(no subject)

Mar 01, 2007 19:34

Okay, so...a couple months ago? Actually like five months ago, wow, time really flies when you're...stuck in a summer camp full of angry undead. Which is sort of like having fun. In the not way. Anyway. A while ago we had this dance thing. With a twist, which was that you signed up and someone else set you up with a date. And you set them up, just so it's fair. Except, you know, camp being camp we got some kinda non-consensual matchups going on but, uh. You know. No one died, so that means it was totally a success.

So, in no way because my husband expressed an interest in dancing and just because I'm totally a good concerned citizen, I figured we could have another one of those. Anyone interested?

Oh yeah, we have new people again, so in case we haven't met, or if we did and I failed at names, I'm Buffy, I kill vampires, life is good.

((ooc: You don't have to sign up here to go to the screw dance, just make sure you signed up HERE. This post is just to put it out there ICly, and also because I've been doing school stuff for, like, the last two days and want to unwind. Come entertain me >:))
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