Picspam Reaction: Supernatural 5.15

Mar 29, 2010 13:10

Heh. Not only am I out of practice after the hiatus, I forgot that at this time of year I have less than half the usual length of 'weekend' and totally miscued on my scheduling. *facepalm*

Posting in a rush, may edit later.

Spoiler Timeline

OMG NOTHING!!!! \o/ Even after the hiatus! NOTHING! Woo!

Picspam Reaction with Meta, speculation and random blithering for Supernatural 5.15 - "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid"

(NOTE: A * after something, means "See footnote." Footnote may be considered spoilery, and is spoiler-barred, but I'm adding it so it hopefully doesn't get mentioned over and over in comments.)

Zombie hit squads!!!!! Law enforcement!!! BOBBY'S FREAKING WIFE!!! \o/ GLEEE!!

-Previously! Horsemen, War, Famine, Death, Yay! Bobby's wife? That's random. [She was in the previously and yet I still didn't clue in! Wow, work is killing my brain.] Dean's tired and done and needs help.

-Ooo, lightning! Niiiice

-Graveyard. Very dark. Clay James Thomps- OMGYAY ZOMBIE!!!! Rising from the grave! Hahahahaah! See, I just posted this thing, sort of a list of stuff that I consider to be 'on the wall' for Supernatural, and one thing on it was zombies!!! Heeeee! Omg yay! *ticks that off the wall*

[Hee! Zombie power!]

-Nature show voice-over FTW! Wildebeest! "The wildebeest lounges, lazy and self-content." Hee!

[OOO! OOOO! Newspaper, on the floor, bottom middle-ish, sort of next to the bowl of chips and pizza box with nicely visible ad header: "FINAL DAY" Oh ho ho, set design, I see what you did there! Awesome! :-D]

-"The wildebeests are on edge..." Oh wow, cannot stop laughing!

-Glass window are not good to listen at when someone is screwing with your door, especially if you're weapon/phoneless. *winces anticipatorily*

-Don't open the door, idiot! Hee!

-"The wildebeest returns warily to it's watering hole..." Bwahahahahahaah. Omg I love this so much!

-Very muddy zombie. Rising from the grave in the middle of a rainstorm is messy, although you'd think the rain might wash some off, but compacted grave muck is more tenacious than rain. Or he fell in a cow-byre before he got to this guy's place. Yep. Must have. *nods and handwaves*

-Oh. My. God. The whole opening sequence with the nature show and the guy, I don't even-! BWAH!!! I loved this pre-title sequence!!! \o/

-And he has a 'most toys' poster! Set design rockin' the situation- and character- appropriate wall art again!

-Sioux Falls, South Dakota. And Sam is just fine. Wonder how much time passed during that hiatus for Sam to dry out? Or maybe because it was a one-off dosage (albeit huge) rather than an ongoing thing it was faster and easier? Didn't have a chance to build up a baseline level in his system and generate the same level of dependency and withdrawal symptoms? Hm. Needs more brain.

-Bobby isn't answering his phone? This doesn't bode well.

-Title. "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" Hee! But Sam and Dean wear plaid all the time! Except right now when they're wearing suits and stripey ties again! Stripes going the same direction now, I think that's a good sign. *nods like she's sane*

-[Yay BC weather! Hard to tell from a still screencap, but it's snowing outside the diner window and it wasn't snowing outside the diner door, and you know what? I would not be surprised if the two shots were taken within minutes of each other.]

-"You gave yourself your own nickname? You can't do that."/"Who died and made you queen?" *snerk*

-He's been dead five years. Hunting accident. And came back from the grave to kill his killer. And this guy doesn't seem alarmed by that. I agree with Dean's face. That ain't right.

-Fargo! Hahahahahah. Awesome movie.

-Sheriff Jody Mills. Hm. That wouldn't be a shout-out to Jim Beaver's character on Harper's Island would it?

-Agents Dorfman and Niedermeyer? OMG is that a HOCKEY themed alias set??? Niedermeyer is the Captain of the Canadian Olympic hockey team! Is Dorfman the American captain??? [Nope. Niedermeyer and Dorfman are from Animal House, which suits Dean's naming themes better. Hockey team captains would have been awesome though. And there I go, perpetuating Canadian stereotypes on the internet. Sigh.]

