Title: Northbound Countdown 8/10 (a/k/a 3.9.2009, 3 Days until SPN returns from break.)
Author: Nikki Loza (a/k/a calcium_yeah)
Disclaimer: A collection of people own Supernatural and its characters. Misha owns himself. I own nothing.
Rating: R
Fandom: Supernatural/RPS
Genre/ Pairing: Slash. Dean/Misha. Contemplation of Dean/Castiel.
Spoilers: Takes place post-4x11 Sex and Violence.
Warnings: WIP written live over 10 days, so you may wish to wait until the end if you would like the full, edited version. Thoughts of angel porn.
Summary: After fooling around with Misha, and an argument with Sam, Dean goes to have a talk with Misha, who thinks Dean is Jensen. 10 day Dean/Misha countdown to Supernatural's return from winter break.
Dean stormed out of the kitchen, ordering Sam to wait there, but only receiving an assurance that if he didn’t let Misha in on at least a significant part of the truth, Sam would do it for him.
Misha was perched on the edge of the couch, elbows resting on his knees, looking as if he’d just rolled up from where he’d been lying earlier. His hair was all shoved forward, looking as if a breeze were blowing from somewhere behind him, but otherwise he’d organized himself well enough that there was no evidence of their earlier activies.
Dean could see the other man’s mouth clenched between the fingers of the hand where he was resting his chin and he almost hoped that he’d just heard the whole fight so he wouldn’t have to explain what a lying dick he was to a pretty nice guy.
“D’you hear any of that?” Dean’s voice was gravely, serious, and sent a message that he was prepared for another argument, but he knew he was wrong.
Misha straightened up, resting his arms across his chest. “Heard some banging, shouting about someone named-Cas, I think? I tried not to listen, couldn’t really avoid it at some points though. What was that all about?”
“He-yeah, he thinks-he was saying what needed to be said.” Dean walked over to the couch and squatted in front of Misha, clasping the back of the other man’s neck with one hand and rubbing a thumb just below Misha’s lips with the other.
“What did he say?” Misha’s gaze darted from Dean’s eyes to his lips and back.
Dean just shook his head and moved in to kiss him, but Misha pulled back. “Are you cheating on someone with me right now?”
Dean shook his head again, but when Misha didn’t seem to react, he answered, “No. I’m not.”
“Then who’s Cas?”
“It’s just that…guy that you remind me of. That’s Cas.”
“And Jared thinks you’re using me to pretend you’re with him?” Misha licked his upper lip as if considering the possibility. “I don’t-I don’t think I mind…I guess. If he’s gone and you need…I mean, you know it’s me, and we’ve gotten along pretty well on our own terms even before tonight.”
Dean bit his lip, eyes lowering as he absentmindedly stroked Misha’s jaw with his thumb, “you are so fucking awesome…and I’m lying to you.”
Dean’s eyes raised to gauge Misha’s reaction and he saw that the actor’s mouth was open in a silent question, head tilted in that way that made Dean’s stomach clench.
The hunter rested his forehead on Misha’s and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “I came here because I thought you might be connected to Cas, I came here to help you or to help him, because I help people, you know? I try to make up for everything that I did-”
“Jen, what-?” Misha tried to interrupt, but Dean continued.
“My name,” Dean raised his voice to put a stop to Misha’s interruption, “is Dean Winchester, that’s my brother Sam in your kitchen. I wanted to figure out why you thought I was your friend, but I’m not him, I’m not Jensen.”
Previous Chapters:
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven