All right, so you're getting the December title EARLY, but don't worry, when December 1st rolls around, I'll put up another dedicated post with a big picture linking back to this one, okay? But for now, you can get an early start on December's challenge:
After 41 total votes (a MUCH better turnout than November!), the winner for the December book challenge is:
The Last Unicorn (1968)
Written by: Peter S. Beagle
Theme: Classic Fantasy
ISBN: 0451450523
Lots more votes this time around, and it's one of those titles that if you don't already own it, you shouldn't have any trouble finding it (or the animated movie adaptation, but even if you watch that, read the book too, okay?). Looking forward to this one, because I adored the movie when I was a child, and I've been wanting to read the actual book for a while. Also, you all voted on the ONE book that I already owned, so yay for that!
Who can participate?
Anyone who's interested in the book. You don't have to have an LJ to participate in the challenge. Just read the book sometime in the month of November and then feel free to engage in discussion at the end of the month. Or, if you have a book blog of your own, post your review there and provide me with a link in mine. :) For your sake, I'll hold off posting my review until the end of the month so no one feels rushed to finish the book. I want people to read at their own speed and to enjoy themselves.
And as always, feel free to talk about the book challenge and encourage others to read what you are. After all, the more the merrier!
When do I participate?
Any time between NOW and December 31st. As long as you read the selection within this particular time frame, you've participated. This way, if you're a slower reader, you've got much more time. :)
How do I participate?
Get your hands on the book. You can buy it new at the store or or
Barnes & or at the
Book Depository. Your local independent bookseller is good too. :)
However, if money's tight (and don't we all understand that?), you've got some options.
Buy it used:
@ Amazon,
@ Barnes & Noble,
@ AbeBooks,
@ Powell's Find a book swap:
@ LibraryThing (may need to be a member to access this); Other online book communities may also have a swap/giveaway option, so check them out! Also, if you have a copy of this book you don't mind passing along, comment TO THIS POST so people can get in touch with you!
Or go to your local library. Don't be afraid to ask your local librarian about interlibrary loan. Or if you're really brave, and/or have a good relationship with the librarian, see if they'll order a copy for the library. :)
Okay, okay, okay! But what about NEXT'S month's challenge? Taking suggestions for that?
You already know that January's theme is YA Futuristic Fiction, but I'm fresh out of ideas for February's theme, which we'll vote on in December. So, do you have a theme idea? If you do, give me the idea AS WELL AS book suggestions that fit the theme. If I end up going with your theme, I'll be sure to give you a shout-out during the vote!