I keep thinking of Shonda's word "interesting." Does this mean someone we know? Or a big name star? Since SaRa is very much a vocal bi-advocate and ally, I am really, really intrigued.
What if it's Ben's sister Rozaline (sp?)? Pushing aside my deep desire for Calzona to reunite, I think a cisgender bisexual woman (Callie) dating a transgender (bisexual/lesbian) woman would be a super "interesting" story and something "new & shiny" in terms of storytelling.
I am totally fine with S12 being the season of dating others and growing their friendship. I want Calzona hi-jinx and fun.
Given JCap's new 3-year contract, I am long-term bullish on Calzona and I can wait another season as long as they at least interact this season.
That would be interesting if it was Ben's sister.don't think that sort of thing has been done before.I think as long as calzona are end game I may be able to put up with them dating others if it's so they can be in a better place individually and together for when they get back together.Ben's sister was in an episode last season right.is there news she is back this season.and I agree they need to.interact this season.I think they do need to interact and become friends and maybe even have fun hanging out together.so that we can see they should be together
Not sure if this is the same article but there was another Shonda quote where she said that she's a fan of Calzona and she hasn't made a determination (on their fate as a couple either way) but would like to see where the chemistry leads them. I'm totally paraphrasing but she/they/whomever can't assess JCap/SaRa chemistry if they don't have many substantive scenes together this season.
I am taking that comment as a good sign that we will get Calzona scenes this season. I can't get any less than the back half of S11.
Yeah it was one of the other articles.think it was the EW one.Yeah she said she was a fan of calzona and she isn't sure what their fate is but it all hangs on whether they have more chemistry with the new people they date than calzona have.and then she will make a decision.so basically if they have more chemistry with the new love interests then she may keep them apart.if not then there could be hope for calzona.but yeah they can't have less scenes together this season than last season surely.am I wrong for hoping that the chemistry is not as good as calzona and we get a reunion in the back half of the season.and I agree.for them to make a decision on who has the better chemistry you would think that calzona have some important scenes together this season for them to make an overall decision.but it would have to be important scenes I'm guessing to see the chemistry playing out
i could be clutching at straws. but surely we would have heard something by now about the women that have been cast for calzonas new love interest.What if its actually each other that they are dating.it would technically be classed as a new relationship since they have been divorced and seperated for 2 years. And that would be interesting.And since this season is supposed to be a lighter season.Then for me that would be calzona dating each other and having fun together again.unless we see them having fun with the new love interest to tie in with the lighter season it wouldnt feel like a lighter season to me if they are not together,or even interact on screen.But yeah i know im probably clutching at straws here
It's say's that Callie falls for someone which indicates it will be more than just dating. It also states it's a NEW love interest and mentions Arizona's reaction to it.
What I don't like is that Arizona has a reaction to it, I mean why should she and she basically indicates that Arizona only moves on because Callie has moved on. It feels like Callie is going to actually find her one where as Arizona is doing more soul searching...I'm sure Shonda has said that before about Arizona which generally means not a hell of a lot going on for Arizona.
Yeah it says callie has a relationship with them.if callie falls hard for this person and the chemistry is good they could have this person sticking around.which could also mean that they have callie fall in love with them and this person could turn out to be the person the one that she spends her life with.and yeah all it says is Arizona dates not has a relationship which means she's probably not gonna settle down with anyone. But there's still nothing about anyone being signed up yet as a recurring or series regular.I would think we would know by now because if it's something serious then it's obviously something and someone we Will have to see on screen.why have callie be in a relationship with someone if they don't show it.
They can have Callie fall in love and get married and not have a regular character on screen for it to happen. Bailey was with Tuck for years and we never saw much of him. Maybe they'll cast a character for her maybe not but from what we're getting it sounds like it's going to be very serious and Callie falls for this person...that to me means she falls in love with them while Arizona just potters around doing not much of anything...rather typical and predictable and boring
I do not believe that just because Callie "falls" for this person means it is the ideal relationship. My take on it is, Arizona is looking for love so she will be more selective in who she dates. she is not going to make the same mistake as in falling for a "newbie". Callie may fall for someone but Arizona may find a more significant relationship. That is how I view it so far.
Nor do I necessarily, but it does sound more like Callie falls for someone which to me I mean to take that as more deeper than just dating or a fling. Even if Callie falls for someone or falls in love or it's rather serious it doesn't have to mean it's 'ideal' but I think the wording gives it away a lot and to be honest I think past patterns show us that Callie will get more screen time focus on her moving on than Arizona. You can't change years of what has been...
