, the dresser of their hotel room, amidst the quasi-risque magazines they've amassed in their magical hidey-hole - somewhere where they'll definitely see it.

although this letter is unsigned, it's an invitation for the recipient to take a vacation, with the days allotted based on their time spent in camp without a break of sorts. the barrier, the letter tells them, will let them pass, but only between now and the next drop-off date for a new crop of young minds. these things have limits, of course. and included in these limits may be a number of stipulations - you can only go to one place, no world-hopping; this offer is for the recipient listed only; this is a limited time offer. a number of letters may even carry threats that the offer would be instantly nullified if the recipient spoke of it to anyone before using it.

those who choose to use it will find that, like last year, this offer is completely legitimate. others who do not - well. their loss.]

[this is a post to kick off the vacation event. read that post before commenting! again, if your character was apped after December 31st, 2009, they do not get vacation time. the breakdown can be seen on the information post! late comments and backdating are totally cool for this post. if your character is eligible for vacation time but you do not want your character to take it, you can just say they didn't receive a letter.

you do not need to comment to this post to take the vacation, but that would be nice. remember that ICly, the window is limited from January 1st through January 7th. after that, ~the magic of camp~ brings people back. and whatnot. as a reminder, you are free to thread out the actual vacation in your character's journals, but keep comm stuff to camp itself! ♥]
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