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Comments 29

starmetal_oak November 13 2010, 04:10:24 UTC
I didn't have the same problems with the nitpicks probably because I didn't notice them as much as you did.

I totally get what you mean about Sorcha being good at everything. I didn't really connect with her, but for me it didn't affect my overall enjoyment of the story as much. I hated that she smoked cigars. To go with your idea of her being a man with boobs, I actually thought she acted just like Wolverine in X-Men.

Anyways, I can see where you're coming from with the problems you had with this book. For me, it was generally a more positive experience. Anyways, thanks for the review! I'm glad to see someone else wasn't crazy about Sorcha either.


calico_reaction November 13 2010, 15:44:00 UTC
So far, I seem to be the only one with serious issues! :)

But your Wolverine comparison is a great one. Totally spot-on!


starmetal_oak November 13 2010, 17:52:39 UTC
The other review I saw with similar issues was this one, if you're interested in reading it:


calico_reaction November 13 2010, 20:41:57 UTC
Thanks! I'm very glad to see I'm not the only one with issues!


jawastew November 13 2010, 04:15:03 UTC
I read your rating paragraph and oh no! TJ had me curious to read this one, too. I still want to, but I'll wait a while longer or see if the library ever gets it in (they are not so great at getting in mass markets).

I've read books that have a climax too early and then I wonder what else the book will do with the remaining 100 or 50 pages. Usually in those cases, it's 50 or 100 pages of "wrap up".

And Shara, I think you and I sometimes are psychically linked with our reading habits. I've been struggling with the past week on writing a review for a book I REALLY should have put down (I didn't, it was a review copy and I feel extra obligated to finish those) because now the review is turning into one long complaint. :(


calico_reaction November 13 2010, 15:46:18 UTC
Fortunately, this book isn't 100 pages of wrap up, there is another bigger climax (kind of, I think the first one was a little more personally life-threatening to the characters). Still though, it's a jarring experience, you know? I don't mind 50-100 pages of wrap up if it's a 600 page book, but in such a short book, the double climax thing is jarring.

And how bad is it that I hate using the word climax? My brain is constantly in the gutter!


yellow_rawr November 13 2010, 04:25:40 UTC
Hello there, just thought I'd comment...for once. >>;

And reading from your review, I'm not going to even touch the book. Sad, as the cover is so PRETTY. Oh well.

damn books that aren't good with the pretty covers. thats how I tend to lose some of my money on a wasted purchase...


calico_reaction November 13 2010, 15:47:46 UTC
If you want to get a more rounded outlook on this book, my reasons one and two in the first paragraph are two positive reviews from other readers. Double-check those before taking my review at face value. :)


seraphitta November 13 2010, 05:01:12 UTC
I'm not gonna lie. This made it on my reading list only because of the lion on the cover.


calico_reaction November 13 2010, 15:48:00 UTC

It's a gorgeous cover!


kellicat November 13 2010, 08:18:49 UTC
That's a great cover for a fantasy book. It's a shame that the book doesn't sound half so good. Urban fantasy concepts can be done well in a medieval world, as Michelle Sagara's Cast books show, but it definitely requires some form of technological consistency (whether it's magic or science or both that powers the technology). For me, a good urban fantasy also requires a strong sense of character. I'm willing to put up with generic plot elements if I find the characters and their arcs compelling. Michelle Sagara's Cast books fit the bill for me. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound as though this book fits either requirement (cigars in a medieval fantasy world? characters who wangst about not being able "to be together" while fucking like bunnies?). Oh well, it's not as if I lack other books to read right now.


calico_reaction November 13 2010, 15:48:43 UTC
I've got Sagara's first book in that series on my wish list. One of these days...


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