Must Have Done (Something Right) (1/1)

May 19, 2012 02:14

                Onew/key, hinted 2min and Jongkey, fluff, ♫ ► must have done something right - relientk

The first thing Kim Kibum’s self-proclaimed number one admirer says to him is, “Do you like sports?” and he doesn’t even get the time to answer as it is quickly followed with a cheeky eye-smile and a “we should totally get jerseys, because we make such a good team”.

However, he only gives his ‘admirer’ an overall look - eyes quickly scanning over those fine shoulders, flat stomach and meaty thighs - before he runs away with fresh sweat trickling down his bare face to his neck and his rubber shoes squeaking against the rubber floor because of the friction.

He looks back just in time to see Mr. Admirer with the corner of his mouth turned upwards. Didn’t I just not-so-subtly reject him? He thinks, but that is until he hears a loud scream of victory and sees a little clumsy dance to go along with that, “He just looked at me!”.

He almost trips, “He was happy because I looked at him?” He mutters under his breath, shaking his head as he continues to finish his remaining laps, “I can already tell he’s desperate.” But there is something in his mind that clicks, waiting for the next days of what Mr. Admirer had to offer.


Lee Taemin, Kibum’s cute little dorm mate, squeals in his ear after he starts telling his early encounter with Mr. Admirer (who Taemin was more than glad to call Mr. Admirer himself).

“Taemin, he fucking confessed while I was running laps! You know how much I hate running,” Kibum rolls his eyes and exaggeratedly shivers as he recalls the scene, “God, I hate sweat, too. And you know what he said? He fucking asked me if I fucking like fucking sports, seriously? Seriously, Taemin. It was the worst confession I’ve ever heard - why couldn’t it be that hot guy from music class - Kim Jonghyun, was it? Oh, god why do I have the worst admi - “

He’s not even finished talking when Taemin rudely cuts him, “That is so cute, Kibum hyung! You finally have an admirer - “

“Didn’t you just hear what I said - he used a pick-up line on me, anyone should know that pick-up lines are lame and they don’t work!” Kibum frowns, following an annoying mosquito buzzing around in their room with his sharp eyes - he reminds himself to hunt the little mother fucker down later. “And what are you talking about, bitch, I have admirers all over this place,”

“Let me finish, hyung,” Taemin eyes bore into Kibum’s and he holds his shoulders tightly, “You finally have an admirer who actually had the balls to approach you,”

Kibum shrugs his hands off, still frowning, he glares at Taemin with an accusative tone in his voice, “What is that supposed to mean?”

“That means,” Taemin stands up, picking up his bottle of water, “you’ve always been too scary to approach but somebody - Mr. Admirer - really wanted to get to know you, well actually that or just to fuck you I don’t know, whichever, but the point is, you really shouldn’t fuck this up.” He heads for the door and Kibum hears a click before he can register what even - the fuck - just happened?

“Did you just call me a bitch,” Kibum yells out, not offended in any way but still, “And watch your language, you little snarky bitch, you!”

When Taemin comes home later after his little dance practice, Kibum takes revenge by putting the dead mosquito - killed by yours truly - on his pillow. He laughs so hard that he cries when Taemin squeals like a little girl, asking him to put the ‘hideous’ thing somewhere else, he suggests the sun so that it would burn immediately and that maybe, Kibum would burn as well.

“Hyung, I hope you rot in a penthouse of a thousand floor skyscraper,” Taemin pouts that night but Kibum feeds him his favorite steak and it’s all better again.


“Hyung, I found out his name,” Taemin is breathing hard when he reaches the table Kibum is in. It is their lunch break and fortunately - or unfortunately, for whoever - Taemin has lunch with Kibum. He doesn’t wait for his hyung’s reply as he excitedly puts his bag down, looking at nowhere else than Kibum, who is currently uninterestedly poking at a broccoli, “His name is Lee Jinki, we even share the same first name!”

“Taemin, are you stupid, there’s like, a thousand more Lees in this school alone,” Kibum finally looks at Taemin, and he has a sarcastic look in his eyes.

“Oh, shut up and just listen to me, okay,” Taemin settles with his food, leftover steak from his dinner last night. Oh, how he loved steak.

“Go on,” Kibum flicks a broccoli stem to Taemin’s lunch box, earning him a disgusted growl from the growing boy and the stem gets flicked back at him, but he dodges just in time for the stem to hit another student at the back. They both act natural as soon as the student lets out a scream.

“Anyway, his name is Lee Jinki, yeah and he’s a year older than you - two years for me - and he’s one of the whole school’s top students,” Taemin chews through his steak carefully, making sure to savor every flavor.

“Great, I have a nerd for an admirer,”

“No, not really, hyung,” Kibum raises an eyebrow at this, Taemin gulps down water before continuing, “I also heard he’s from the soccer team, and like, he has abs, you know, those little hard buns buff men have in their stomachs, yeah that kind of abs.”

