Calling a hiatus for the next... month or so... as final essays and exams hit me, though I'll try to thread around once or twice especially if I am poked. This affects Yuuko Kanoe and Kazuki Naruse!
And so this isn't COMPLETELY USELESS and I want to do this anyway...
SRS POLL: Your character and
RPG classes!
Using whatever class/job system you
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Comments 46
Machika is the Fighter, and although she does not make as effective of a meat shield as Rain she can still take a hell of a beating. She is also the Main Protagonist because Rain is just the Love Interest in the game no matter what anyone says.
Leo is the Wizard by D&D standards; in RPG terms he's a Blue-Black Mage, which is a mix between Black Mage and Blue Mage that I just made up. Also if he was a monster he would be a Hidden Final Boss that attacks you in the library.
Machika: Neutral Good
Leo: True Neutral
I feel like these call for stats sheets, except those take hours to make. :(a
You know it's true.
...Yeah okay that's true. I'm sure yandere falls under one of the alignments somehow. But for everyone else he is True Neutral.
Final Fantasy: White Mage with a specialization in Wind magic (recruitable ally, but it involves one hell of a sidequest and he's only in your party for like two battles)
D&D: Neutral Cleric
Naoto Shirogane
Final Fantasy: Gunner/Black Mage (party member)
D&D: Lawful Good Ranger
Robin Sena
Final Fantasy: Black Mage with a focus in Fire Magic and special protagonist stats (player-character)
D&D: Lawful Good Paladin
Claire Stanfield/Vino
Final Fantasy: A goddamn Ninja I don't even know (optional boss you've never beaten but have read stories on the internet from people swearing they once got all the conditions right and took him down but curiously no one seems to have any youtube videos)
D&D: Chaotic Neutral Assassin
Sync The Tempest
Final Fantasy: Monk/Black Mage (mid-boss)
D&D: Lawful Evil Monk
lol forever.
...I don't know enough about classes/jobs to do more than take a stab at basic D&D. IF ANYONE HAS ANY CLEVER SUGGESTIONS, PLEASE... SUGGEST THEM. :|||
Enjolras: Lawful Good Paladin
Maladict: Chaotic Neutral Fighter
Tatsumi: Lawful Neutral Monk
Takeuchi Sora: Chaotic Neutral (or Neutral Evil) Warlord
Van Grants: Lawful Evil Warlord
Rorschach: Lawful Good/Evil Fighter
Captain Jack Harkness Chaotic Good Bard (formerly Chaotic Neutral Rogue)
But luckily, she's only a temporary party member and there for a short period of time.
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