(no subject)

Dec 13, 2009 20:26

'twas several days before Christmas, and all through our camp
snow covers the swampland; our home is quite damp.
the mistletoe uproar has at last settled down
and new campers are popping up all around.

the night is silent but for the sound of groans
as the zombies wander and let out their moans
the evening is peaceful, for once in this place
the stars twinkle in agreement from their home up in space.

Suddenly from the mess hall, what was that sound?
we pull on our coats, hurry over white ground
a large figure looms -- but wait just a tick,
is... is that Santa Claus? Jolly old Saint Nick?

Ho ho, oh my. I didn't expect anyone to be able to hear me, but I suppose that's what one gets when one sneaks around on a silent night, ho ho. I was just using flying over and thought, my, camp is a very difficult place to bear, especially during such a season. I thought that perhaps this year we can foster a better seasonal spirit by picking out a holiday tree and spreading about some candle arrangements for everyone's benefit. I even asked my elves to craft an ornament just for camp, and ho! they didn't disappoint!

[done for the night!]
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