Kibum is slightly interested, glancing at Taemin with an eyebrow still raised. “Abs, you say?” He then makes a funny expression, which sends Taemin to a laughing fit, bits of rice and steak sauce with his saliva coming from his mouth and -

“Oh, ew gross, Taemin, oh god stop it!” Kibum swats Taemin away and he takes his handkerchief out as a shield, Taemin happily says sorry but he continues to eat like a happy child eating sweets.

“I swear, you and your steak.”

“Thanks, hyung. My steak and I are really going steady, she’s glad that you approve of her.”

“Why do I have a weirdo as a best friend,” Kibum mutters, but he wipes sauce from the corner of Taemin’s lips with his handkerchief.


The second encounter Kibum has with Mr. Admirer (Taemin and Kibum decides to keep on calling him that until he officially introduces himself) happens when Kibum’s walking in their school’s open courtyard and Jinki’s coincidentally standing by a pillar with his back against the wall - and Taemin is right, he is hot, well not hotter than Jonghyun, maybe, but - Kibum continues to walk but his grip on his bag’s strap is evidently tighter.

“Hey, hey! Kibum,” He calls out and Kibum hears his fast footsteps just behind him and why are there no other people in this hallway anyway?

Kibum stops the same time Jinki is just a few inches away from where he is, “What?”

“Just,” He scratches the back of his neck and Kibum tries not to let his maternal side show by cooing at how adorably squish-able he just looks like, “I’m having this big game later - I’m a player, by the way - “ Jinki adds a playful eyebrow shaking here, of which Kibum pretends to ignore “I was hoping you could show up, maybe? I mean, I know you just met me and I asked you about the jersey a few days ago - of course, that offer still stands, but you should be reminded that it would look better on you because you’re totally out of my league, both ways - but, hey wait up!”

Kibum is already walking away when Jinki mentioned their first encounter.

But he shows up later with Taemin, “Because he asked nicely,” he answers when Taemin asks him, “I thought you thought he wasn’t worth it?” but his tone was playful.

“Hyung, look at him in his sweat and glory!” Taemin yells, joining the crazy crowd cheering their school’s team, “he looks so hot, I swear, hyung, I’d go for him only if he wasn’t your admirer!”

He bites back a ‘no, don’t even try, Lee Taemin’ because he realizes that this is the same boy he had been so uninterested a few days ago.

Well, feelings change, he decides, finally, when Jinki makes a winning goal. Taemin is gripping hard on his arm that it’s feeling numb and it’s as if blood circulation is cut off and he’s yelling and everyone’s yelling actually, but all he sees is Jinki’s eyes scanning the audience area and then it’s finally on him. Then he feels himself smiling back when Jinki does his well-known eye smile.


“I told you so,”

Kibum hears the dreaded words coming from the top bunk. He’s reading a comic book and it’s been a few more days - maybe a week? - after all the sports fiasco but Taemin’s still teasing him, catching his every glance with a knowing mocking look. “I told you so, hyung,”

“I told you, you would fall for him, and you did,” Taemin dangles an arm from the top and Kibum is suddenly contemplating on whether to pull him to his death or, “and he hasn’t even introduced himself properly!”

Taemin’s happy mock laugh echoes in their room, only threats including insects and steak-kidnapping shut him up.


Their third encounter happens during in between classes.

Kibum excuses himself from his boring Asian history class for a comfort room break and the teacher doesn’t even looks at him, he takes this as a yes and proceeds to exit the classroom.

He breathes in air, before he slowly trudges to the comfort room just a few doors away from his current class. He makes the trip as slow as possible and he has his head down, not knowing what’s ahead of him.

In just half a second, he collides with something hard, he feels that first, before warmth seeps into his pores.

His palm feels something very hard and slightly bumpy under it, he hears a low rumbling of chuckle before he realizes that yes, he collided with another human being and yes, said human being is Jinki - the one he’s been consciously hiding from but unconsciously seeking for.

“I didn’t take you for someone who would feel someone under such circumstances,” the nice - wait, fuck that, his voice is heavenly - voice says over his head and he scrambles clumsily, gathering his mind but all he gets to do is stutter.

“I wasn’t feeling you!” Kibum half yells, his eyes are wide and both of his hands are up - as if Jinki said freeze and he’s suddenly a criminal, “and you are such an asshole, by the way.”

Jinki only laughs, circling Kibum’s thin wrists with his fingers, gently pushing them down, “I wasn’t accusing you, and really? What did you take me for - a naïve little nerd crushing over someone as flamboyant and loud as you?”

Kibum huffs, pulling his hands away from Jinki’s fingers - but that felt so good! Kibum momentarily regrets doing so - he decides against this and remembers his excuse.

