RL update

Mar 18, 2013 21:28

Lots of stuff has gone down since my last post. I never meant to go this long without updating, really.

So, let's see. The week of Feb 20th. Almost a month ago, was the week I was out sick. Yes, all week. It sucked. Hardcore.

The week after consisted of a series of frantic sessions in the lab, trying to get a sample prepped that worked, because I had to have one ready to image by Friday morning. And I found this out on Tuesday. Also did a bit of grading, and re-wrote a few project assignments for the class I'm TA-ing. Somehow I actually managed to get it all done. I'm not sure how, to this day. Because the imaging session on Friday worked, I spent the weekend updating the journal paper draft I needed them for. It was re-submitted on the following Monday after some spell-checking.

The week after that, the first week of March, I was forced to spend putting together the first draft of my defense presentation and catching up on trying to catch up on grading. I got through one assignment that week. Out of seven on my desk. Times 42 students. And that Friday the draft of my dissertation was due for a format check. Oh, and in addition I was trying to corral my committee into a date for my defense, to boot. It took me until that Friday, but I eventually managed. It's set for a week from tonight. And I'll be one hell of a nervous wreck that day. I'm considering showing up for the group meeting in the morning, then going home again, since I live nearby. The defense is scheduled for that evening.

The following week was Spring Break. Not too much of note went down. No wait, what am I saying? Monday morning I had to present my ppt. Cold, cause I had no time to practice it. I finished the draft Sunday night around 1 am then fell into bed. Tuesday I spent grading at home, then went out for sushi with the boy and a group of my buddies. Wednesday too, but in the office. Thursday I did the grade at home thing again, and Friday was my brothers' birthday, so there was cake and presents. And hibachi for dinner, after which I crashed hard. There would have been movie night, but I was tired, and my phone died so I didn't get the text about it. Ah well. On Saturday I did some more grading. On Sunday there was *yet* more grading, and a bit of hang-out time over beer as a reward to myself for being good all week.

And that's only the vague general overview type of description of the last month. There's a lot more that went on that I simply am not remembering right now. But eh.

Today... for not having done too much, really, was ridiculously busy. We didn't have a group meeting, but I sat down with one of my co-workers (who's a chemist) and discussed a few questions he had about my work, and a few questions I had for him. (Which later led to a brain wave and a breakthrough on my part, and subsequently made me feel like a dumbass for missing the obvious, but eh.) Followed by frozen yogurt as a pick-me-up for three of the ladies in the lab who were feeling down, and as a wake-me-up for me. Hooray for sugar boosts. It was enough to get me motivated and moving again, so that was good. I finished grading one more assignment, and then moved on to working on my ppt slides. I managed to power through a fair amount of the changes and corrections that needed to get done. About a third of the list. I'd hoped for half, but close enough, I guess. At that point it was time to head home for a bite to eat before class. Which was hectic as all get out. They were writing their first "real" program. Some of them had a clue, most had half a clue. And some were just... lost. I got home after that, feeling drained.

And now I fully intend to vege for an hour or so, and then maybe indulge in a bit more fangirlish nonsense.

rl update, omfg, paper writing, writing, presentation, classes, school, ta-ing, manuscript, stressing, journal paper, work, grading, research, omfg busy, experiments, dissertation

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