
May 18, 2013 22:52

I'm still battling the invasion of bugs in the kitchen, and have finally resorted to saran-wrapping the kitchen window shut. It appears to be working so far, and that's good for my psyche. For some reason I can't fathom, cleaning the damned things up just squicks me badly -- unless I'm gloved up. Then it's fine. Not sure why, but something about ( Read more... )

rl update, omfg, just my luck, omfg busy, traveling, travel, ugh, squick, guh, photography

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Comments 4

sharona1x2 May 19 2013, 10:45:58 UTC
I hope you have an amazing time on your trip! Turkey sounds like a very exotic and interesting place to visit.


cailamaia May 19 2013, 18:07:36 UTC
I don't think I'm likely to have time for much touristy stuff while I'm there. Family business and all. But I hope to find some time to enjoy myself. :D


bookbyte May 21 2013, 14:17:06 UTC
Wow! Have a good and safe trip! :D
I look forward to pictures too.


cailamaia May 21 2013, 15:13:14 UTC


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