all will be well

Nov 14, 2011 13:45

Just a note first - In case you missed it the first time around, I put up a sign up post for my annual advent calendar holiday requests. There are only a few icon slots left, so if you want any icons from me, you'd better snap those up! However, if you'd like a fic, there are still plenty of slots available. Remember, I've allowed for one one icon request and one fic request per day.

Well, it happened. Within 2+ years of having a Tumblr, I've transitioned from a Livejournal user who has a Tumblr to a Tumblr user that has a Livejournal. This is more upsetting than it should be. In other web-related news, I've started using my Twitter again more frequently, so if anyone wants to add me, I'm here.

Nothing terribly exciting has been going on in my life other than being about a month away from (finally!) graduating, nearly two months away from moving out, and taking care of my brother who broke his arm during a football practice last Monday. All in all, it's about as thrilling as you would expect. MAYBE IF I UPDATED MORE, I'D HAVE BETTER ANECDOTES. I will say, though, that this time of year makes me regret never participating in NaNoWriMo. I've always wanted to do it (and commend the people who take this on), but I never do mostly out of fear that I'll never finish. I always say, "Maybe next year" and then next year comes and I'm saying the same thing all over again. It's not like I'm short on ideas. There have been several floating around in my mind for years. One of these days. One of these days.

But let's talk television, friends.

Since my last update, a lot of shows have come and gone. I've pretty much dropped everything at the moment. except my NBC comedies, a few British shows that are on weird schedules anyway and a couple of shows that I watch with my family such as Modern Family and (LOL) The X-Factor. I really wanted to give Chuck another go since it is the last season, but my nostalgia for the first two seasons can't seem to override my annoyances. It makes me sad, to be honest. Remember when I was in love with this show and picspammed it relentlessly? Those were the days!

Doctor Who finished its sixth season and I'll never stop ranting about that. I was never shy about my disappointment and frustrations over the show this year. However, all of my issues aside, series five still remains my favorite thing Doctor Who has ever produced. What I don't like, though, is this attitude on Tumblr that to criticize Steven Moffat (particularly in regards to sexism), you must also place Russel T. Davies on a pedestal and erase all of his shady mess that he inflicted on his female companions. Since I'm an equal opportunity hater, I don't play like that. So, after growing fed up with people on Tumblr who continue to play this silly game, I wrote up a meta post on my blog detailing the ways in which RTD screwed over his companions. It was fun, to say the least. I just want to be happy about this show in the way that I was last year.

And then there's Downton Abbey. Lord, where do I even start?

The last time I posted, I wrote up some brief thoughts about the first two episodes. For the record, I still stand by the majority of what I said there - six episodes later. I've complained about the direction this season went in, the potentially interesting stories that were dropped, the characterization issues, etc. This is no secret. However, I remain shamefully addicted to this mess. I can't help it. The drama is ridiculous, yet entertaining, and then there's Mary Crawley. I can't look away. If you haven't been reading penumbra's reviews of the season as it progressed, you should. Anything else I would say would end up being a rehash of Mary's words. She gets me when it comes to this show.


Even if all else fails, this show can bring the pretty.

On a happier note, Parks and Recreation remains my favorite thing currently on television. It's that simple. Everything about it brings me so much joy and so much life and there's nothing else on my schedule that makes me as happy as this show does. It's hard for me to imagine someone watching this show and not feeling overwhelmed with happiness and warmth.

Of course, that's not to say that the show doesn't have its faults. For one thing, I finally joined the coalition of people vehemently wanting Rob Lowe gone. I've gone from being amused by him to being mildly annoyed to tolerating to downright dislike. This whole interlude with Jerry's daughter has done so much to sour me on this character to the point of no return. However, I did love Ann's assertiveness with him in the latest episode. This is a conversation that I had been wanting to see for a long time and it did not disappoint. It gives me a little bit of faith that perhaps the writers aren't going to throw a second try at Chris/Ann like I originally thought. THANK GOD. Let Ann keep all of that self-posessiveness and not regress in character.

Another issue that I've lately is the handling of Ben/Leslie over the course of the most recent two episodes. Don't get me wrong. I love them dearly and they give me more feelings than any of you could possibly ever know, but I feel like they've been stagnate in the same pattern. Leslie wants to spend more time with Ben, but Ben doesn't because it hurts too much. After some icyness, Leslie devises a situation that works for her. Lather, rinse, repeat. I can't lie, though. I've been missing the hell out of their interactions this year because they have such delightful chemistry. However, I feel like we're seeing more of Leslie missing her friend more than anything and considering that I'm 90% sure they're getting back together within the next few episodes with all of this recent build up, I'm curious to see how they're going to go from point A to point B. With that said, much of this week's episode read like angry nerd foreplay. So into it.

But this show. This show. It warm my heart, it really does. It gives me Treat Yo Self, the entirety of "End of the World", and a moustauche-less Ron Swanson. It gives me Ben crying in a Batman costume, Andy's face, and Leslie being Leslie. It gives me waffle parties and nerd jokes and Game of Thrones references. It gives me so many things that make it my favorite thing right now.

This means a picspam, of course, covering everything but the premiere (since I picspammed that the last time I posted). I'd like to get back to my usual post-episode picspams that I did last season, but I haven't found the time to do so yet. Maybe next week! For now, there's this.

I need to get into new things that I can discuss. I tend to get really passionate about a couple of things at a time and they suck up all of my attention and everything else I I did end up watching all of The Walking Dead with my brother while he was home last week ailing. Wow, boring. I'm into the aesthetics of the show and the fact that it's all about human survival in extraordinary circumstances, but here's the thing: those stories only work if you've got interesting characters. This show doesn't have any characters that have grabbed me yet. I like Glen, but they don't feature him enough and I'm curious to see where Darryl's and Andrea's arcs go, but I can't say I'm all that invested. For a show that's only six episodes per season, it needs to be more fast-paced than it is. THIS SHOW NEEDS TO BE BETTER THAN IT IS. It's killing me softly that a show about a show set during a zombie apocalypse is this boring. I'd get through it easier if the majority of the characters weren't also horrible and/or bland.


tv: doctor who, tv: the walking dead, rl: general, tv: chuck, picspam: (tv) parks and recreation, tv: downton abbey, picspam: (tv) downton abbey, fandom: picspam, tv: parks and recreation

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