-Written by Jeremy Carver, directed by John F. Showalter. Hm.

-Awesome phone bank of awesomeness! Damn, I forgot to put that on the wall! [Oh cool! He has the alias for each phone labelled too! *glee*]

-Uh oh. Hang on, Bobby wasn't answering his phone earlier. No he's there! Yay! Hi Bobby! Why are you not answering your normal phone? *is concerned*

-She knows Bobby??? Uh oh. Bobby's busted.

-Oh and for posterity because Bobby is so awesome we will likely never ever see it again, here is Bobby's "Aw crap, busted!" face.

-[Hey eilonwy! Spiky clock!\o/]

-And theses are Sam and Dean's "Aw crap, busted!" faces, which are not nearly as rare as the Bobby one, but still worth preserving for posterity, or something.

-Drunk and disorderlies? Bobby??? That must have been when Dean was dead. But just that and mail fraud? He's doing pretty good if that's all the local police have on him. No weapons charges, no harboring fugitives, no citations for unlawful disposal of human remains, no 'building an Apocalypse bunker without a permit'. Doing quite well, actually. Not that that's a shock. *nods*

-Wait. They're in South Dakota and the cop knows him... How close is this zombie to Bobby's?

-And now Bobby has no hat? Something's really wrong. *is disturbed*

-No hat and an empty desk? And no piles of books on every flat surface?? What the hell? O.o

-"Is that soap?" Bobby's been cleaning? Whoa. Hang on. Has Bobby been sprucing up for a girlfriend or something? [And I still didn't clue in. o.O]

-"What are you, my mother? Bite me!" \o/ (Bobby's shirt looks ironed. I'm scared.)

-So much tidy.... There's like a tablecloth on something on the right side there and no books not on shelves. It must be wrong. Spray him with holy water guys!!! He's possessed by a, a, really tidy demon! Or something. [*facepalm*]

-Ah, five miles from Bobby's house. 'No case here.' Hang on. We know it's a zombie. Which makes Bobby's not right. Or he's lying. So since Bobby is never wrong, that means he's lying. But why? *ponders* Also no hat. Bad things are happening when Bobby isn't wearing a hat. *nods*

-"February in South Dakota, in storm season." AHA! It's still February! Last episode was Valentine's day, which means Sam dried out in under two weeks. Wow. *

-Trivia: The cemetery is Saint Anthony Cemetery, St. Anthony Church, Sioux Falls, SD.

-Dean's whistling in a graveyard? Hunh. Odd. Wonder what it might imply.

-Trivia: Headstone - "Clay James Thompson, (can't make out birthdate) died October 15 2004. Father, Coach and Friend."

-Oh, Dean's good. I saw Sam carrying the shovel, but I totally missed that Dean was carrying one too. Also interesting scene transition. Like Labyrinth. [Impossible to cap. The slide from the shovels going into the dirt to the overhead shot of the grave. Trippy.]

-Shallow grave, judging from where it comes up Sam's legs. Although they are Sam's legs, so that could be over four feet deep at coffin lid level.

-Gaaaah. Clawed up empty coffin, Gahgahgah!!! No surprise, but Gaaaaaah! *shudders* Poor zombie-guy.

-*notes red light behind Sam's head* My, what a fantastically effective security system this house has.

-Okay, if this guy died five years ago, whose house is he lurking around in? Is he sneaking in on his family?

-"He killed me."/"Are you confessing?" Oh my. Massed Winchester boggle.

-"You are in fact a dead guy." Hee!

-And the spouse is cool about it too. Something really nuts is going on in this town. Everyone is way too casual about the dead rising from their graves. *eyes Bobby*

-And the dead guy is wearing a plaid jacket. One that matches Sam's shirt almost. [Except it's impossible to see because it's too damn dark.]



-"Remember the guy you said was dead and couldn't commit murder? There he is!" / "And?" o.O Or more accurately:

-"You're a zombie!" / "I'm a taxpayer!" HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!!!! Oh yes. Equal rights for the Living Impaired! \o/ It's getting a bit Discworld 'round here. XD

-Yay law! The boys are in jail! That's kind of 'on the wall' too. :-)

-Now Bobby has a hat. Ah. Phew. I was getting worried!

