FIC: Tomorrow I'll Miss You (2/6)

Nov 21, 2009 11:58

Title: Tomorrow I'll Miss You (2/6)
Author: anna morgan
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: R
Summary: Slightly A/U. Starting with season five when Mr. Torres informed Callie she's going home. Well, Callie went home and Arizona followed. Between the complications of distance and hiding their love, the two try to make their relationship work.
Disclaimer: The author of this piece does not, in any way, profit from the story and that all creative rights to the characters belong to Shonda, their original creator.
a/n: didn't beat the odds this year (despite a flu shot) and now I've got pneumonia so apologizes for not thanking you all for comments. it was awesome. thanks to my beta torresluvr who's a saint.



I’m not the girl who does long distance relationships. It’s like a rule to my character. In fact, I despise long distance relationships and all those couples who seem to pride themselves in the fact that they can make it work with thousands of miles between them. How could be you proud about spending so many nights alone? But now we’re entering month three of our long distance relationship. I'm still not a fan of this, but if it makes her happy then I'll keep booking flights out here.

My flight out was worse than I expected. I sat in coach as jet setting across the country once a month tends to take a toll on your bank account. However, my sky miles are looking fabulous. I’m pretty sure in October I’ll be flying for free. Snap, I might even fly out here twice to see her. But as fate seems fits, I found myself sitting in the aisle seat where the cart repeatedly hit my arm right next to the man that snored for the entire trip. This did not help my fear of flying in the least. However, this flight did give me time to think about how we're going to keep the magic alive in our relationship.

With long distance you don’t get Monday mornings with your girlfriend placing a cup of coffee on your nightstand hoping the gentle aroma will wake you over an irritating alarm clock. You don’t get to be surprised in the on call room with a comfort dough nut. You don’t get naked pizza parties, a friendly pair of eyes to look up to during a surgery or someone to dance with during last call. There’s no every day fights in Spanish with you pretending to know what’s going on. And there is definitely no every day make up sex. No, with long distance relationships you get a span of forty-eight hours once month trying to keep the magic alive.

But thanks to the busy schedules that complicate any doctor’s lives, Calliope and I have found ourselves meeting one week earlier than we expected. You’ll find neither of us complaining. The only part I find hard is me always having to fly five plus hours to Florida to see her. I know she can’t fly out to see me without her family questioning her. It super sad that Callie, a grown woman, has to report in to her parents on a daily basis

For the final leg of my journey I’ve rented a car and not just any car. It’s a Viper convertible and boy, do I have plans for this car. When picking it out, I had the instant vision of curling up next to Calliope, gazing at the stars, and making love. No matter where we are, I can find complete solace in her arms.

The air is rich with late summer oranges. There’s a farm on the way out to our bed and breakfast. Briefly, I wonder if she’d be up for some orange picking. Doesn’t seem like a Callie thing, but she didn’t seem like a girl lovin’ surgeon either until one of my favorite scrub nurses told me to ask her out.

I pull the car into the drive away right next to a Lexus. Callie must have beaten me this time. Quickly, I grab my over night bag and run into the house. Jen is at the front desk looking forlorn.

“Hey Jen! Did she already check in?!” I ask a bit more excited than I anticipated.

“Yes but -“

“Thanks!” I shout and continue up the stairs at a speed comparable to mock 3. It was rude of me, but she actually made it here early. I have to take advantage of all the time we have together.

I swing open the door and enter, but instead of seeing my beautiful orthro surgeon I find another Torres.

“Aria..? What are you doing here?!” I spit out.

Aria is the spitting image of Callie with a little less curves. Her hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail and her bangs are swept to the side. Diamond earrings are accenting her flawless skin with a necklace to match. Her business suit is definitely worth more than what I make in a week and Aria looks like she was born to wear it. When Callie told me she doesn’t like to flaunt her money, she neglected to mention her family did not feel the same way.

“I just had to see for myself,” Aria snaps out at me.

My mind shoots towards the worst. Why is she here? Where is Callie?

“Wait… Is something wrong with Callie?”

“Besides the fact that you’re destroying her and our family?” Aria huffs.

“Wha… What?!”

“I’m just here to give you one last final warning. Break it off with my sister right now.”

My jaw is some where on the floor still. How did she find out where we were? Callie and I were so careful about everything. We used cash and only my cards.

Aria must have picked up on my disbelief as she takes out what appears to be a withdraw slip from her coach purse and throws it at my feet.

“She took out ten grand the other day. So either she was going to Vegas for the weekend or you were still lurking around. Guess which one I chose to check out first?” She picks up her hand bag and walks towards me. “As I see it, you have two options here. Number one, you can end things now and stop ruining her life. Or number two, take our Callie away and watch as she’s kicked out of the family for good, and we both know how that turned out last time.”