“I’m sorry, I was trying to go to the comfort room, so if you’ll excuse me,” Kibum sidesteps Jinki but the latter blocks his way. “What now?”

“After you’re done feeling my abs, you’re just leaving me like a used piece of paper?” There is a playful mock hurt in his voice, and Kibum has never felt the urge to inflict pain yet cuddle at the same time before. “You need to pay me, abs feeling fee,”

Kibum snorts rather unattractively, but there is still a grin in Jinki’s stupid shiny face. “Abs feeling fee? What are you, the god of sex or something? What is it?”

“Well, I could be - “ Jinki starts but Kibum holds out a palm in front of his face.

“No, just stop. It’ll ruin the mood,”

“What mood?” Jinki nudges his shoulder, and goddamnit he totally knows his eye-smile works perfectly on Kibum.

“That’s practically cheating!” Kibum points an accusing finger at Jinki’s face.

“What cheating? Babe, it’s only cheating if it’s a test,” Jinki takes this opportunity to hold his hand, “And this can’t be a test since I’ve already aced it a long time ago.”

“Damn it,” he whispers under his breath, but he doesn’t complain when Jinki’s wide palm envelops his own. It feels nice.

After all, third time’s the charm.


“You skipped school for him,” Taemin singsongs in his face.

“Shut up, taebitch,” Kibum pinches his arm and he yelps like a little girl.

“Hyung, that’s two abuses. Verbal and physical, ooh,” Taemin pokes back. “But seriously, hyung. What happens to that music student, Kim Jonghyun now?”

“Kim Jong - who?” Kibum stares at the piece of meat in his fork, but his mind is on Jinki.

“That’s actually funny, hyung,” Taemin laughs for a moment, “but Kim Jonghyun, music student, the one you’ve been casually crushing on since forever and yeah, wait - he’s coming over, hyung,” Taemin whispers the last bits.

“What?” That gets Kibum’s attention, but it is only a few more seconds after that said music student is already at their table.

“Hey, Kim Kibum?”

A suave voice cuts the silence and noise mixed together, Kibum forgets who he is and who what is because Kim fucking Jonghyun is sitting in front of him, sexy voiced, sexy arms and abs and sexy all Kim Jonghyun.

“Yeah?” Kibum can just hear Taemin’s mental waves, great way to sound really smart, hyung.

Shut up, can’t you see I’m trying! He sends back and he feels Taemin holding back a guffaw beside him.

“I’m Kim Jonghyun, nice to meet you,” and then there is a hand reaching out for him - is he supposed to eat it - wait, oh yeah. Shake hands, yeah. He knows that, totally.

But he frowns because when his hand reaches Jonghyun’s, there’s not even a pinch, a spark, nothing. Jonghyun gets the wrong idea and hastily keeps his hand to himself.

“Sorry, is my hand cold or hot? I don’t really know, sorry,” He mumbles apologies, and Kibum thinks he’s such an asshole all of the sudden.

“No, I’m sorry, I just remembered something,” - or someone. “Anyway,” he forces a smile on his lips, “what was it that you wanted to talk about?”

“Um, I was just wondering - “ and there’s Jinki’s face in front of Kibum, and he’s smiling in his glory and Kibum could suddenly smell his scent, not perfume because Jinki never uses any, and he’s just smiling his way into Kibum’s heart and he doesn’t hear the rest of Jonghyun’s dialogue.

“I’m sorry, I suddenly have somewhere to go, some time again, maybe?” He excuses himself but he doesn’t wait for a reply, he has Taemin for that.

“Sorry, buddy, but Kibum hyung’s currently has an agenda,” Taemin smiles under his straw as Jonghyun just dejectedly nods, standing up a few more minutes after Kibum’s left. “But you could tell me how I can totally hit it off with your best friend, Choi Minho, right?”

“Go get him, tiger,” Taemin cheers Kibum in happy smiles and whispers.


Kibum finds Jinki sitting in one of the benches outside, he settles in the center of the green grass.

“Hey,” The book in Jinki’s hand almost fell, it would’ve been painfully funny if it did as Jinki is most likely to stumble after it but Kibum is more than glad it didn’t.

“Woah, Kibum, stop popping out of nowhere,” Jinki doesn’t move from his position, only sets the book aside, not forgetting to fold the page he’s currently at.

“Pussy,” Kibum mutters, but he palms the grass and soil as he leans back. “You’ve been very bad, Mr. Admirer,”

“Mr. Admirer?” Jinki’s voice is laced with interest.

“Taemin, my best friend and dorm mate - cute kid, and I decided we should keep on calling you that until you finally introduce yourself to me, which you still haven’t,” Kibum thinks it doesn’t hurt to look at the eyes of what’s going to be his after a few more minutes.

