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Comments 15

arysani October 15 2010, 13:00:49 UTC
It was the covers that pulled me towards them, but I didn't pick them up for fear it would be more of the "paranormal romance YA" that I too am tiring of quickly. At first I was thrilled that the genre was popping because despite the dregs it flung across shelves, it also produced books worthy of an afternoon reading. But, like any other fad, now that it seems that no one is writing ANYTHING ELSE, I'm more reluctant to just pick stuff up.

But you sound like this has enough to pique interest and keep it going but that I'm probably better off going with library copies?


calico_reaction October 15 2010, 20:31:20 UTC
The first book, FALLEN, is pretty traditional YA paranormal romance. This installment seems to want to challenge that a bit, which I find interesting, but I'm not sure if the author's just teasing or really plans to go all the way with it. Definitely go for library copies. :)


rebecca_at_dsb October 16 2010, 14:59:25 UTC
I'm in the library's hold queue for this one, since I just want to read it and toss it. Still, I'm glad to hear that it doesn't devolve into syrupy sweetness.

I second the vote for fluffy, fun reads every now and then!


calico_reaction October 16 2010, 15:14:46 UTC
Looking forward to your thoughts on it!


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