RL update

Mar 18, 2013 21:28

Lots of stuff has gone down since my last post. I never meant to go this long without updating, really.

Cut for lists and rambling )

rl update, omfg, paper writing, writing, presentation, classes, school, ta-ing, manuscript, stressing, journal paper, work, grading, research, omfg busy, experiments, dissertation

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Comments 3

lil_1337 March 19 2013, 06:50:06 UTC
The good news is you have a date finally and it is almost over.


sharona1x2 March 19 2013, 10:09:05 UTC
Wow. You did more in the last few weeks than I did all last year. Good for you!


cailamaia March 19 2013, 15:00:04 UTC
Thanks? The whole semester has been like that. And worse at times. It's been exhausting, and I'm really hoping I can make it through to the end of Finals Week without crashing hard. As it is, I might take part of next week off, I'm thinking.


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