Um, hi? I've been working on something for a while, and I could use some help.
Basically, I've been trying to find a way to cause a camp virus, so that I have some place to start working on a vaccine. So I think I've mostly got the kinks out of the causing, but I only tried with me and Mr. Nakamura. And that's a pretty small sample size.
So if anyone would be willing, I'd really appreciate some volunteers to body switch. Like I said, I tried it, and me and Mr. Nakamura switched for twenty-four hours. It's not too long, and hopefully it'll really help coming up with a cure, or something. All you have to do is drink it, and then the next person you touch is the person you switch with. If you don't want to, that's okay too, but anyone who doesn't mind, I'd be really grateful. Just stop by the labs.
As the post says, ITP bodyswitching! Feel free to have the potion go wrong if you'd like--lasting longer, having another affect, whatever! I also fully enforce people who would not ICly take the potion accidentally finding it or whatever, but if that's the case I'd appreciate it if Peter did not get beat up on or yelled at, just because he's doing his best to make it consensual. BUT you know go nuts have fun /o/ I am also reading so I'll be slow but.))