CFUD loev LJ

Feb 27, 2007 14:31

Okay! Screw dance, take two! In case you missed it the first time around, this is how it works:
1. You fill out the form below.
2. I'll leave signups open for about a week and then e-mail you with
a. Who your character is setting up. It's an IC setup, but since time can be an issue, I fully encourage setting it up OOC in case threading doesn't work out.
b. If you're matchmaking or getting matchmade, I'll also include who's doing that for you/who you're setting up.
3. The dance will be a week after that. The timeline I'm going for here is:
Saturday, March 3: Matches sent out.
Saturday, March 10: Dance happens.

This is EST, so the dance will start Saturday afternoon, around 3 pm EST, as it did last time, and last as long as anyone wants it to.

SO. To sign up, please leave a comment for me with the following information:

Your e-mail address: I think we know what this is.
Characters who want to come and set up/be set up: These are the characters who ICly will go "Oh, hey, this sounds fun, I want to participate. They'll set up one person and also be set up by that person.
Characters you would like to have set up: Characters who, ICly, would not go, but you want to make sure they do. A matchmaker will get them a date.
Characters you wouldn't mind having set up: They wouldn't say they'd go, and you don't mind if they don't, but you're willing to have them on the list of people who can be asked for dates. Anyone who's in either of the first two categories is on this list by default.
Characters who'd like to matchmake: Characters who will enjoy meddling and getting an otherwise unwilling character a date.

Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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