
Feb 20, 2013 16:29

I suppose I ought to post something. I never really meant to fall off the radar again, but life has been more than a bit overwhelming. And also not that exciting, all at once.

The vast majority of what I've been doing since the last update can be summed up pretty simply. School, school and more school.

Christmas was nice, as was New Years, though uneventful this year. January was a marathon of experiments and paper writing. I really don't think I had a day off. Except the weekends, which I insist on keeping for myself, rather than risking burn-out.

The past two weeks have been more of the same, but with a different focus. My deadline to finish editing my dissertation and send it out was last Monday. And I managed, though barely. I caught some really nasty bug on Friday/Saturday. Or at least felt the effects thereof. May have caught it somewhat before that. But I've been fighting it ever since. And it made the last round or two of edits and tweaks *suck*. Hardcore.

It has yet to be entirely conquered, either, though I'm slowly recovering. Finally.

I've been doing a little writing of my own to keep from being too bored as I recover. Along with a bit of grading, cause there was an exam last Monday. And a bit of a massive 80s sitcom marathon just be-freakin-cause.

rl update, paper writing, fml, just my luck, classes, school, ta-ing, ugh, tired, manuscript, grading, sick, research, omfg busy, guh, dissertation, fic

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