idril_telrunya, and
flusteredspeech: OMFG FINALE
idril_telrunya: You know... that wasn't Sam crying at the end there.
caithream and
flusteredspeech: ...?
idril_telrunya: That wasn't Sam. That was JARED.
flusteredspeech: DDDD:
caithream: OH MY GOD
flusteredspeech: D:
caithream: OH MY GOD
And thus it went.
Still not over it. Not in the slightest. :(
Parents loved apartment. Parents also loved Iron Man! I FINALLY figured out why I completely perv on RDJ during that movie, AND THAT IS BECAUSE he reminds me SO MUCH of Jeffrey Dean Morgan, especially in the beginning. Which is odd, 'cause I certainly DON'T perv on John Winchester, and JDM in other roles is AMAZINGLY ADORABLE but not ridiculous hot status? I DON'T KNOW, YOU GUYS.
So basically? I have opinions. But very, very rarely will you ever see me post anything about said opinions, because most of the time? I'm of the minority. I'm also the biggest pussy you will ever meet, and for me to be called out/brought down/be "proven wrong" about said opinions is mortifying just to think about. So no, you will never hear my opinions, because no matter what anyone says, and I mean anyone, no matter how good of a friend you are to someone, you will still judge them by their opinions. But let me just step outside of my opinionless facade for one second here and say that the undercurrent of these last two months or so in fandom? Has been so fucking unfun, tiring, aggravating, and soul-suckingly serious that I want to fucking scream. I've given up reading other peoples' reviews. Meta is something that I don't even want to touch with a ten foot pole. Basically? This is my own little tiny corner of fandom where no one else is allowed in because I'm so epically, AMAZINGLY tired of this shit, you guys, I am so not even kidding. Not even a little.