Xena fic - Xena's Bag of Tricks

Jan 29, 2009 21:32

Title: Xena’s Bag of Tricks

Fandom: Um, Xena

Pairing: Well, if we don’t know who the OTP is in this fandom by now!!! Jeez!

Rating: If you don’t pass out by the time you finish this, you’re not human.

Warning/Disclaimer: I’m making no money off my dirty mind, unfortunately. This is just raunchy, dirty, messy sex between a long-term committed couple. If you can’t have that kind of sex with that kind of person in your life, well, it’s time to see a couple’s counselor. Srsly…

A/N: I recommend either watching Season 6’s “Many Happy Returns” (paying particular attention to the items in the bag around the 31:39 clip) or the vid post I have here a couple of links down. I know what’s in that scene, and it confirms what I already knew about their relationship. Some want to argue that it was really Aphrodite’s bag and thus her stuff. She’s the Goddess of Love. She doesn’t need props. Anyhoo, for the sake of the story, I say it was a “gift bag” for Gabrielle from Aphrodite on her birthday, and it’s Xena’s job to put the goodies to good use. *wg*

A/N2: Reading back over this, it’s probably not as dirty as I thought it would be. Hopefully, it’s good enough.

Gabrielle poked at the fire trying to hurry it along in the process of cooking their dinner while she waited for Xena to return from doing a perimeter check. It had been a great day, probably one of the best birthdays she had ever had…ever. Just thinking about the poem Xena had Sappho write for her made her heart melt a little more. You wouldn’t know it to look at her, but Xena was an incurable romantic. Gabrielle counted her blessings that she was the one that got to see it.

She was lost in her thoughts when a sudden noise behind her made her jump, instinctively getting in her fighting stance. From behind the tree, Xena stepped out, but she was dressed up again in the outfit she had worn to pass herself off as Genia’s father. Gabrielle was just thankful that Xena had foregone the tunic stuffed in her shirt to give her the big belly look.

“Xena, what in the world are you doing in that get up?” Gabrielle shook her head. Even after six years, she still could be baffled by her partner.

Xena smirked at her mischievously and looked to the star-filled sky, “I’m guessing there are still several candlemarks left for your birthday. Maybe there’s still some celebrating to do.”

Gabrielle quirked an eyebrow, finally letting it click to Xena’s meaning, “Really.”

Xena stepped a little closer, “Yep.”

“And what do you intend to do with these few remaining candlemarks, Xena? Play dress-up?”

“Um, no…more like Undress-up,” she tossed a familiar bag at Gabrielle, the blonde catching it easily.

“Why are you giving me Hermes’ helmet?”

“That’s not the helmet. Take a look.” Xena tried to hold back a full-blown grin, knowing what was coming. Gabrielle peered down into the bag. It was hard to see in the low light of the fire so she reached in, and just as fast, she jerked back and stuck her head further into the bag.

“What in Hades?!” Xena handed Gabrielle a small piece of parchment. She held it up to the firelight to read.


Happy Birthday, sweetie! You and Xena are my best friends ever, and Goddesses just don’t have best friends so…Anyway, I wanted to do something special for my favorite couple. You guys have been through a lot over the years, but I’ve never seen two people love so deeply in spite of the circumstances, then you two. Think of this little “gift bag” as your special bag of tricks when you two need to spice it up a bit. Not that you have any problem with that. I remember your last visit with the Amazons!!! Ahem…anyhoo…toodles!


Gabrielle looked at Xena crossly, “We have no secrets anymore, do we? Varia is SUCH a loudmouth!”

“Um, honey…Aphrodite’s a goddess. She doesn’t need anyone to tell her about us. I think she’s always known. Actually, I think she knew before we knew, but that’s a whole other story,” Xena rambled, wanting to move things along, “You’re not looking in the bag.”

Gabrielle glared at Xena before reaching back in. Slowly she pulled out a really long whip with some white beads tethered to the end. Her eyebrows went into her hairline.

“What exactly is this for? You know I’m not into the slave girl stuff, Xena!”

Xena leaned over and whispered into Gabrielle’s ear, her eyes bugging out at what Xena was telling her, “Oh my…um, maybe later.”

Gabrielle then pulled out a chain and collar, “Oh, I know what that’s for!!! No explanation needed there.” Gabrielle shook the empty bag, “That’s it?”

Xena stepped in closer to Gabrielle, letting her body slide along the other woman’s, “Not quite.”

Gabrielle gulped at the hardness she felt pressed against her thigh, “It’s been a while, Gabrielle.” Xena leaned in to nuzzle the sensitive spot under Gabrielle’s ear, putting her hand on the lower part of her back and pulling her firmly to her.

“But I love you just the way you are. We don’t need this,” Gabrielle tilted her head to the side, relishing in the feel of Xena’s lips softly sucking on her skin.

Xena pulled back to look into Gabrielle’s now lust-clouded eyes, “But you want it, don’t you Gabrielle? You want me inside of you. You want me to take you, hard and deep.”

