[Pool Party.]

Sep 14, 2008 11:49

[two weeks earlier there was a conversation. It went something like this:

Meg, doll. A pool party. Nothing big-- it's not like I'm talking a bacchanal here. Clean this place up, put a guest list together -- nothing too audacious, just something that says hey. Hades has arrived. You know?

It's too late for a 'we're closed' sign.

What was that?

I'll get right on it.

Today there is a pool. It is clean, welcoming and surrounded by deck chairs, a buffet, even music. Also, because there has been a god of the Underworld in the vicinity, it is now heated.

There is also a conversation in progress. It's going something like this:]

One incy teensy little conga line. Is that too much to ask?

(( divine/dead pool party. /o/ Please pretend the weather is suitable. ETA: almost forgot! any concerns/pings/what have you saaaaaaaveme@gmail.com

ETA II: Wow. This post has been awesome fun -- Meg and I have both had a blast. She's off to bed now like a good little minion, and I'm taking a study break (as in a break to study, bizarrely). We will both be around to pick up later! :D You guys rock is all I can say.))
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