-Dead started rising 5 days ago. "There's zombies, and there's zombies." (ZOMBIEEEEES! Hee! Omg! \o/)

-And Bobby's taken his hat off again. We're screwed.

-Oh holy crap. Bobby's wife. WOW. [Who's up at 4 am cooking. That's not alarming at all. And I cannot believe I didn't clue in until she showed up.] Her name's Karen. Wow. (And she's totally being played by a different actress, but that's not important.) O.O So that's why he's cool about the undead. Oh this is so not going to end well. Oh Bobby.

Oh Bobby.

-During commercial: It's something to do with Death, obviously. And yet Bobby is still okay with it. Oh Bobby.

-Oh crap. She makes pie. They're all doomed.

-Dean's eating pie made by Bobby's zombie wife. Wow. I had no idea he was so diplomatic. Although it is pie.

-No scars. She was cremated??? O.o there an off-chance this could be a situation of some angel's misplaced grace landing in the cemetery?? o.O

-Nope, it's Death. "They too shall rise." *itches to look up* [Not in the online version I found, but they're playing the direct correlations pretty loosely, although the Chapter and Verse are right for the parts about the Four Horsemen rising and the wording is probably closest to the American Standard version. *random sticky note squee*]

-"Another Horseman. Must be Thursday." SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! \o/ YEAH!!!

-Also, canon note, Bobby lives within five minutes of Sioux Falls South Dakota. Darn it! I'd been setting him on the opposite side of the state, near Deadwood, because, well... y'know, Deadwood. Darn.

-Oh Bobby. Humming. Love how all through this conversation Bobby has with the boys, she's blurry in the background, like a memory, or a ghost. Not quite there but present, with the humming.... Awesome.

-Also, Jim Beaver freaking rocks, in case anyone forgot.

-"There's nothing that says it's bad. Maybe it's the one good thing that comes out of this whole bloody mess." Well, while Bobby has a rather ridiculously optimistic point, and while his pain is making me wish it could be true that there's nothing bad about the dead rising, stuff like that that never happens without some strings attached. Even Sam and Dean. Dean had to sell his soul to get Sam back, and Dean was raised on the orders of a bunch of usurping angels who want to use him as a suit of armour for their tank heavy hitter in the Apocalypse. Nothing like this is ever consequence-free. But Bobby is so happy with his wife returned and so very much wants to keep her and for everything to be fine.... ow, Bobby. *preemptively wraps him in warm blankets*

-"And what would you do if you were us?"/"I know what I'd do." Oh Bobby.

-"Please, leave her be?" Ohhhhhhh, damn. *wibbles a very great deal* Ooof. There is nothing but hurt coming Bobby's way. Ow.

-Oh look. Roy's Rushmore Diner has decent prices on food. *snuffles discretely into a tissue*

-Although judging by the angle of Dean's cup and estimating how much coffee is in it that he isn't drinking before leaving [and the glances Sam makes at Dean's cup], and the open creamer by Sam's cup when he doesn't usually take cream, just sugar (though he may have changed habits since 'Hell House"), 'Roy's Rushmore Diner's' coffee is absolute crap. Word to the wise. *taps nose*

-Different angle of Bobby's place that we usually see. And he has, or had, National Parts Location services. Cool.

-GAH! Unexpected zombie spouse! Did she poof? I think she poofed. Or Dean is way distracted, or she has awesome stealth skill. I do very much love that she's wearing the clothes she would have worn in the era she was killed. Like Bobby had a closet of her stuff he never cleaned out. Oh Bobby... [Ooo! Bobby has a porta-pottie! Blue thing in the background that isn't a Tardis. Now that's a classy scrapyard!]

-Ah. Sherrif Mills, her zombie son, and her zombie-chow whoopsie. Meant spouse. That's going to get so ugly.

-Pie. So much pie. [Darn it, the pan past Bobby's bookshelf is too blurry to make out much. Although I suspect that's deliberate since the only title I can make out is "Hammerheads" and I didn't think sharks were a big enough concern for hunting research. Although maybe it's for the calls he gets from Hawaii about the were-shark problem. Yeah. *nods and handwaves*]

-Bobby's just asleep in that armchair by the fire, right? You did check that, didn't you Dean? o.O

-Whoa. Okay, that much pie in one non-commercial place is just wrong. An arsenal of pie. It's scary. It's like it's laying in wait.... That's....eeeeeeek.