Gabrielle was finding it hard to breathe, the words setting off every trigger in her body, “Yes.” She gasped out.

After all of their time together, it was all of the permission Xena needed. She could feel the desire and heat radiating through Gabrielle’s body. It was as much a drug to her as her smile or her laugh. She needed to give this to Gabrielle as much as Gabrielle needed it in return.

“Lay down for me, baby.” Gabrielle complied but not directly, not before kissing Xena hard and letting her hands roam over the warrior’s back, ending at her ass. She pulled Xena into her and rolled her hips against her to give the full effect. Xena moaned into the kiss before pulling away and urging her to get on the blankets.

Gabrielle wasn’t done. Spread out on the blankets, she ran her fingers along the inside of her thigh. She smirked when Xena swayed unsteady on her feet. Rarely was Xena vulnerable, weak from blatant want, and Gabrielle was the only one with the power to do it to her. Gabrielle slipped her underwear off and spread her legs to Xena’s view.

“Do you want this, warrior?” Xena licked her lips and smiled.

“Gods, I love it when you like playing dirty.”

Gabrielle quirked an eyebrow and sat up on her knees, right at eye level with Xena’s waist. She undid the laces of her leather pants, putting slight pressure against the toy within just so she could watch Xena squirm. Reaching in, she got her first look at Aphrodite’s gift. She tried not to let her shock at its size and length show. Apparently, her goddess friend had a great deal of confidence in both her and Xena’s abilities.

She undid the straps of her leather top and loosened her skirt, throwing both aside, and moving back to the blankets. With a curve of her finger in Xena’s direction, she gestured for her to come closer. Xena went to Gabrielle’s side and propped herself up on one arm.

She smiled at Xena and the not-so-subtle cautiousness the warrior was taking. Even after all this time, Xena still had moments where she worried about hurting Gabrielle or doing something wrong in their relationship. Gabrielle curled up on her side and looked at her curiously. Reaching up, she removed the ridiculous mustache and turban holding back her hair.

“I want Xena. Not a costumed fantasy,” she ran her fingers through the dark hair, loosening it even more.

Xena glanced down at the toy attached to her, “This isn’t me.”

Gabrielle ran her hand up the nape of Xena’s neck, pulling her in so their lips were almost touching, “But what you’re going to do to me with that is.” Then she kissed her, a hungry, rough kiss that made Gabrielle’s blood race and her heart pound.

Using one hand, she unbuttoned the shirt and pushed it off of strong, familiar shoulders, while Xena kicked off the pants and boots. They pulled away from the kiss with a gasp as Xena rolled on top of her. She rolled her hips into Gabrielle, teasing her with the shaft of the toy. After a moment’s pause, Xena leaned in to kiss her again. This time it was slower but deeper with years of meaning built into it.

Xena pulled back to guide the tip into Gabrielle, watching the face of her lover as green eyes closed and her head fell back, “Oh…Xena.” A low growl rumbled in the back of Xena throat. She never tired of seeing Gabrielle like this. She leaned over and kissed along Gabrielle’s collarbone, slowly working up her neck, until she reached just below her ear.

Gabrielle rolled her head to the side, moaning at the double sensation. Every inch higher Xena kissed on her neck was a little deeper she sank into her. Eventually, Xena sat back on her knees and lifted Gabrielle by the hips, sliding her further onto the dildo until she was resting across Xena’s waist, making her body arch.

“Oh Gods! Mmmmm, Xena.” Her hips began to respond to the thorough invasion, encouraging Xena to move thrust her hips in time to Gabrielle’s movement. Within seconds, they had created a rhythm as Xena thrust in and out.

Soon, they were both panting at the exertion and Gabrielle’s hands were bunching the blankets tightly in her fists. She knew she was getting close, the steady in and out rhythm making her walls clench in anticipation.

Gabrielle reached for Xena, “Come here. I need to feel you.”

She pulled Xena down on top of her, adjusting their positions so she could wrap her legs around Xena’s waist, “Faster, Xena. Oh gods, faster.” She panted her commands, feeling herself getting closer, every muscle in her body tightening and releasing.

Xena leaned over, kissing and panting against Gabrielle’s neck. Feeling Gabrielle grip tightly at her back, her blunt nails digging in, she whispered to her, “Come for me.” As if her words gave Gabrielle’s body permission, she felt her arch up suddenly and holding it. The only sound or movement was the growl being ripped from Gabrielle’s throat and a raw, throaty sigh of Xena’s name.

She held still, letting Gabrielle’s body relax and her head clear, “Are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m wonderful!” Gabrielle giggled. “But if you bring out those beads, I may just run away.”

Xena laughed and pulled Gabrielle over to her, settling her into the curve of her arm, “Tomorrow night then?”

Gabrielle chuckled, “As long as I get my turn to use those chains and collar on you.”

Xena shrugged, “Sometimes it’s fun to be the slave girl.”

xena, xena/gabrielle, xwp

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