FIC: Tomorrow I'll Miss You (1/?)

Nov 11, 2009 02:41

Title: Tomorrow I'll Miss You
Author: anna morgan
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: R
Summary: Slightly A/U. Starting with season five when Mr. Torres informed Callie, she's going home. Well, Callie went home and Arizona followed. Between the complications of distance and hiding their love, the two try to make their relationship work.
Disclaimer: The author of this piece does not, in any way, profit from the story and that all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator.
a/n: Thank you to my fanfreakintastic beta torresluvr who over a some emails and editing, has quickly become a wonderful friend. And thanks to you! For giving this chance and read thru.

Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you
Tomorrow I’ll miss you
Remember that I’ll always be true


It’s our second month in this new arrangement Calliope and I have created. We meet at this cozy bed and breakfast on the Florida coast and then get lost in each other’s company for the weekend. Last month it was just enough to suppress my hunger for her presence.

For about a week after wards when I came home my apartment didn’t feel so lonely. It didn’t feel like I was the third wheel everywhere I went. But the week passed and I had to throw myself into work just to forget that I’d be coming home to a cold bed that night.

This weekend is different though. This weekend my flight doesn’t leave until Monday night and if I’m lucky, she’ll stay with me until then.

Some days I can’t believe it’s come to this between us. After they disowned Callie I thought I could be the family she needed, but I was mistaken. My sweet orthopedic surgeon needed to call her mother when her heart broke over a bad case. She needed her stubborn father’s praise over her triumphs. And Callie needed her sister to gossip to about me, her new and unexpected love. I tried to be it all for her even though I knew it wouldn’t work.

Weeks passed and Callie started to break down. The smallest thing would set her off into tears or anger usually directed at me and I’d take it. It was a small price to pay for my girlfriend’s sacrifice, but I needed to see her happy again. So once again, I told her to lie about me to get them back. I wouldn’t mind being a secret to them because that fiery, bone breaking Latina was so worth it

She lasted two months before breaking down and calling her father, telling him she’d broken it off with me. The lies flowed so effortlessly out of her mouth about it being a moment of insanity. Lies about being plagued with grief over George cheating on her and again when we really lost him to the accident. Callie begged them through heart wrecking sobs to be let back into their lives. And she did this all awhile I held her hand, whispering that no matter what happened I’d be here for her.

We’ve been dating since March and even though we’re in the relatively early stages of our relationship, I already knew that I could love her. But what I also knew was that a declaration like that would definitely leave her more conflicted, then resolved. That’s something I couldn’t do. My Callie was so lost before that phone call and after wards, she was at peace. It’s like a switch was turned on and the Calliope I danced with in a living room was back. No girlfriend could ask for more, but I didn’t anticipate what happened next.

A week later, Mr. Torres arrived early one morning at her apartment with professional movers and a plane ticket home. She was starting at St. Mary’s in two days, take it or leave it. The whole time I hid in Yang’s bedroom, trying to hold back my tears as they packed up her things and moved her away from me.

This leads us to where we are right now.

I’ve been sitting on the deck attached to our rented bedroom in a pink sports bra and shorts, enjoying the sun and watching the waves roll in. It’s not the nicest place in the world, but it was the only place her family won’t come looking for us. I check my watch once more and then reach for my cell phone. It’s still off from the flight out here so I turn it on not believing my own stupidity for forgetting it. Sure enough, there are two text messages waiting for me.

The first reads, “Dad surprised me w/ lunch. Be an hour or so.”

I click next to read the second one. “Trauma. I’ll be there around dinner. xo”

A heavy sigh escapes my lips before I know it.

“Just super…” I huff out and head back into our room. Last month we got lucky and you met me at the airport. It was definitely not the case this time around.

My watch says 4:43 pm. I could take a nap and rest up, but I’m so on edge from want and need that I know I’ll never be able to shut my eyes. Grabbing my running shoes and ipod, I opted for a beach jog. It’s been ages since I’ve gotten a decent workout in and that’s not including the one we accomplished last month.

The owners, an elderly couple named Hal and Jen, wave to me as I head out the back porch and make my way for the beach. The two of them are relatively quiet though the husband walks around like someone ran over his puppy. We weren’t sure what to think about those two when we first arrived. Last month during the check out, they spoke highly about having doctors’ stay at their bed and breakfast. It puts everyone at ease knowing that if there’s an emergency, there’s professionals sleeping under the same roof.

I put my head phones on and get lost to the sounds of Spice Girls, Lady Gaga, and who ever else comes up on shuffle. Of course, I try not to think about Callie because we both know it’ll just frustrate me even more. Have you ever noticed that when you try not to think about something, it just clouds your thoughts even more? That’s either a vague definition of obsession or addiction. Whether it’s a healthy one or not is another story.

Things with Callie have never been easy, but they have always been worth it. After she left, most of my friends tried to get me to go out and while I’m one to never turn down an awesome night out of drinkage, it would have been nicer with my girl on my arm.

Did you know that despite almost being done with her residency at Seattle Grace, St. Mary’s is making her repeat a year? That’s just torturous and uncalled for. She was a senior resident and chief resident for awhile too. So in the back of my head, I’ve been wondering if that was Mr. Torres’ doing. It’s one way of keeping her home longer and away from me.

One mile becomes two and then four before I turn around and head back to the house. The sunset is beating down on my skin the entire time. I’ll probably have some sort of sunburn in the morning and with my luck Callie will make fun of it. With her caramel skin, she’s probably never had to worry about putting on sunscreen in her life. And maybe if we hadn’t been forced apart, I would have had a chance to ask her about sunscreen and such.

My run comes to a stop as I make it back to the beach in front of the house. The owners are still sitting at the porch and have yet to notice my return. I’m guessing they haven’t checked Callie in yet, so I take the opportunity and lay down right on the beach.

I have such expectations for this weekend. We’ll be together; hidden like Princesses in a tower but together. I could tell her now that I love her, but there’s always the thought of what if she doesn’t say it back. She could be exhausted from surgery and working all those shifts in a row just so she could sneak away to see me. Or she could be my Calliope. Absolutely stunning and raring to go the moment she sees me.

A shadow passes over me and I know it’s her. I peek an eye open and confirm it. She’s still dressed in her scrubs and her hair is thrown back into in a messy bun. The smell of sanitized operating room is lingering on her skin and even being surrounded by the ocean, I can still smell it. But it doesn’t matter though because to me she’s never look so beautiful.

“Calliope…” I breathe out.

“Miss me?” she asks.

I reach up to pull her down on top of me, planting the biggest kiss on her. She’s hesitant at first having been around her family for so long, but soon she melts in my embrace. Her hand comes up and tangles in my hair, as mine trails down her back. My tongue explores the soft hallows of her mouth, causing her to moan with delight. She releases me, and looks me deep into my now pooling eyes as I whisper, “More than I think you could ever know.”

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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