good days and bad days

Mar 05, 2010 16:54

Lately I've been up and down.  Good days and bad days.  Today's a bad day. I guess it started last night when John asked if I'd come work out with him, and since working out was on the docket anyway, I said ok.  It started out good. Chit chat and exercise and nothing serious, but he kept talking about his new girlfriend, which started to grate on ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

embers_log March 5 2010, 22:26:39 UTC
I'm sorry you didn't keep the Jesse Cook tickets for yourself....
and I'm really sorry that your exes are making you feel bad.
I wish I could think of something to cheer you up...


callmeserenity March 5 2010, 23:29:55 UTC
I really wanted to keep the tickets, but I had no one to go with me and the concert started at 8pm, I didn't fancy driving two hours home at 1am. I didn't know what else to do.

Thanks. I'll feel better tomorrow, I'm sure.


embers_log March 5 2010, 23:38:33 UTC
here is the pirate panda to cheer you up....


citizen247 March 5 2010, 23:46:57 UTC
I'm confused, what's sex?


ancientgirl March 6 2010, 01:31:27 UTC
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Men can be so damned insensitive.


karel_ii March 6 2010, 02:32:20 UTC


wildigital March 7 2010, 01:04:26 UTC
First up, John's clearly a jackass - no offence to him, especially as I'm a good proportion jackass myself, but chatting about new girlfriend in disparaging terms to the ex is a no-no that even I grasp.

Secondly, there's guys out there, great guys, who are just dying to find a girl like you. Smart, funny, beautiful, geeky ladies are an endangered species and when you find the man that can give you everything you want, need and deserve, you're going to make him the happiest guy around.

Finally, remember that when Buttercup was told that life was pain, she was only moments away from being reunited with Westley. Even when things seem bleak, you never know when you're three words away from your one true love.



What he said... marlinya March 7 2010, 18:11:32 UTC
...cheered me up even though I'm not dealing with a crappy ex ( ... )


callmeserenity March 8 2010, 00:48:08 UTC


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