-Oh. She doesn't sleep. She just stays up all night baking pies. Never a good sign. *edges away*

-"I'm a thing. I get it." Owwwwww. Zombie, know thyself. Oh Karen.

-"He's my husband. My job is to bring him peace not pain." Peace... Um, eek? Someone please check and make sure Bobby's just sleeping?? *is paranoid*

-Ezra Jones. She doesn't look like an Ezra. Are the Zombies maybe slowly sucking the life out of their partners?

-"I'm so gonna regret this." YA THINK?? Although you know Sam, it could just be pneumonia. I sounded exactly like that a week or so ago.

-Aaaaand nope. Confirmation of evil zombies. Because nothing good can happen for Bobby since he's been adopted by the Winchesters.

-Zombie drool. Ew. Yay for traditional zombie-killing method working though! HEADSHOT! Oh awesome. No running through the fifty or whatever different zombie traditions to try and figure out what works this time. Improvised emergency field-testing FTW! \o/ *glee* *nods* One down, 14 to 19 left to go.

-Although they're non-traditional zombies in that they're going for the viscera instead of the brain, but really, the viscera are easier to get at; skulls are hard things to bust open. Ask any Gurps player. DR +2 *nods*

-"Time to go. Off my property." Oh crap! Bobby, no! At least put on a hat and think about what you're doing!

-And of course Dean won't leave Bobby alone with a zombie they know will turn bad. Again, it's all about family, dammit.

-AND. Yes, Dean is saying Sam has to save the rest of the town with only the possible assistance of a hostile Sherrif (and as many townsfolk as can be rustled up no doubt), BUT. BUT. He is trusting Sam to go out, on his own, conduct a hunt, and rally the townsfolk. Given that less than two weeks ago, Sam had a major Horseman-induced backslide on the demon-blood-drinking? This is a fantastic thing. Dean trusts Sam to get the job done, while Dean guards Bobby. I repeat. Dean trusts Sam. Considering where they started this season, epic win. \o/ *

-"I'm so hungry, mommy." Of course there's gonna be an evil zombie kid. This is Supernatural. If it's prepubescent, it's probably evil.

-Soup with two very precise crackers on the side. Seems oddly fussy. Not that the kid's going to eat it anyway when it's being delivered by grade A, one-spoken line zombie-chow.

-Aw crap. Here we go. Oh Bobby.

-Strong kid. Doesn't corner a corpse quite as well as a Rugaru, but damn good for a kid his size.

-Zombie kid! He's shambling! Traditional claw-out-of-their-graves zombies with shambling!! No brain eating but still woohoo! Show was overdue for classic zombies and here they are in spades! \o/

-Sam giving the Sheriff the 'your town is in danger, focus' pep talk for the massive, massive win. Calling her by her title, telling her the town's in danger and needs her help, awesome.

-"Just... gimme a minute." Oh Sheriff.

-Oh Bobby. Scene between Bobby and his wife, OMG. Dude. Jim Beaver, just.... DOOOD. *has no words, takes caps instead*

-'There was a man at the grave, he was so thin.' (Darn. I was hoping for a lady Death) MESSAGE FROM DEATH! Ooo.

-"Why didn't you tell me this before?"/"You've seen so much" Oh. Oh. She was protecting him. Ohhhh.

-Dean breaking into Bobby's. Like there wouldn't be traps. [Actually, there'd be traps if he was intent on keeping Dean out. There aren't any traps. Dean's his backup plan, in case he can't... Oh Bobby.]

-Oh Bobby. OMG. [This is hitting me harder in screencaps than it did in the episode. More time to process. Ooof.]

-Yay, Sam rounding up the townsfolk and preparing them to fight a zombie apocaplypse!

-I do believe now would be an appropriate time to link this classic SPN fanvid (YouTube link, vidder page here) by hay1ock ;-)

-Bobby's the town drunk? Falling off the wagon for four months while your friend's in Hell really netted him some bad press. Bad reputation man. Harder to kill than a cockroach. *shakes head*

-Ooo! A scrapyard zombie fight? *bounces* [Bobby has a hell of a lot of vehicle stock.]