What I do notice in Shonda's wording regarding Arizona is that she uses past tense. Arizona is will try to figure out what she wanted and what she needed. To me this may mean that she is taking stock of her entire life, not just life with Callie, so she can better plan her future. It began with her work with Herman last season. Herman opened Arizona's eyes to much more than how to save fetuses. Arizona's soul searching may be simply a purging of habits that never left her fulfilled, including Callie.
Arizona's soul searching may be simply a purging of habits that never left her fulfilled, including Callie.
That's quite a nice way to think about it. Not that I want her to dislike Callie but I feel Callie has made it clear she has no interest in her that way anymore and is all too happy to move on and rightfully so. I just want the same for Arizona. I was interested to see Arizona move on with someone or at least see how it played out but I got the feeling that she might be just dilly dallying around...Who knows though.
Some mixed reactions.some people still think something positive will come of this for calzona and some think that's it.I was thinking I know the show is about doctors but is also about the relationships.and I think they need a power couple front and centre to lead the show now there no merder.I don't think Ben/ bailey,jolex or japril are big enough couples to do that.I'm not saying they don't have fans but I'm not sure the fan bases are big enough to keep keep it going with their couples.I also don't think callie and her new partner and Arizona and her new partner will be big enough to be the main couple on the show.depending on how the chemistry is and if they are better suited with the new partner I think it would take a while for fans to really get behind the new pairings.or that could just be me.I really deep down believe calzona are better together and the show needs them together to be the main couple.but we probably won't get that.i really want the mid season cliffhanger to involve them in regards to letting us know there's
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You've hit the nail on the head. They need a lead, core couple that the audience already has a history with and an investment in. That's Callie/Arizona.
The whole chemistry testing nonsense is just that - nonsense. Look up mpdays on Tumblr. She's posted two great analyses of Shonda's statements. The fact is, Shonda loves them together. She'll never really hire anyone that she thinks has any real potential to make viewers root for Callie/Arizona with others.
The whole thing is code for, "Last year I didn't know if Jessica was gonna resign. Now that I have her, I've gotta get Sara resigned. Once I know I can do that, it's all systems go on a proper Calzona reunion.'
What about Lauren.a lot of people thought she should be brought back and put with Arizona again because they thought the chemistry was there.you and me know she was used to get their story moving for the next season.but I've seen people still out there begging for Lauren to.come back
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We are all just conjecturing and at this point it's all still up in the air BUT you've (once again!) put into words what I have been thinking this morning.
All this could indeed be due to Shonda hedging her bets to see if both Jessica and Sara sign up for another lengthy period. Well that's 1 down, 1 to go.
Comments 35
What if it's Ben's sister Rozaline (sp?)? Pushing aside my deep desire for Calzona to reunite, I think a cisgender bisexual woman (Callie) dating a transgender (bisexual/lesbian) woman would be a super "interesting" story and something "new & shiny" in terms of storytelling.
I am totally fine with S12 being the season of dating others and growing their friendship. I want Calzona hi-jinx and fun.
Given JCap's new 3-year contract, I am long-term bullish on Calzona and I can wait another season as long as they at least interact this season.
I am taking that comment as a good sign that we will get Calzona scenes this season. I can't get any less than the back half of S11.
What I don't like is that Arizona has a reaction to it, I mean why should she and she basically indicates that Arizona only moves on because Callie has moved on. It feels like Callie is going to actually find her one where as Arizona is doing more soul searching...I'm sure Shonda has said that before about Arizona which generally means not a hell of a lot going on for Arizona.
That's quite a nice way to think about it. Not that I want her to dislike Callie but I feel Callie has made it clear she has no interest in her that way anymore and is all too happy to move on and rightfully so. I just want the same for Arizona. I was interested to see Arizona move on with someone or at least see how it played out but I got the feeling that she might be just dilly dallying around...Who knows though.
The whole chemistry testing nonsense is just that - nonsense. Look up mpdays on Tumblr. She's posted two great analyses of Shonda's statements. The fact is, Shonda loves them together. She'll never really hire anyone that she thinks has any real potential to make viewers root for Callie/Arizona with others.
The whole thing is code for, "Last year I didn't know if Jessica was gonna resign. Now that I have her, I've gotta get Sara resigned. Once I know I can do that, it's all systems go on a proper Calzona reunion.'
All this could indeed be due to Shonda hedging her bets to see if both Jessica and Sara sign up for another lengthy period. Well that's 1 down, 1 to go.
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