Aria is out the door and walking downstairs by the time I get the sensation back in my legs and race after her.

“Please Aria! Don’t do this to us!” I beg and she knows she’s got me. All the love I’ve got for my Calliope is written across my panicked face.

She opens the door to leave, but not before turning back to me for a final hoorah at my expense. “It’s unnatural and disgusting! You’re corrupting her!”

“Corrupting her I-“

“Save it okay? You end it the moment Callie gets here or I’m telling her-“

“Tell me what?”

Aria whips around and there is Callie with her bag over her shoulder, dressed in her scrubs again. She’s lost some weight since I saw her last. Her hair doesn’t give off that same shine anymore. This is the Calliope I first met. The one who’d lost a few too many inches.

“Aria, what are you doing here?” she demands.

“Daddy took you back and still you’re sneaking around with her?” Aria yells pointing at me like I’m a death row murderer. “What the hell, Cal!”

“I moved back home away from my friends, my job, and my patients,” Callie tries. “Damnit Aria! I need her.”

“Mom and Dad paid for your tuition, your apartments, not to mention they raised you better than this,” Aria says “We all go off the deep end Cal, but you’re home now. End this now and come home with me. We’ll go to the spa or something nice.”

Aria tries to reach for her sister’s hand, but Callie quickly pulls away.

“Callie, don’t!” I cry out.

She’s going to throw away her family again. I can’t let her be in that much pain again.

“Arizona, go upstairs.”

“Her name is Arizona?” Aria mocks me.

“Calliope!” I reach her, but this time I feel two arms pulling me back up the stairs. It’s Jen.

“Come on, hun.”

My eyes are drowning in tears. Any make up that survived my flight and drive out here is now running down my face. Jen pulls me upstairs into her personal room. She goes to the bathroom to get a wash cloth. I move to her window and see Callie arguing with her sister in the front drive.

“I’m so sorry, Arizona. She threatened to tell her Dr. Torres’ parents about y'all. Look, it’s none of my business, but I thought if y'all talked she’d see what Hal and I’ve seen.”

Jen’s heart was in the right place. It was obvious to a complete stranger that we belonged together. So why didn’t Aria see it too? Three thousand miles separated us and we still refused to lose one another. Aria was supposed to be her understanding sister. Why was she doing this to us?

I look back down at Callie who was now screaming at Aria in Spanish and broken English. Jen pulled me away from the window and sat me on the bed, wiping my tears away with the damp cloth.

“Don’t listen to that now. I see the way she looks at you. That girl would give the world just to have you,” Jen softly says.

“Then why did she leave me in Seattle?” I whisper out.

The sound of two cars turning on and driving away silences the both of us. I’m on my feet and to the window just in time to watch the Lexus and Callie’s T-bird drive away. Jen is right there to catch me as I collapse into a hysterical sob.


It’s late as a car pulls into the front drive of the bed and breakfast. All evening, I’ve been lying on my bed waiting for Calliope to return, or rather praying she’d return. Jen stayed with me for awhile until I eventually cried myself to sleep. I didn’t stay asleep that long though. Every sound tonight has caused me to jolt awake and look for her.

The front door opens and I hear a quick “Thank God!” shouted from Jen.

“Is she..?”

“Upstairs. Poor thing has been worried sick about you.”

“I didn’t mean to - I just had to make sure my sister wasn’t going to-“

I imagine Jen is shaking her head no, telling her to say no more. Jen’s probably discovered more about us than she ever wanted to know.

“Just go to her, hun.”

Soon after, Callie comes through the door. “Arizona?”

I don’t move.

“Ari, please don’t be like this. I didn’t know she was going to check up on me!” The bed dips as Callie lies down next to me. The warmth of her body spreads onto mine as she curls against me. “Aria was the least of my worries I didn’t think she was checking my bank statements!”

Still, I don’t turn to her. My heart can’t take it if I have to look at her while she breaks this off with me.

“Arizona please!”

“She’s going to tell your father,” My voice shakes as I talk. “The jig’s up, Calliope.”

Suddenly she turns me over so I’m lying on my back. A leg slides over me as she straddles my waist. Her hands pin mine above my head. A big smile is painted across her face now has my full attention.

“Do you think I would have been gone that long if I didn’t think I could talk her out of telling Daddy?”

“You did what?!” my voice squeaks.

Cal's lying to me. I can tell as she leans down and kisses me with an intensity that fills me down to my toes with passion. It's never going to be okay.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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