So a while back--wait, really?
February? Damn. Talk about your all-time lack of follow through.
Uh, anyway. Repimping the concept of the movie event detailed in the above linkthingie for sometime next month, since my internship is winding down and I'll have a little time off before school starts back up.
Quick overview for anyone not bothering to clickit--the event as I imagine it would involve particular settings from various movies appearing in discrete areas of Camp for people to find, get lost in, enjoy, etc. as they like. Totally opt-in and geographically limited to that particular post, so only those commenting would find themselves in Munchkinland or in Rick's Place or Bedford Falls or the Game Grid or what have you. I'd also think that what would appear would be limited to scenery and perhaps film-specific NPCs but not main characters--so maybe you wouldn't run into Dorothy or Ripley or Burt Gummer, but flying monkeys and xenomorphs and graboids would be fair game.
Would this be something people are interested in? I'm not thinking of having any sort of overarching storyline, just having it start up one day and then stop whenever people get bored. I'm also not thinking it'll take much coordination, just people posting whatever particular setting they happen to like and having people join in if they want--so while I'm (perhaps unsurprisingly) more gung-ho for more action-oriented posts, there's no reason other people couldn't have a romantic evening in the Titanic's ballroom, for instance.
And hey, since we've got a few movie-based characters in Camp, this could be an opportunity to show people a glimpse of your worlds--whether that's the Axiom's Lido Deck or the Well of Souls at Tunis.