Upcoming hiatus for Yaone and Hiro

Apr 28, 2006 00:31

So it finally hit me this week that holy crap I am graduating from college on May 13 (i.e. in TWO WEEKS) and have no idea where I'll be living or how I'll be making that living come Graduation Day After, let alone if/when I'll have free time and high-speed internet again. I am now flailing around with final papers and projects and GRADUATION FTW and trying to find a job in Atlanta* so I don't have to go home to my parents in Texas where there are no job opportunities at all and also no trees.

Yaone's paid account expires in a week. DO NOT BUY ME MORE, PLEASE, THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS POST IS FOR, I DON'T NEED IT YET, THANK YOU. Rather I've decided to use that as a time marker and will be going on month-hiatus next weekend. I nearly panicked and hiatused yesterday, but now there's no way in hell I'm missing Lirin-sama's first week, and there's plot stuff with the Furuba cast that I didn't want to bail on y'all for before that got worked out (for the record I agree with all of your suggestions, although I think three of us are on/will be going on hiatus, so maybe it's not even an issue at the moment?). I will NOT be on this specific Saturday/Sunday until/unless I finish my take home exam essay that is due Monday and is 60% of my Japanese history grade (dear Meiji Restoration/Revolution, GO DIE, except I have an Ito Hirobumi hat so that much is cool), and/or unless there is a Lirin First Post, in which case I will give myself permission to take my breaks playing that and that alone. Because. LIRIN-SAMAAAAA. But I will try to be around as much as I can during the weekdays/nights, within consideration of the fact that I really do need to get off my ass and find a job. So there's that.

I really, really hope that everything works out better than my paranoia thinks and in a month I will have money, free time, and mental stability enough to come back and play, because I loooove y'all and I love this game and my characters. I ended up dropping Hiro last semester to take care of school stuff and don't regret it because it's what I needed to do, and I need to do this now, but I miiiiiiiiissed him and you guys and now I have more of you AND Yaone to miss too, so knowing how much I will miss it is why I am hiatusing instead of dropping outright again. But if I idle out, I will reapp I hope and none of you will know it is me as Hiro #3 FOR SERIOUS THIS TIME completely understand.

And forgive the rambling and/or incoherency and/or misspelling and/or emo because it was Senior Happy Hour tonight and bitch beer Smirnoff Ice makes me sleepy and maudlin.

* (And hey, if you know of job opportunities in the Atlanta area for a charming young woman with a shiny newly minted BA in English Literature - Creative Writing, I AM YOUR WHORE. Unless the job is a position as an actual whore, in which case I will take it into consideration decline regretfully.)

LOVE. LOVE FOR YOU. Also random songs of awesome.

Brobdingnagian Bards - Do Virgins Taste Better? / The Dragon's Retort (Medley)
Brobdingnagian Bards - Angel's Lament ("Buffy" parody)
Sifl & Ollie - Ninjas of the Night
2Ge+her - U + Me = Us (Calculus) [Dream Maker Club Mix]
Bree Sharp - Dirty Magazine (Live)
VeggieTales - Dance of the Cucumber

OMG bzuh wish me luck!

ETA: aaaaaaaalso feel free to come stalk me at my regular journal octopedingenue, which I will be keeping updated as much as I can!

hiatus notice

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