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Comments 25

fonulyn May 18 2012, 18:51:33 UTC
awh this was so adorable. I loved the abs-feeling. and onkey is so adorably precious ;-;♥ totally made me smile!

writer's block sucks so much though :( I hope you get through it! ♥


caffelattae May 18 2012, 19:00:33 UTC
hahaha, of course who wouldn't love abs-feeling!! esp. if it's onews, u g h. thank you!!
and i know, it makes my head hurt more than it already is :-( thank you for that, too!! ♡


emptycavern May 18 2012, 19:17:59 UTC
HAHA how is this so cute! Jinki being a not-so-shy sex god-ish soccer pro. Ooh~ I like :P
I liked the epilogue part a lot too! I like how Kibum had grown to love Jinki so much and Jinki's insecurities only show how he's afraid of losing Kibum which is so precious...

I'm a player, by the way.
Got me laughing haha. Way to go for the pun LOL.

Naww I know what you mean the comm is completely stagnant and I wna die. Haha good luck for all the rest of the fics you're writing though! :)


caffelattae May 18 2012, 19:26:47 UTC
I was about to sleep, but ooooh a comment. yeah, darn my short attention span.
ahahahaha! sex god, i love that. he should totally be one, i mean if he isn't already (which i think he is, urgh)
actually, i think i was having identity crisis here lol it's like nerd - hottie - insecured onew for me, then there's key i d e k

that was a pun i didn't mean to include, but wow. hahaha! thank you for pointing that one out! :-)
and i know right sobs i need fics right now like i crave for them :-(

thank you so much! for reading, commenting and the last part, thank you dear! ♡


joonew May 18 2012, 20:19:37 UTC
Legit screaming in my head because this was so cute! c: Jinki's confession was hilarious, you had me at the jerseys line but my favourite was probably this one:
“What cheating? Babe, it’s only cheating if it’s a test,” Jinki takes this opportunity to hold his hand, “And this can’t be a test since I’ve already aced it a long time ago.”

I can imagine him saying that and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't give me second-hand embarrassment.

Oh and by the way, I never really got a chance to say this but I really love your fics. All of them. :) I wish I could write as nicely as you do. Looking forward to read more of your stuff!


caffelattae May 19 2012, 05:19:43 UTC
hahahaha, squeals. thank you, thank you!
o m g wat second-hand embarrassment, I feel it every time I read/make a fic like this hahaha, where jinki's being a huge cheese ball and kibum's just being him hahaha.

and thank you!! but, sobs trust me. i started from crap, and after two years of lame writing - it's finally at where i'm satisfied, but there's always room for improvement, you can always write and then improve later on ^u^ haha. thank you, dear!! ♡♡

btw, your un is so quality i love it hahaha


sunday_lee May 19 2012, 03:58:46 UTC
said human being is Jinki - the one he’s been consciously hiding from but unconsciously seeking for
aww I love this line ♥

^^ your fluff OnKey is adorable as always, I must admit that pick-up lines is really really lame but cute at the same time, it's so Jinki though.
and the abs-feeling ♥ I think of Onew sangtae when Jinki said Kibum need to pay him abs feeling fee lol where can I pay the fee to feel his abs!?!?!?!

For me, it's been so long since I've commented and proper read a story ^^ I'm too busy with my internship and my supervisor has a habit of scolding me for no reasons T_T I've not read your Make Me Over and Places to Go; Places to Be yet even though I saved them to my computer like weeks ago. I'll go to read and comment if I'm not lazy
Thank you for your writing~


caffelattae May 19 2012, 05:23:06 UTC
o m g thank you for noticing that line, i've wanted someone to point out that line hahaha because i love it myself!
ahahahaha every pick-up line's so jinki because they're as embarrassing yet cute as him hahahaha, yes/yes?
i'll tell you if i ever find the abs feeling booth okay bb and i'll make sure they're jinki's abs... or jjongs, mwahaha

oh? but i think i've seen your un somewhere like, a lot of times? or that's just me. hahaha. thank you thank you!! if you ever do that i'll be forever grateful, you know ^u^ and good luck on your internship!! you can do it!! even with a grumpy supervisor at your tail, hahaha. thank you, dear!! ♡♡


sunday_lee May 19 2012, 10:42:31 UTC
OMG~ abs feeling booth, you're soooooo creative, please find that booth soon hehe

oh, you've seen me a lot of times?! I wonder it was me or not :) cause I, my friends and my sister used the same account (my account) in LJ, AFF, wordpress, etc to read fanfic. They are too lazy to make themselves an account and I'm too lazy to change my password :)


caffelattae May 19 2012, 11:05:16 UTC
Hahaha, I will bb! And if I have enough comrades, I'll kidnap SHINee myself and make doe loljk
No, commenting on my fics? Ahaha, oh well. I'm just glad you do! :-) Hahaha.


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caffelattae May 19 2012, 05:24:01 UTC
Thank you, dear!! :-)♡
I think you forgot, 'and Onkey was perfect too' loljk


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