Northbound Countdown 9/10 (Dean/Misha, Dean/Cas)

Mar 10, 2009 21:49

Title: Northbound Countdown 9/10 (a/k/a 3.10.2009, 2 Days until SPN returns from break.)
Author: Nikki Loza (a/k/a calcium_yeah  )
Disclaimer: A collection of people own Supernatural and its characters.  Misha owns himself.  I own nothing.
Rating: R
Fandom: Supernatural/RPS
Genre/ Pairing: Slash.  Dean/Misha.  Contemplation of Dean/Castiel.
Spoilers: Takes place post-4x11 Sex and Violence.
Warnings: WIP written live over 10 days, so you may wish to wait until the end if you would like the full, edited version.  Thoughts of angel porn.
Summary: Misha reacts to Dean’s confession that he’s not Jensen.  10 day Dean/Misha countdown to Supernatural's return from winter break.

Dean could feel the deep rise and fall of Misha’s chest and when the actor didn’t respond to his confession, Dean pulled his head back slightly and opened his eyes.

“That’s,” Misha started, but broke into an unconvincing laugh half-way, “Jen, that’s not funny.”

“I’m sorry.  I’m not him.” Dean shook his head softly.

“Stop.” Misha whispered.

“I should’ve told you before we did all this-


“I didn’t think any of that was gonna happen, it was-you were just so beautif-”

“Just stop, okay!” Misha shouted over Dean’s rambling.  “Stop saying all this.  What am I supposed to do?  How am I even supposed to understand that?  What, you and your brother just look like people I’ve known for months now?”

“If we really look like them…there’s a lot of things that could be wrong here, but I promise you that we did not set out to hurt you.”

Misha pushed away from Dean, making a noise that the hunter heard as disbelief, and reached into his pocket to pull out a cell phone.

“Are you calling the police?” Dean hooked his thumbs into the front pocket of his jeans, figuring that he and Sam could be long gone and tracking down their look-alikes before the first responders arrived.

Misha bit down on his lip and watched Dean out of the corner of his eye while dialing, only turning to look at the other man after lifting the phone to his ear, apparently waiting for an answer.  A series of rapid-fire blinks signaled to Dean that someone picked up on the other line.

“Jen?” Misha gulped after speaking, and if that one word carried any emotion, Dean would have identified it as hurt.  “Hey…you and Jared, you’re in Vancouver?...nothing weird’s happened?…no, just…look, I need you to be completely honest, completely serious with me right now because I’m about to-I don’t know what I’m about to do actually…yeah, I, uh-do you know about these guys who look like you and Jared, they’re calling themselves Dean and….”

“Sam.” Sam spoke up and Dean and Misha both looked at him standing in the entry to the kitchen, neither of them sure when he’d arrived.

“Dean and Sam.  Winchester…I just had a two hour dinner with them thinking they were you, so yeah…no, don’t, don’t-not yet…yeah, if you don’t hear from me by then.” Misha hung up and Dean spoke as soon as he shut the phone.

“Sam, can you give us a second?” Dean asked over his shoulder.

“We need to get out of here.”  Sam started toward Dean. “We can figure out what’s going on and deal with it on the road.”

Dean kept watching Misha, who was looking between Sam and Dean nervously, and he pulled his keys from the pocket of his jeans, dangling them before tossing them in the general direction that Sam’s voice was coming from.  He didn’t hear the keys hit the floor, so he assumed his brother had caught them.

“You know how to treat my baby.” Dean tried for a lighthearted tone, but finally turned to his brother when he didn’t hear footsteps.  “You wanted me to have a talk-I’m having it.”

Sam sighed and walked towards the front door, taking one last look at Misha before leaving, “We don’t know what he is, either.”

“We don’t know what he is?” Misha asked incredulously from his position backed against a wall.

“My brother’s been…overly cautious lately.  Or maybe I have some kind of death wish.”

“Being around me is…a death wish?  Didn’t you two just run some kind of con for me for the last few hours?”

“It wasn’t a con,” Dean stepped towards Misha, but stopped when he saw the other man tense up.  “When you came up to me in that store, I thought…maybe that something was wrong with Cas.  You knew me, but you thought I was someone else. “

“So you asked me if I was having blackouts or memory problems.”

“It’s not even that I really thought you were a different person, I mean how would you recognize me?” Dean rubbed the scar on his arm. “What was I supposed to think?”

“What am I supposed to think?  You thought something was mentally wrong with me so you-what?  What were you gonna do if Jared-Sam, whoever the hell he is, hadn’t walked in on us.  Were gonna fuck me on the couch and let me think I was sleeping with someone I knew for more than four hours?”

“I wish I could answer ‘no’ to that,” Dean forced himself to maintain eye contact, “because the real answer makes me sound like someone I don’t want to be.”

“I really don’t know what you expect me to say here.”  Seeing that Dean apparently wasn’t going to follow through on any desires or act out violently, Misha relaxed enough to lower himself to sit on the arm of the couch.

“I sure as hell don’t know.  Not really big on talks.  Like I said, this was Sammy’s idea.  But he was right, you deserved to know the truth.  So, I guess I’m just asking that if you see me or Sam again that you hear us out.   Then again maybe you should be careful about all four of us, just to be safe.”

“You want me to be careful about Jensen and Jared?”

“I want you to be careful about everyone.” Dean inched towards the couch and Misha eyed him warily, but didn’t move.  When Dean reached him, he didn’t attempt to make contact, but leaned down with his hands on his thighs in an un-intimidating manner to look the actor in the eyes.  “Misha, you look a lot like someone who a lot of people might have an interest in.  I’m gonna trust you enough to tell you that, I’m gonna trust that this whole thing hasn’t been some kind of mind-fuck on me and my brother.  Now, that probably doesn’t mean a whole lot to you, but it’s all I really have right now.”

“’s not quite enough at this point.” Misha leaned back, putting some distance between them.

“Yeah.  It’d probably be really out of line to try to kiss you goodbye, wouldn’t it?”

“I don’t know.  I might be emotionally distraught enough to actually let it happen.” Misha blinked and Dean finally noticed that the edges of his eyes were tinged with red.

“Alright, this is where I prove I’m not a total dick," Dean rested a hand on Misha’s shoulder. "Gonna...walk away now.”

Previous Chapters: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight

fic, dean/castiel, dean/misha, supernatural, northbound countdown, crossover:rps

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