(no subject)

Oct 26, 2009 06:25

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've been really busy with real life. Not nearly as exciting, but things haven't been bad.  I got over the pulled muscles in my leg after several bouts of physical therapy and started running again and then a week later twisted my ankle. I've been hobbling for a week now.  Work was insane for a few weeks, I was just busy working full tilt, but then everything just sort of stopped and Friday I was bored and left work early.  I'm working hard on getting all my Christmas presents done in time. And somehow the three weeks I had to make my Halloween costume has turned into 4 days and last night my sewing machine went on the fritz just doing a simple hem. I'm hoping it just needed some rest and it'll work today.  Fingers crossed.

So, that's what's been going on with me.

Anyone heard from embers lately?
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