-Holy crap, that shot took off half the head! Decent firepower in that shotgun. *does mental calculation of what the negatives would be for firing snap shot in the dark and making headshot kills* Whoa. Scary gun skills running around this clan.

-OMG, Bobby's in first-person shooter mode! WHEEEEEE! \o/ [Man there are some nasty graphics on those head shots. o.O]

-Hm. Except for the one that Dean went after, they all seem to be after Bobby. Which means the solo zombie on Dean was a distraction. Eeek!

-OMG the cat distracted me and Bobby got knocked over! How'd that happen? [Ah. Zombie ran up from behind and threw him out of the chair. Not screencapping well.]

-Yay! Dean to the rescue!\o/

-DEAN AND BOBBY IN A GUNFIGHT TOGETHER AGAINST ZOMBIES IN THE SCRAPYARD!!! OMG, It's the birthday present I never knew I wanted!! Thank you, Show!! \o/

[OMG HAI BOBBYMOBILE!!! Right hand side, under the zombie. Aw. Poor old girl. *pats*]

-And into the house! Where they were silly enough not to leave any ammo. *facepalm* [Where they also occasionally make silly faces while shooting zombies.]

-Bobby handing off the empty gun to Dean, OMG that was awesome! [Doesn't cap worth beans, dammit!] Gun butt to the head!

-THEY'RE HIDING TOGETHER IN THE CLOSET! THE CLOSET FROM BOBBY'S DREAMROOT DREAM OMG!!!!!! *beats on things* [Nice chair maneuver to get Bobby with his back in the corner. A tug and turn, well-executed. *nods*]

-"It's all right, they're idiots. They can't pick a lock." So of course they do. Hhahahaha! Awesome!

-Thaaat's quite a few left after the shooting gallery. Maybe there were more than 20? [11 down before the got in the closet, including Bobby's wife, the Sherrif's kid and Erza Jones. about 8 trying to get into the closet, and the gun-butted ones were getting back up, so about 20 is right]

-Now it's Sam and the Sheriff to the rescue! \o/

-Handprint void in the blood spray on the closet door! Blood spray on the camera! I LOVE YOU VISUAL EFFECTS DEPARTMENT!!!

-"You okay?" Ha! Yeah, no, I don't think so, Sam.

-Ouch, mass pyre. They think that's all of them. So maybe still a zombie or two running loose in South Dakota looking for a chance to gank Bobby. *looks at the wall* Probably not though.

-And another law enforcement officer knows about stuff. She should get together with Detective Ballard and Officer Hudak. She could use a support group. *nods*

-Oh Bobby. And he's had to kill his wife twice. Oh Bobby. *is randomly distracted by the precise firewood*

-"How many times do I gotta kill her?" Oh Bobbeeeee.

-Death came for Bobby and sent a whackload of zombie assassins instead of a heart attack or something pedestrian. I like Death's style.

-[As to why Death went the zombie-assassin route (Well, aside from the obvious answers of 'because Bobby's too awesome to die of something normal', and 'because he can!! Whee! \o/'), I think I'll post that separately. ETA: Over here]

-"Because I been helping you." Yep. Attacking Winchester assets and allies, any support systems. *nods* Tactics. If you are an ally of a hero character, prepare to get reamed.


That was SO MUCH FUN. And heartbreaking. And related to the apocalypse arc. And emotionally whumped the hell out of Bobby. Poor Bobby. *cuddles*

* - (Contains a production note I was made aware of retroactively regarding 5.14 and 5.15 which I would consider spoilery for future episodes and that I am certain will be mentioned in comments if I don't address it here.) I know "Dead Men" was intended to air before "My Bloody Valentine". However, until otherwise indicated by Show, to me events happened in the order they aired in. I will retcon and handwave as necessary. Just watch.

And I'll catch up on you all later tonight.

(PLEASE, NO SPOILERS OR REFERENCES TO SPOILERY MATERIAL IN COMMENTS! The definition of spoiler for this journal is located in left hand sidebar and includes references to promo material as spoilers. Theory and speculation based on aired episodes only.)

picspam, spec, supernatural, meta, spn: season 5

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