The result from our poll is in... is everybody ready to rumble?
The heat, the action, the excitement of... spring? That's right, a Spring Rumble. We don't discriminate. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE calendarsquares, actually. Here's our Spring Rumble calendar.
OVERVIEW The Spring Rumble will be 3 rounds. The themes will be a little more inspiration-based, but you'll still have optional bonus themes to earn extra points.
SIGN UPS Sign ups will be open through Friday, April 24.
[Rumble Calendar]ROUND ONE = Round 01 will be posted Monday, April 20. = Icons will be due on Friday, April 24. Voting will go up shortly thereafter. = Results for Round 01 will go up on Monday, April 27.
ROUND TWO = Round 02 will be posted Saturday, April 25. = Icons will be due on Friday, May 1. Voting will go up shortly thereafter. = Results for Round 02 will go up on Monday, May 4.
ROUND THREE = Round 03 will be posted Saturday, May 2. = Icons will be due on Friday, May 8. Voting will go up shortly thereafter. = The final results will go up on Monday, May 11.
BE A TEAM PLAYER = All media types are permitted as long as it's official. No fan works, please! = Please keep all icon submissions safe for work. No offensive imagery. = Icons submitted for this challenge must remain anonymous for the duration of the rumble. = Please keep your rumble identity private. = Do not ask others to vote for you, or use a secondary account to vote multiple times. = When you sign up, please include the phrase "it takes all kinds" somewhere in the post so that I know you've read through the rules.
TCG EXCHANGE RULES Participants may claim prizes at tcg_exchange for this competition once it is completely over (May 11).
Submissions: 2 Random Cards (per round) Voting: 1 Random Card (per round) Winning People's Choice: 1 Rank B Certificate prize (can only be claimed at the end of the challenge). Placing in the Top 5: 2 Random Cards
BE A WINNER Need more motivation to participate? Here are some of the perks you can look forward to.
= All participants will receive a participation banner at the end of the Rumble, and of course, their secret identity icon. = The top five places will receive a winners banner. = The first place winner will receive a winners banner, and their choice of a custom userhead, OR +5 userpics.
BE AGGRESSIVE To win, you'll need to earn points. Want to get a jump on the competition? Here are some ways to get a head start.
= Submit icons for our Color Challenge of the Month for an extra two points (+2) per icon, up to four icons. Just let me know your rumble identity with your submission.
= Promote this challenge using the code below. You'll get one point (+1) per plug, up to three times. Just comment to the appropriate thread below.
BE YOURSELF Unless you're forced to go undercover. Which you are. Name: Graphics Journal: (optional) Identity Choice 01: Character Name Identity Choice 02: Character Name Password: (read the rules)