
May 18, 2013 22:52

I'm still battling the invasion of bugs in the kitchen, and have finally resorted to saran-wrapping the kitchen window shut. It appears to be working so far, and that's good for my psyche. For some reason I can't fathom, cleaning the damned things up just squicks me badly -- unless I'm gloved up. Then it's fine. Not sure why, but something about them just... *shudder* Yick. Squirmy things all over my kitchen. Ew. I even found one in the (closed) flour jar. Needless to say, that got summarily thrown out without appeal, and immediately put out of the house. I've been all... weird about cooking, in direct response. Which is not the best thing ever for my diet, but so be it. I'll be fine.

I'm currently about halfway packed for my trip on Tuesday, and have turned in the form to stop my mail. Just have to remember to check on that, like everything else. A few more errands to run and house chores to do. Like laundry. But on the whole, things are (finally) more or less in order. I've even been good and cleaned out the fridge already. Well, except for what I need for the next few days. And since I'll have 17 hours worth of overnight flight to fill, I've been putting together a library of stuff to entertain myself with. Probably won't end up getting much sleep in the process of flying. That normally doesn't work well for me, though I have gotten better at it.

I've also already been repeatedly informed that if I don't take mountains of photos, I'll be frowned at mightily in disappointment, so not to worry. There will be photos. They likely won't get uploaded anytime in the near future, though, as internets in Turkey will be relatively hard to come by.

rl update, omfg, just my luck, omfg busy, traveling, travel, ugh, squick, guh, photography

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