January Challenge: How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe by Charles Yu

Nov 06, 2011 10:34

And now, the results of January's poll, Genre in the Mainstream!

We didn't have the typical number of votes that we normally get for a book club challenge, but I suspect it's because 1) I didn't email anyone to let them know the poll was up and 2) when it comes to theme, people will vote when the themes/books interest them. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.

For a long while, it really looked like Jonathan Lethem's Gun, with Occasional Music would be our winner, but after 26 votes, a different title managed to pull ahead…

How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (2010)
Written by: Charles Yu
Theme: Genre in the Mainstream
ISBN: 978-0-307-73945-2

This book has been nibbling at my imagination ever since I first heard of it. The title is compelling, and the sample I read on my Kindle a while back had me putting the title in the "YES" column, in terms of definitely wanting to read. So I'm pleased to see that we'll be reading this, and it looks just different enough to provide for some interesting discussion. :)

Who can participate?

Anyone who's interested in the book. You don't have to have an LJ to participate in the challenge. Just read the book sometime between NOW and the month of JANUARY and then feel free to engage in discussion at the end of the month. Or, if you have a book blog of your own, post your review there and provide me with a link in mine. :) For your sake, I'll hold off posting my review until the end of JANUARY so no one feels rushed to finish the book. I want people to read at their own speed and to enjoy themselves.

As always, feel free to talk about the book challenge and encourage others to read what you are. After all, the more the merrier!

When do I participate?

Any time between NOW and January 31st. As long as you read the selection within this particular time frame, you've participated. This way, if you're a slower reader, you've got much more time. :) And if you're a fast reader, and want to participate in the discussion with the book fresh on your mind, then go ahead and wait until January!

How do I participate?

Get your hands on the book. You can buy, borrow, or swap, but please try and get your hands on the book. If you're having trouble finding this book, let me know and I'll try and point you in the right direction. This book is available in a variety of formats, so hopefully, it won't be hard to get your hands on. But seriously, if you DO have trouble finding the book, let me know! But don't delay! Get your copy now!

But what if I've already read this book? How do I participate then?

Same as you normally would, but without reading. Comment to the review and discussion when it's posted, and if there's a poll, answer the questions. If you have a review, make sure you shoot me the link. You can choose to re-read the book for the challenge if you WANT, but I won't think any less of you if you decide not to.

Okay, okay, okay! But what about NEXT'S month's challenge? Taking suggestions for that?

I may change my mind, but right now, I'm leaning towards "Books My Husband Wants Me To Read," which may include Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian, Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat, Mike Carey's The Devil You Know, and Robert Lohr's The Chess Machine. But I'm not married to this theme (har-har), so suggestions are welcome (especially since I'd like to find a theme that would include an Octavia E. Butler selection, to see if we can't read her three Februarys in a row!). We'll have our first SPONSORED theme in March, so stay tuned!

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