
Oct 26, 2009 06:25

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've been really busy with real life. Not nearly as exciting, but things haven't been bad.  I got over the pulled muscles in my leg after several bouts of physical therapy and started running again and then a week later twisted my ankle. I've been hobbling for a week now.  Work was insane for a few weeks, I ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

ancientgirl October 26 2009, 12:09:46 UTC
I think she's back in Iowa for a while.


callmeserenity October 27 2009, 01:39:03 UTC
Visiting her family? I hope she's happy and well!


ancientgirl October 27 2009, 12:04:05 UTC
No, I think she's planning on settling back there.


callmeserenity October 28 2009, 00:41:56 UTC
I got a post card from her today with her address in Iowa. I'm going to send her a note when I get a chance.


embers_log October 30 2009, 17:19:49 UTC
Hi! Sorry about being MIA... I moved to Iowa (kinda, I'm a 'virtual resident', see my last lj post) and then returned to Texas to finish visiting relatives....
I'll be back in Fairfield, Iowa (address: PO box 2413, Fairfield, IA 52556) by your birthday, but I hope to mail something off to you before then!
I should remain in Fairfield until Dec 15th when I'm thinking of buggy my brother by going to Chicago for Christmas....
I'm still trying to get to NYC at some point....
and maybe I'll return to San Francisco for my birthday and the SF WonderCon (it isn't a plan, just an idea).

I'm homeless, but I'm still having fun.


callmeserenity November 1 2009, 22:17:01 UTC
I got your postcard!! It's good to know where you'll be for the next month or so. I hope you're having a good time.


embers_log November 2 2009, 03:48:46 UTC
I have been having an awesome time: connecting with cousins who I've never known as well as I would like....
but then I've also had to do some long drives in terrible weather...
(there are good and bad points to everything!)


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