Jan 01, 2010 18:39

[on this chilly day in Camp Fuck You Die, your character may be heading to the mess hall - or maybe back to their cabins for some hot cocoa. Whatever the case may be, something may catch their eye, this evening: it's a letter, addressed to and only to them]

[if they choose to open it, they'll see an invite. A pass, so to speak, almost too good to be true, as the idea of going home to some campers is almost unbelievable given their time spent here. The letter offers a limited pass through the barrier, though some may come with disclaimers and warnings that will instantly null the offer. Perhaps warnings of not speaking of this letter to anybody until used, or warnings of trying to alter outcomes of where they're going]

[the offer almost seems too good to just shrug off, doesn't it? If your character chooses to try, they'll find that this is indeed legit. As it says on the bottom of the letter, enjoy!]

[] THIS IS THE FIRST POST FOR THIS EVENT! Please read the post before commenting. The OOC post is still open to questions as well! If your character applies and you choose to take part in this, you must comment to one of these posts as there is a window for this event. Late comments/backdating for hiatuses are allowed of course. This post will be followed by probably two more posts until the 6th! []
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