“Well, I didn’t actually think you wouldn’t know,” Jinki’s already has a hand scratching the back of his neck, “Call me boastful or something, I actually thought you would know me, but I guess not.”

“Absolutely not,” Kibum smiles, all teeth showing. Jinki finds this the best endearing action ever.

“I’m Lee Jinki, seventeen and your senior, respect me,” He ends with a mock soldier-in-command voice. Kibum plays along and salutes rather lazily, but he keeps an eye on Jinki.

“I think Kim Jonghyun just confessed to me earlier,” He starts.

“Oh,” It is more of a question than a statement.

Then there is silence, only Kibum and Jinki both figuring out their next words, “Kim Jonghyun, music student dude?”

Kibum giggles at this. “Yeah, but you know what I said?”

“What?” Jinki is all smiles and twinkle eyes as soon as he hears ‘but’ from Kibum, that only meant one thing.

“I told him, ‘excuse me I’m really sorry but I need to beat up this little piece of shit first because I haven’t heard you since he’s been showing up in my mind recently, I’m really sorry but maybe we could hit up each other another time, yeah’” He finally looks up and he sees a serious looking Jinki, “So here I am!”

“Beat up this little shit, you say?” And all of the sudden Jinki is standing up, Kibum quickly stands up himself, ready to scream his head off.

“I just confessed to you, back, and the only thing you remember is the part where I’m supposed to beat up this little shit?” He screams, legs ready to break into a run, “But you’re not fucking Edward, nu-uh,” He runs and he hears and only hears Jinki’s equally playful scream ringing in his ears.

“I’m not Edward, I’m better because,” and he doesn’t even try that hard but he’s already has Kibum in his arms, his arms securing his waist.

“I’m yours.”

** And because I love you guys :-)
Must Have Done Something Right | epilogue | Jinki’s thoughts aka. Insecurities

So, they’re having a date in the park one Sunday afternoon. Jinki holds Kibum’s hand in one hand, and he has their picnic basket in the other. They’re having fun, comfortable in their bubble of comfortable silence and they’re just walking slowly, passing by the trees and fences and leaves.

Then there’s suddenly Jonghyun, the guy Kibum used to like before they were together, he’s with a girl and they’re holding hands as well. They’re strolling down the same direction as Jinki and Kibum, and they suddenly stop. Jonghyun leans down to kiss the girl on the lips, and Kibum watches with his lips in a straight line like he is thinking deep; Jinki isn’t sure whether to pull him away, or to feel his heart break because even after all of that - what they went through, what Jinki thought was enough - Kibum is still hurt; jealous of the girl with Jonghyun’s lips on hers but he feels a soft, careful tug on his hand, and then Kibum’s sincere smile greets his eyes. There’s a glint in his eyes that says he’s satisfied, that he already has more than what he had ever wanted.

And then Kibum kisses him - on the forehead, on his nose, cheeks and he cups his left cheek tenderly before placing a soft, quick kiss on his lips. It is an assurance, Jinki feels.

I have you, it sends through warmth, I don’t need anything or anyone else.

That is what Kibum wants to say, but he doesn’t. He drops his hand, before completely pulling a dazed Jinki away. They’re heading to Jonghyun but Kibum - they don’t stop to say hello, no. They continue, only stopping to grab their little doggy bag full of bread bits for the cute ducks swimming in the pond.

Jinki thinks that it’s okay, that he went through a lot of stalking beforehand, a lot of times being ignored and avoided and nagged because at the end of the day - at the end of today, he still has Kibum and Kibum still wants him. He’s not so sure if he liked him as much as he did, which was a lot, but when Kibum looks at him with such warm, loving eyes, he doesn’t feel the need to know.

It’s just today, tomorrow and everyday with Kibum for him and he wouldn’t want it any other way.

3423 words

A/N: Oh god, hello. It's been so long since I've last posted, I've been really busy irl (wow, that's rare! haha!) and that I've been depressed because of something I really shouldn't get depressed over, and now I have this writer's depression and writer's block but I'm trying, really :-( I have a lot of plunnies and plots left, trust me but my mind's just not cooperating. This actually had to sit for a day before I started working on it, sobs. I also have another fic sitting in word longer, oh lord help me pass this test. Anyway, none of my words aren't really beta-ed, this will be twice worse if possible, I'm really sleepy and I had to semi - force myself to write this one because nothing's really coming out :-( But on a much more positive side, my bias is showing - can you guess? Hahaha! Wait, no. They're all my biases, but hahaha. Okay, I'll stop.

The song is another very Onew (Onkey) - ish. Listen to it, guise! It really is! I love this song, b t w.

Anyway, has anyone heard of Maroon 5's Payphone? God, I love Maroon 5 and Adam Levine. It's such a good song (/band), and look, a new plunny! Le's do dees.

fanfic: 1000~words

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