Nov 01, 2007 18:38

This is! Only somewhat like a serious poll. BUT a lot of you guys are from COMIC BOOK or MANGA canons. So I am asking for some help >D

READ MORE because you love me? |D;;; )

serious poll, canons gone wild

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Comments 62

SEED shinnanigans November 1 2007, 23:43:32 UTC
1. Hetero with a side helping of "gaaaaaaaaaay." Kira/Lacus, Kira/Fllay (she diiiied), Athrun/Cagalli, Shinn/Stellar (she died), Shinn/Lunamaria, Mwu/Murrue, Gil/Talia, Azrael/nuclear weapons, Andy/Aisha, Andy/coffee.

2. Yes! During SEED, Coordinators are all "lol naturals are a LOWER FORM OF LIFE" During SEED and Destiny, Greenpeace attempts to nuke the Coordinators. Yeah, there's a lot of hate/discrimination.

3. Athrun is Quattro Bajina, Rey is Rau, Meer is not Lacus.

4. Eh... Kira/Rau/Rey/Mwu are Newtype-ish. Lacus/Kira/Cagalli/Athrun/Shinn have the SUPERIOR EVOLUTIONARY ELEMENT DESTINED FACTOR aka they are berserkers. Wow, I'd forgotten what a stupid acronym that is.


5. ... yes. We switch artists a lot. S-SOB. Destiny has no coherent plot structure,


OURAN second_daddy November 1 2007, 23:44:49 UTC
1. Het (Haruhi x Everyone) with a dash of FANSERVICE GAY~.

2. Not... really. Just "lol UR POOR."

3. No.

4. Honey-sempai is a weapon of mass destruction.

5. ... nah, it's pretty generic. The art's pretty, though.


GEASS euphiemisms November 1 2007, 23:46:21 UTC
1. Sunrise.

2. Yes. Britannians discriminate against eeeeeeeveryone.

3. Lelouch is Zero, Suzaku is a murderer, Euphie is Princess Euphemia, CC is ???, Marianne probably isn't dead.


5. Noodles.


STAR WARS jaded_legacy November 1 2007, 23:49:02 UTC
1. Het het het. Although there's a gay canon couple.

2. "High human culture" during the days of the Empire?

3. Anakin is Vader, Vader is Luke's father, Palpatine is the Emperor, Ben is Obi-Wan, Jacen is Darth Caedus, Darth Krayt is that one dude whose name I can't spell, Darth Tyrannus is Count Dooku, and. Uh. The list goes on.

4. The Foooooooooorce.

5. T-there's so much of Star Wars; I can't answer this.


sparksrgonnafly November 1 2007, 23:44:46 UTC
Virgil -
1.Romance in my canon is pretty muted! Sure, there's hetero, but it's never fully developed? Like, Frieda is introduced as Virgil's crush, but they both don't show any feelings for each other at all. There's Daisy, but well Virgil likes her and she likes Virgil, it remains......inconsistent? There's Shebang, but Virgil treats her like a sister. So. um, undeveloped hetero.

2. BANG BABIES VS HUMANS. Ah no. My canon is a stew of issues which include plain out racism, rich vs poor, the young vs the old. Yeah. They're hard to expand on.

3. Secret! Will stay secret until someone blabs it to everyone.

4. ELECTRICTY. Or more accurately, he has powers ranging over the electro magnectic spectrum if wiki is to be trusted. I-I'm not listing all his powers. :/

5. I love the dialogue so much. The dorkitude of it all. I just. I EAT IT UP.


straight_as_an November 1 2007, 23:51:58 UTC
Aerrow -
1. GEN! There are some vague hints towards Aerrow and Piper, but that's about it.
2. Oh god. Nobody likes the Raptors. At all. The immediate reaction is "Raptors? :/". Also, the Murk Raiders are generally not liked by anyone, but that's because they're so supremely BAD TO THE CORE. But if you're Cyclonian, Aerrow will discriminate at you. Automatically. sigh.
3. Aerrow's the last descendant of the Storm Hawks. GO FIGURE.
4. None! Just very athletic, has a special move called the Lightning Claw and knows how to fly really well! He's also a pretty decent strategist, so his team mates listen to him.
5. I love everything. The fight scenes, the worlds, the culture, the characters, everything. IT'S JUST THAT GOOD.


say_thee_nay November 1 2007, 23:45:21 UTC
I'm gonna break this down by series, I guess?

1. Hetero, although Thor and Balder totally have a bromance going on. Marvel as a whole is gradually tossing in token homosexuals here and there.
2. Not so much a factor in Asgard, really.
3. Publicly known, although apparently most people don't believe Thor's actually the Thor.
4. Superpowers galore. Yeeha.
5. I'm not a huge Olivier Copiel fan as far as the new series goes, but I do like the new armored costume redesign. Also, I think that he does a few pretty interesting things with panel layouts and having scenes sort of bleed over beyond the borders. Otherwise for Thor... Kirby, Simonson, and JRJr. 'Nuff said.

Ricochet1. Julie Power is probably a lesbian and this makes both Rico and I sad ( ... )


durandork November 1 2007, 23:45:59 UTC
Jr.1) Xenosaga can has wacky love times. Pretty much all hetero, sometimes with love triangles and DUMPING. The U.R.T.V.s give sort of incesty and gay vibes in a few areas, and as far as Jr. is concerned otherwise he had his love bout with Sakura back when he was 12. :( The MOMO thing is sort of in-air nothing concrete ( ... )


height_rule November 1 2007, 23:53:14 UTC
1. Kieran and his lovely Ashes~ Also hints of others and heterosexuality courtesy of Chaiel.
2. Iavaians (the native americans of the series) are hated by the white folks. The church government especially hates them.
3. Uh, does criminal record counts? He's pretty well known.
4. Eating~~
5. The fact that everything in the plot comes back into play at one point or another. Some neato foreshadowing.

1. Sano and Mizuki....and Nakatsu and that girl in the begining. And then random couples. Has straight chars, gay chars and bi.
3.Secret identity: Is a girl.
4. Nope
5.The plot would never work in the real world? Uh..

1. Yi-Che and Sho~ And hints of very close BFF's. Oh so close.
2. Japanese people are immigrants and treated like less? Kinda.
3. Only for Kei.
4. Pointless spoiler since I took him before so not going here.
5. More timeskips than you!


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