Xena fic - Xena's Bag of Tricks

Jan 29, 2009 21:32

Title: Xena’s Bag of Tricks

Fandom: Um, Xena

Pairing: Well, if we don’t know who the OTP is in this fandom by now!!! Jeez!

Rating: If you don’t pass out by the time you finish this, you’re not human.

Warning/Disclaimer: I’m making no money off my dirty mind, unfortunately. This is just raunchy, dirty, messy sex between a long-term committed couple. If ( Read more... )

xena, xena/gabrielle, xwp

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Comments 18

magicalmongoose January 30 2009, 06:44:13 UTC
*points at icon*

Dirty, dirty thoughts don't go very well with exams in 2 hours, but I...'m not complaining. Much.


calliopes_muse January 30 2009, 15:45:55 UTC
*hides face* Oops, I hope I didn't mess you up on your exams. LOL, love your icon! I feel that way often after reading some smutty fics. :)


magicalmongoose February 1 2009, 21:30:35 UTC
I know, right? When I saw it on one of Geonncannon's icon posts, I knew I had to snag it ;-)

And I did all right on the exam... I think. *crosses fingers until end of february when results come in*


geekgrrllurking January 30 2009, 07:00:33 UTC
Whew, is it hot in here or is it just me?

I totally agree with your evidence from the show. Too funny, and begs the question how the heck did you notice it in the first place or do I not want to know?

I loved the line about their kiss "This time it was slower but deeper with years of meaning built into it." Nice!

Slave girl sequel? Well, a girl can hope...


calliopes_muse January 30 2009, 15:52:27 UTC
Oh, trust me, it's not just you!!!

I swear, I came across that purely by accident. I was watching the ep (giggling furiously at how cute and flirty they were being with each other!) and paused at this scene because I was going to jump ahead. And what do you know? There's something long and pink and awfully suspicious looking on my screen. I was like, "What the...? No, I have to be seeing things. Ohhhh, I have to share!!!" Then my dirty mind kicked in, esp. with that part at the end where Gab and Xena are leaving the girl with Aphrodite and Gab does this wiggly eyebrow thing at 'Dite when 'Dite coyly tells them to "have fun you two."

I'm glad you liked that line. I think it was my favorite actually.

A sequel may happen, but it won't be for a while. Sofia is going to kill me if I don't start working on my Xena uber again. Besides, I don't think I've ever written any S&M. The thought kind of makes me nervous. *jitters*


prosto_neba January 30 2009, 09:04:35 UTC
That was fun! You are filthy, but I like you! :)

You know what's interesting? We both wrote the same kind of story about the same thing (what comes after the end of "Many Happy Returns"), but wrote them in completely different ways.

Means nothing, but it intrigues me anyway!


calliopes_muse January 30 2009, 15:54:05 UTC
Awwww, I like you too! It's good to be loved, even if it's because I'm dirty-minded. Hmmmm, okay, where's the link for that fic of yours? Did you write it recently because you'd think I'd remember if you had? Then again, my short-term memory sucks! Actually, my long-term does too, but that's a different story all together.


prosto_neba January 30 2009, 22:45:26 UTC
It was this one http://community.livejournal.com/xenafanfic/33066.html

You may not like it at all, but that's cool :)


lena_fan January 30 2009, 09:34:18 UTC
Wow, that was hot, does this mean we'll get another fic about the beads???


calliopes_muse January 30 2009, 15:55:14 UTC
Hmmmm, beads...slave girl...maybe both. It probably won't be soon though unless the muse keeps distracting me by kicking my ass. Then I may have no choice.


sinjenkai January 30 2009, 11:20:59 UTC
And i want to read tomorrow night too


calliopes_muse January 30 2009, 15:55:38 UTC
I'm sensing a theme occuring! :) Thanks for reading.


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