the girl who waited

Sep 20, 2011 15:43

For the record, I have a post coming up later in the week about things that I've been doing plus my thoughts on new television, but in the meantime, I wanted to post this because it's been in the works for a little while and I needed a pick-me-up.

I regret nothing. I only regret not putting it up sooner like I planned this past Sunday, but, well, the Emmy's tend to take precendent and I don't want this thing to be a flop. If you're unfamiliar with the way this ficathon will be run, here's how it goes.


01. Post prompts - and lots of them! Please keep in mind to limit one prompt per comment, but there's no limit to the amount of prompts you can post in total. The more the merrier, I say! Also, as you can gather, all prompts must feature Amy (or Amelia or Amy in any timeline) as a subject. It can be a general prompt focusing on just Amy or a non-romantic/friendship fic with another character or more or a ship/romantic prompt that includes Amy. This means that you can write a prompt for Amy palling around with Martha Jones, but you may not write a prompt asking for Eleven/Rory, etc. Crossovers with other fandoms are welcome, but again, they must feature Amy prominently. As far as your actual prompt goes, they can be anything you like - quotes, lyrics, a photo, a word, a color, a place, an idea, an object, a five things challenge, etc. It can be anything that strikes your fancy. Prompts may also be canon-compliant or AU - anything you wish.

02. Fic and prompts of all ratings (from G to M/adult) are welcome.

03. When posting fic, please make sure you do so in a comment thread replying to the prompt you are filling. Do not start a new thread for posting fic. Also, all fic that gets posted here must have been written specificially for this ficathon (though, I will allow finished products of fic you have not posted elsewhere, but fic a specific prompt). Please do not re-post older fic that you've already posted. However, if your fic is longer that the allowed character limits, you can post it in parts in response to the prompt you are filling or leave a link to the longer fic.

04. Make sure that when posting fic, you format the title of your comment as such - pairing/character, title (if any), rating

05. And finally, even if you have no inclinations to write anything, you can always find a way to participate by leaving prompts and feedback!

So, there you have it, guys. All questions or general comments may be directed in this thread. Get writing! Or prompting! Pimp out this thing to a ridiculous amount of people so I can feel better about myself and not have it be a colossal flop! Invite your friends! Basically, let's just have fun celebrating our delightful Scottish ginger queen who deserves better treatment than the writers are certainly giving her.

P.S. You can promote on Tumblr by re-blogging this link.

lj: public, tv: doctor who

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