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Comments 39

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calico_reaction November 16 2011, 14:53:58 UTC
Awesome! If you get around to reading it, be sure to let me know what you think! :)


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calico_reaction November 16 2011, 14:55:07 UTC
I won't like: there is a love story that plays a serious role in this book, but it's not a YA romance, and I trust you know the difference between the two. ;) But if I just worried you, relax: you'll be fine. Once you read this, we can talk about how this story is a kind of twist of a familiar Shakespearean tale! :)


kellicat November 16 2011, 07:02:11 UTC
This sounds really interesting. I love it when books can evoke a strong sense of place and the cover's fantastic. I'll definitely try it when I get the chance.


calico_reaction November 16 2011, 14:55:27 UTC
Definitely do! Let me know whenever you get around to reading it!


kellicat September 12 2012, 03:05:33 UTC
I just finished reading it recently and I really enjoyed it. I loved how she wove the present and past together in such a seamless manner and the descriptions were fantastic. I definitely want to read the sequel as soon as it comes out.


calico_reaction September 12 2012, 03:19:50 UTC
I've got the sequel on pre-order! I'm really curious to see how the story evolves from here. :)


geekygirl November 16 2011, 08:22:11 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed this one! I really liked it to, with one exception. The middle seemed a bit lacking in pace and direction. The beginning and end however, were just amazing! I thought of Pan's Labyrinth as well while I read this! Here's my review, if interested: http://lillybook.blogspot.com/2011/10/smoke-and-bone-by-laini-taylor.html


calico_reaction November 16 2011, 14:56:44 UTC
You're right, the middle did seem to drag a bit, now that I think of it. I just assumed it was due to my busy schedule while reading, but yeah...

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out!


thebluerose November 16 2011, 09:52:41 UTC
Im hearing all good things about this book, I might just have to get a copy :)


calico_reaction November 16 2011, 15:02:01 UTC
You definitely should! If you get a chance to read it, come back for a chat. :)


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