Kalie. Kales, if you're lucky.Twenty-something aspiring journalist from California (hence, the rather unimaginative username, but I've had it for years and I can't bring myself to change it). I have an unabashed love of television, particularly British imports, that is so strong it could rival Kenneth the Page's. I love to write and it becomes painfully clear in my often verbose entries. When I love or dislike something, you definitely know it. I'm not shy when it comes to letting my feelings loose, whether it's about something going on in my life or a fictional character. Other than talking about fandom and real life, I'll also post the occasional picspam, because I am a long-time Photoshop addict who just doesn't know how to quit.
If you're interested in being friends, go ahead and drop me a line. Be warned, though. I usually only add people who share mutual interests and friends or if I've run into you before either here on LJ or Tumblr.
calicons | fic:
roadsidescene tumblrs:
calikalie |
clockworkstop |
itsstilllife |
fuckyeahschwartzverse |
fuckyeahfullerversesingle cap tumblrs:
blueboxcaps |
cortexiphancaps |
dharmacaps |
ameliapondcaps |
elevencaps |
intersectcapsother projects:
therewerecracks |
big_jumps |