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Comments 15

aliciaaudrey October 14 2010, 23:33:22 UTC
She doubts him?

REALLY REALLY TRULY???!!!!! She kinda goes "Wait a second. I don't know if I want to be steered, exactly, to whatever grand destiny thing you have in mind. And why are you treating me like I'm an idiot AND made of glass AND like I should just sort of nod and go 'whatever you say, darling'? And hows about filling me in on some details before I ride off into the sunset with you?"




calico_reaction October 15 2010, 00:55:28 UTC
Read the review for the first book and brace yourself for the flaws, then read the first book, then read this one. We'll discuss. :)


aliciaaudrey October 15 2010, 01:10:35 UTC
I'm looking forward to it!


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calico_reaction October 15 2010, 00:57:23 UTC
Bear with me: what does NGL mean?

I'm curious as to what side she's on. I mean, Cam tried to KILL HER to prevent her from going with the Outcasts. I can't wait to learn what her role is and why the angels and demons are hiding it from her.

Yeah, Luce--if she chooses Daniel--needs to understand the love, not be attracted to him because of some supernatural pull that comes from all of her reincarnated lives, you know?


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calico_reaction October 15 2010, 01:39:04 UTC
I'm so bad with that stuff... but thanks for explaining.



jawastew October 15 2010, 00:38:54 UTC
This is the other angel series you mentioned earlier, isn't it? The covers are so dark, I wasn't sure if the books would appeal to me. I see gothic anything and am reminded of moody and angsty teenagers. :p


calico_reaction October 15 2010, 01:09:35 UTC
Yep! The world-building is quite fun, though the first book has its share of flaws. This one has a different set of flaws, but I'm not picking on them as I did on the first book.

Both are ridiculously fast reads though with some memorable characters, yet I wouldn't recommend it if you're in an anti-paranormal-YA-romance mode. :)


jawastew October 16 2010, 20:50:19 UTC
Hmm I'm in one of those right now, but working my way through Crescendo anyway. At the moment, I'm very unimpressed with YA romance in general...


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calico_reaction October 15 2010, 20:19:49 UTC
If you're shallow, you aren't the only one! :) I know I'm very susceptible to doing the same thing, especially since all I needed was a decently okay review of the first book to grab it!


mister_otter October 15 2010, 10:37:16 UTC
Am reading this now and mostly bored with it; I miss the Southern gothic setting of 'Fallen,' though I suspect we will return there sooner or later. Had the thought this morning that perhaps Luce is a mother-of-savior type and will eventually be pregnant. If that's where this series is going, I quit!


calico_reaction October 15 2010, 20:31:29 UTC
Oh lord... it never occurred to me that she might get pregnant... oh well, at least I'll have plenty to rant about if she does!


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